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A search for 'Okami' gave the following results:

8 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
12 matches in tracks
  1. The Roar Goes Across The Mountains (01:10)
    from Ôkami No Monshô
    TRACKS 1-25: Ôkami No Monshô (1973)
  2. The Roar Goes Across The Mountains (01:10)
    from Midare karakuri
    TRACKS 1-25: Ôkami No Monshô (1973)
  3. The Roar Goes Across The Mountains (01:10)
    from Yusaku Matsuda Sound Memorial Music File
    TRACKS 1-25: Ôkami No Monshô (1973)
  4. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Kozure Ôkami: Kowokashi Udekashi Tsukamatsuru
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  5. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Kozure Ôkami: Sanzu No Kawa No Ubaguruma
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  6. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Kozure Ôkami: Shinikazeni Mukau Ubaguruma
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  7. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Kozure Ôkami: Oya No Kokoro Ko No Kokoro
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  8. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Kozure Ôkami: Jigoku E Ikuzo! Daigoro
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  9. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Kozure Ôkami: Meifumando
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  10. Daigoro at a Rainy Night (01:25)
    from Best Of Lone Wolf And Cub, The
    from "Kozure Okami" composed by Tadashi Yoshida
  11. Okami No Monsho (aka. Coat Of Arms Of The Wolf) (09:48)
    from King Of Monsters: Greatest Science Fiction & Fantasy Movie Themes Of Japan
    Toho 9/1/73 - Riichiro Manabe
  12. Urufugai Moero Okami-Otoko (aka. Wolfguy: The Enraged Lycanthrope) (05:02)
    from King Of Monsters: Greatest Science Fiction & Fantasy Movie Themes Of Japan
    Toei 4/5/75 - Unknown Composer