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A search for 'Angels In The Outfield' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
787 matches in tracks
  1. Dog In The Outfield (01:29)
    from Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco
  2. Your Love (03:40)
    from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    The Outfield
  3. Your Love (03:42)
    from Adventureland
    The Outfield
  4. Your Love (03:40)
    from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    The Outfield
  5. One Hot Country (00:00)
    from If Looks Could Kill
    performed by: The Outfield
  6. WINNING IT ALL (The Outfield) (03:21)
    from D3: Mighty Ducks, The
    From the original "Mighty Ducks"
  7. Jack Elliot; Allyn Ferguson - Charlie's Angels (01:12)
    from TV Land Presents: Favorite TV Theme Songs
    Theme from Charlie's Angels (1976-1981) Narration by John Forsythe
  8. City Of Angels (02:27)
    from Gabriel Yared: Film Music (1983 - 2001)
    TRACKS 10-13: City Of Angels (1998)
  9. Believe in Angels (03:31)
    from Crow, The
  10. Little Angels (02:37)
    from Doctor Who
  11. Angels (01:23)
    from Little Nicky
  12. Seven Angels (05:01)
    from Summer Snow
  13. Believe In Angels (03:31)
    from Crow, The
  14. Like Angels Do (03:44)
    from Sono Pazzo Di Iris Blond
  15. Be Up to the Angels (01:28)
    from State Of Grace
  16. With All The Angels (01:35)
    from Hidden Figures
  17. Angels (00:00)
    from Last Wave, The
  18. Angels Around Us (00:37)
    from Première Étoile, La
  19. Angels / Everybody Down (00:35)
    from Zigzag
  20. Angels / Everybody Down (00:35)
    from Super Cops, The
Show all 787 matching tracks