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A search for 'Popeye' gave the following results:

5 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Popeye's Voyage: The Quest For Pappy (Apple/King Features No label number)
    1 track "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man!", available through Apple's iTunes service.

3 matches in label numbers
  1. Popeye PP96088
    Chariots Of Fire
  2. Popeye PP96040
    Movie Themes: 18 Greatest Cinema Classics
  3. Popeye PP96041

47 matches in tracks
  1. Popeye (01:28)
    from Television's Greatest Hits Vol. 1: 50's & 60's
    "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man" - Sammy Lerner
  2. Popeye (00:00)
    from Meilleurs Génériques Des Séries T.V. Américaines 60's, Les
  3. Popeye (01:39)
    from French Connection, The
  4. Popeye (01:39)
    from French Connection II
  5. Popeye (01:39)
    from Popeye Doyle
  6. Popeye (02:57)
    from B.O. Introuvables, Les (Rare Soundtracks) - Volume 6
  7. Popeye (02:57)
    from Asphalte
  8. Popeye (02:57)
    from Balles Perdues
  9. Popeye (02:57)
    from Papa Est Parti, Maman Aussi
  10. Popeye (02:57)
    from Mademoiselle Fifi Ou Histoire De Rire
  11. Popeye (02:57)
    from Fauves, Les
  12. Popeye (02:57)
    from Bleu Comme L'Enfer
  13. Popeye’s Montage (02:04)
    from French Connection, The
  14. Popeye’s Montage (02:04)
    from French Connection II
  15. Popeye’s Montage (02:04)
    from Popeye Doyle
  16. C'est moi, Popeye, le marin (01:43)
    from Popeye
  17. Weasel to Popeye’s (02:39)
    from French Connection, The
  18. Weasel to Popeye’s (02:39)
    from French Connection II
  19. Weasel to Popeye’s (02:39)
    from Popeye Doyle
  20. I'm Popeye the Sailor Man (01:18)
    from Popeye
Show all 47 matching tracks