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A search for 'Illusions' gave the following results:

7 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Painted Veil, The (Universal Music France 4776552)
    Original Release Title: Le Voile Des Illusions

39 matches in tracks
  1. Illusions (01:02)
    from I Am Not Your Negro
  2. Illusions (01:03)
    from Jeune Karl Marx, Le
  3. Illusions (01:03)
    from I Am Not Your Negro
  4. Illusions (02:54)
    from United Passions
  5. Illusions In The Sky (00:42)
    from Ran
  6. Illusions (02:17)
    from After The World Ended
  7. Illusions ** (01:23)
    from Ulysse 31
  8. Land of Illusions (04:24)
    from Mean Guns
  9. Optical Illusions (00:58)
    from Avengers, The
  10. Labyrinthe d'illusions (01:35)
    from Saint Seiya
  11. Kate’s Illusions (02:10)
    from Leningrad
  12. Civilized Illusions (03:51)
    from Shy People
  13. Young Illusions (00:00)
    from Advise And Consent
  14. Many Broken Illusions (01:42)
    from Julemandens Datter
  15. Kolkatta Illusions (02:02)
    from Darkness Visible
  16. Illusions perdues (02:52)
    from Grandes Musiques Du Petit Écran, Les - Vol. 3
  17. Illusions perdues (02:52)
    from Cloche Tibétaine, La
  18. Illusions perdues (02:52)
    from Splendeurs Et Misères Des Courtisanes
  19. Civilized Illusions (03:51)
    from Shy People
  20. Lord Of Illusions (03:45)
    from Lord Of Illusions
Show all 39 matching tracks