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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
26728 Movie Posters
60021 Cover images
42382 Track Listings
11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Django Unchained' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Django Unchained (2012)
    Ennio Morricone, Jerry Goldsmith, Luis EnrĂ­quez Bacalov, Riz Ortolani, Various

1 matches in composers
  1. Django Reinhardt

690 matches in tracks
  1. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Billboard Top Movie Hits 1955-1959
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  2. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Unchained
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  3. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  4. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Lizzie
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  5. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Picnic
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  6. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Tammy And The Bachelor
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  7. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from April Love
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  8. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Man Who Knew Too Much, The
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  9. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Under Water!
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  10. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Love In The Afternoon
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  11. Unchained Melody - Les Baxter (02:33)
    from Man With The Golden Arm, The
    From the Motion Picture Unchained (1955)
  12. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from North Of Hollywood
    from "Unchained"
  13. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from Streetcar Named Desire, A
    from "Unchained"
  14. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from Hot Spell
    from "Unchained"
  15. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from American Road, The
    from "Unchained"
  16. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from Unchained
    from "Unchained"
  17. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from Racers, The
    from "Unchained"
  18. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from Rose Tattoo, The
    from "Unchained"
  19. Unchained Jazz (03:57)
    from Member Of The Wedding, The
    from "Unchained"
  20. Django (02:53)
    from Django Unchained
    (Bacalov) Vocal: Rocky Roberts, from DJANGO (1966)
Show all 690 matching tracks