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A search for 'Hop' gave the following results:

6 matches in labels:
  1. Dexter's Laboratory (Rhino Records R2 78131)
    Original Release Title: Hip-Hop Experiment, The
  2. Castlevania (Konami Music Entertainment KICA 1036)
    Original Release Title: Perfect Selection Dracula
    Contains music from KONAMI's various "Castlevania" (aka "Dracula") video games, arranged in a "rap/dance/hip-hop" style.
  3. Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (Butterfly Records 824973500127)
    Original Release Title: Urban Hip Hop.
  4. Imagination Movers (Walt Disney Records D000387602)
    Original Release Title: For Those About To Hop
    Includes 5 bonus tracks. Exclusive to Target stores.
  5. Nieruchomy Poruszyciel (Rework Records no number)
    The soundtrack has been compiled by Hanna Kulenty, and reworked by Polish nu-metal/punk-rock/hip-hop band ‘milf’.
  6. Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends (Lionsgate Series: Digital 3000012406)
    Original Release Title: Hop on Board: Songs and Stories.
    Included with Hop on Board DVD.

1 matches in label numbers
  1. Walt Disney Records WLMTHOPO22 ST01
    Hocus Pocus