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A search for 'Riddle' gave the following results:

6 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in labels:
  1. Producers' Showcase (Capitol EAP-1025)
    Orchestra conducted by Nelson Riddle.
  2. Can-Can (Capitol Records ST-1365)
    Played Nelson Riddle and his orchestra in full dimensional stereo.
  3. More Hit TV Themes (Capitol Records T 1869)
    Played by Nelson Riddle and his orchestra.

2 matches in composers
  1. Segall B./Riddle N.
  2. Nelson Riddle

1648 matches in tracks
  1. Suicide*/First Riddle*/Second Riddle Delivered* (04:14)
    from Batman Forever
  2. batman riddles the riddler! - or - (hi diddle riddle) (00:00)
    from Batman
    voices: adam west, burt ward and frank gorshin / from the episode: Hi diddle riddle... smack in the middle
  3. Batman Riddles The Riddler! - Or - (Hi Diddle Riddle) (01:38)
    from Batman
    Voices: Adam West (Batman), Burt Ward (Robin) and Frank Gorshin (The Riddler) - From the episode "Hi Diddle Riddle... Smack in the Middle"
  4. Route 66 (00:00)
    from Department S
    (Nelson Riddle) / Nelson Riddle
  5. Route 66 (00:00)
    from Original TV Hits Of The Sixties
    (Nelson Riddle) / Nelson Riddle
  6. The Riddle of the Sands (Tracks 20 - 33) - The Riddle of the Sands (04:29)
    from Duellists, The
  7. The Riddle of the Sands (Tracks 20 - 33) - The Riddle of the Sands (04:29)
    from Riddle Of The Sands, The
  8. The Riddle (03:42)
    from Legend
  9. Riddle Me This (01:50)
    from Harley Quinn
  10. The Riddle (03:40)
    from Legend
  11. Riddle Me This (00:00)
    from Lilith
  12. The Riddle (01:21)
    from Yoshi No Monogatari
  13. The Riddle (03:40)
    from Legend
  14. The Riddle (03:40)
    from Legend
  15. The Riddle (Alternate) (03:43)
    from Legend
  16. Riddle of History (00:00)
    from Shiko No Violin Stradivarius No Nazo
  17. We've Met Before. (Berlin-Riddle). (02:38)
    from Great Gatsby, The
  18. The Bear Riddle (00:46)
    from Young Sherlock Holmes
  19. The Faeries - The Riddle (04:56)
    from Legend
  20. The Riddle Posed (00:00)
    from Young Sherlock Holmes
Show all 1648 matching tracks