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A search for 'Bridge To Terabithia' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. Isobel Waller-Bridge

1967 matches in tracks
  1. Seeing Terabithia (01:09)
    from Bridge To Terabithia
  2. All Of Terabithia (03:43)
    from Bridge To Terabithia
  3. Seeing Terabithia (01:07)
    from Bridge To Terabithia
    Aaron Zigman
  4. Mrs. Peacock and Plum/Death Bridge/Bridge, White & Wadsworth/Billiard Cue Grab/Go Together (01:53)
    from Clue
  5. Theme From Bridge To The Sun (00:00)
    from Bridge To The Sun
    (Auric) from "Pont Vers Le Soleil" aka BRIDGE TO THE SUN
  6. Theme From Bridge To The Sun (00:00)
    from Honeymoon Machine, The
    (Auric) from "Pont Vers Le Soleil" aka BRIDGE TO THE SUN
  7. Theme From Bridge To The Sun (00:00)
    from Ada
    (Auric) from "Pont Vers Le Soleil" aka BRIDGE TO THE SUN
  8. Fraulein Bridge/Highway/Slap Bridge (01:53)
    from Comedians, The
  9. Fraulein Bridge/Highway/Slap Bridge (01:53)
    from Hotel Paradiso
  10. Makû no Mashu (B12 Bridge #1/B12 Bridge #2/B12/B8/B8 Kouhan) (02:16)
    from Space Detective 'Gyaban'
  11. Troll Bridge Toll Bridge (00:00)
    from Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure
  12. For Those Who Came in Late/The Bridge*/Truck on Bridge* (02:32)
    from Phantom, The
  13. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Film Music Of Francis Chagrin, The
  14. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Helter Skelter
  15. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Inspector Calls, An
  16. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Colditz Story, The
  17. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story Of A Dog
  18. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Four Just Men, The
  19. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Hoffnung Symphony Orchestra, The
  20. Yugoslav Sketches from 'The Bridge': The New Bridge (02:55)
    from Intruder, The
Show all 1967 matching tracks