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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Laws Of Attraction' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in composers
  1. Maury Laws
  2. Malcolm Laws

334 matches in tracks
  1. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Saving Private Ryan
    (Maurice Jarre)
  2. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Double Indemnity
    (Maurice Jarre)
  3. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Lost Weekend, The
    (Maurice Jarre)
  4. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Heiress, The
    (Maurice Jarre)
  5. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Sunset Blvd.
    (Maurice Jarre)
  6. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Ten Commandments, The
    (Maurice Jarre)
  7. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
    (Maurice Jarre)
  8. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Hatari!
    (Maurice Jarre)
  9. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Rosemary's Baby
    (Maurice Jarre)
  10. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Romeo And Juliet
    (Maurice Jarre)
  11. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from C'era Una Volta Il West
    (Maurice Jarre)
  12. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Love Story
    (Maurice Jarre)
  13. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Godfather, The
    (Maurice Jarre)
  14. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Chinatown
    (Maurice Jarre)
  15. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Godfather: Part II, The
    (Maurice Jarre)
  16. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Star Trek: The Motion Picture
    (Maurice Jarre)
  17. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Raiders Of The Lost Ark
    (Maurice Jarre)
  18. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Terms Of Endearment
    (Maurice Jarre)
  19. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Flashdance
    (Maurice Jarre)
  20. Fatal Attraction - Fatal Attraction (03:47)
    from Beverly Hills Cop
    (Maurice Jarre)
Show all 334 matching tracks