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A search for 'Eight Legged Freaks' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
61 matches in tracks
  1. The Four-Legged Zoo (03:00)
    from Schoolhouse Rock!
  2. The Four Legged Zoo (02:56)
    from Schoolhouse Rock!
  3. Three-Legged Bench (01:01)
    from Thomas Crown Affair, The
  4. Three Legged Frog (02:29)
    from Legend & Butterfly, The
  5. Alexander’s Four-Legged Robot (01:08)
    from Robot Jox
  6. Stalking the Two-Legged Beast (00:00)
    from Island Of Dr. Moreau, The
  7. Alexander's Four-Legged Robot (01:09)
    from Robot Jox
  8. March Of The Three-Legged Fascist Dogs (00:37)
    from Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge
  9. Lady's Glass-Legged Dance (01:01)
    from Saddest Music In The World, The
  10. Big legged woman (03:33)
    from Great Balls Of Fire!
    performed by Booker T.Laury
  11. Freaks (05:18)
    from Smallville
  12. Freaks (05:18)
    from Smallville
  13. The Freaks (02:54)
    from We Are The Freaks
  14. Freaks (04:05)
    from Vaya Con Dios
  15. Freaks (02:08)
    from Freaks
  16. FREAKS (00:00)
    from Hedwig And The Angry Inch
  17. Mom Freaks (03:16)
    from VR.5
  18. Kevin Freaks (03:47)
    from Speechless
  19. Bring Me Some Freaks (01:14)
    from American Dreamz
  20. Tracey Freaks / The Key (01:21)
    from Cottage, The
Show all 61 matching tracks