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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
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A search for 'Rudy' gave the following results:

4 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in composers
  1. Rudy Schrager
  2. Rudy Amando Pérez

318 matches in tracks
  1. Rudy is Taken (02:00)
    from Book Thief, The
  2. Rudy's (01:21)
    from Advocates, The
  3. Rudy (01:34)
    from Rich Man, Poor Man
  4. Rudy And Tom (02:40)
    from Rich Man, Poor Man
  5. Rudy And Tom (02:40)
    from Rich Man, Poor Man
  6. Rudy (01:34)
    from Rich Man, Poor Man
  7. Rudy Is Taken (02:00)
    from Book Thief, The
  8. Rudy Comes Through* (01:38)
    from SpaceCamp
  9. Rudy Fight (02:12)
    from Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
  10. Tango For Rudy (01:27)
    from Bolero
  11. Rudy Fight (02:12)
    from Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
  12. Julie And Rudy (03:16)
    from Rich Man, Poor Man
  13. Rudy in L.G.'s Room (01:51)
    from Hunters Are For Killing
  14. Rudy Gets Hung Up* (01:21)
    from Halloween: Resurrection
  15. Rudy Gets Hung Up (01:19)
    from Halloween: Resurrection
  16. A Song For Rudy (04:14)
    from Mike Post - Inventions From The Blue Line
  17. A Song For Rudy (04:14)
    from NYPD Blue
  18. A Song For Rudy (04:14)
    from Renegade
  19. Rudy Fight (02:12)
    from Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
  20. RUDY CAPTURED (02:58)
    from Flame And The Arrow, The
Show all 318 matching tracks