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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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13810 Composers
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Elf' gave the following results:

31 matches in label numbers
  1. Elf Provincien elf 6923
    5 Van De 4-daagse, De
  2. Delos DEL/F 25409
    Adventures Of Robin Hood, The
  3. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Auntie Mame
  4. Delos DEL/F 25452
  5. Max Steiner Music Society DEL/F 25410
    Bird Of Paradise
  6. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Brothers Karamazov, The
  7. Delos DEL/F 25421
    BUtterfield 8
  8. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Chocolate Soldier, The
  9. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Film Music Of Bronislau Kaper, The
  10. Delos Film Buff Series DEL/F 2542
    Film Music Of Hugo Friedhofer, The
  11. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Glass Slipper, The
  12. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Green Dolphin Street
  13. Elf Provincien 6597
    High Chaparral, The
  14. Delos DEL/F 25421
  15. Elf Provincien ELF 6975
    Keetje Tippel
  16. Max Steiner Music Society DEL/F 25410
    King Kong
  17. Delos DEL/F 25421
  18. Max Steiner Music Society DEL/F 25410
    Little Minister, The
  19. Delos DEL/F 25421
    Lord Jim
  20. Max Steiner Music Society DEL/F 25410
    Lost Patrol, The
Show all 31 matching label numbers