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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Nate And Hayes' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
16 matches in composers
  1. Nate Wonder
  2. Nate Merchant
  3. Nate Heller
  4. Nate Finan
  5. Nate Walcott
  6. Tubby Hayes
  7. Isaac Hayes
  8. Elton Hayes
  9. Jack Hayes
  10. Lance Hayes
  11. Jason Hayes
  12. Liam Hayes
  13. Francis Hayes
  14. Gemma Hayes
  15. Elfed Hayes
  16. Kevin Saunders Hayes

404 matches in tracks
  1. End Credits * ** (04:31)
    from Nate And Hayes
    * = contains Main Theme From "Nate And Hayes"** = contains Love Theme From "Nate And Hayes"
  2. Nate & Hayes Arrive In Ponape (01:01)
    from Nate And Hayes
  3. Nate & Hayes Seal Their Friendship (01:17)
    from Nate And Hayes
  4. Main Theme From "Nate And Hayes" (01:28)
    from Nate And Hayes
  5. Main Theme From Nate And Hayes (Overture) (01:28)
    from Nate And Hayes
  6. Nate Sails Off / Nate Is Shipwrecked / The Rona Turns About (Not Used In Film) (01:21)
    from Nate And Hayes
  7. Do your thing (long version, vocal by Isaac Hayes) (19:31)
    from Best Of Shaft, The
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  8. Do your thing (long version, vocal by Isaac Hayes) (19:31)
    from Shaft
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  9. Do your thing (long version, vocal by Isaac Hayes) (19:31)
    from Shaft In Africa
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  10. Soulsville (vocal by Isaac Hayes) (03:46)
    from Best Of Shaft, The
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  11. Soulsville (vocal by Isaac Hayes) (03:46)
    from Shaft
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  12. Soulsville (vocal by Isaac Hayes) (03:46)
    from Shaft In Africa
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  13. Is It Really Home? - Isaac Hayes (04:28)
    from Comme Un Aimant
    (Bruno Coulais - Akhenaton / Isaac Hayes)
  14. Is It Really Home? - Isaac Hayes (04:28)
    from Comme Un Aimant
    (Bruno Coulais - Akhenaton / Isaac Hayes)
  15. Theme from "Shaft" (vocal by Isaac Hayes) (04:36)
    from Best Of Shaft, The
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  16. Theme from "Shaft" (vocal by Isaac Hayes) (04:36)
    from Shaft
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  17. Theme from "Shaft" (vocal by Isaac Hayes) (04:36)
    from Shaft In Africa
    composed by Isaac Hayes, from "Shaft" (1971)
  18. Naté (06:09)
    from Va, Vis Et Deviens
  19. Nate Gives Himself Up (02:53)
    from Leverage
  20. Nate's Plea (02:54)
    from We Are Marshall
Show all 404 matching tracks