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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
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42382 Track Listings
11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Shakespeare At The Movies' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Shakespeare At The Movies (2001)
    Miklós Rózsa, Shaun Davey, Craig Armstrong, Stephen Warbeck, Michael J. Lewis, Patrick Doyle, Dmitri Shostakovich, Nino Rota, Pietro Mascagni, John Scott, Sir William Walton

1 matches in composers
  1. John Shakespeare

453 matches in tracks
  1. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Brian De Palma: Music By Pino Donaggio
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  2. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Carrie
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  3. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Home Movies
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  4. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Dressed To Kill
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  5. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Blow Out
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  6. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Body Double
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  7. Main Title Theme (Home Movies) (02:30)
    from Raising Cain
    from "Home Movies" (1980)
  8. Shakespeare (01:33)
    from Concussion
  9. Cap'n Shakespeare (01:27)
    from Stardust
  10. Shakespeare (01:35)
    from Unknown Known, The
  11. Cap'n' Shakespeare (01:27)
    from Stardust
  12. Brush Up Your Shakespeare (00:00)
    from Kiss Me Kate
  13. William Shakespeare (00:58)
    from Bill
  14. Rye and William Shakespeare (01:25)
    from Lost Weekend, The
  15. Bill Shakespeare And His Family (01:37)
    from Bill
  16. "To be or not to be" (03:08)
    from Walton Filmmusic, Vol. 1
    Hamlet: A Shakespeare Scenario
  17. "To be or not to be" (03:08)
    from Hamlet
    Hamlet: A Shakespeare Scenario
  18. Shakespeare Loves Rembrandt (01:35)
    from Vic Mizzy: Suites And Themes
  19. Shakespeare Loves Rembrandt (01:35)
    from Ghost And Mr. Chicken, The
  20. Shakespeare Loves Rembrandt (01:35)
    from Perils Of Pauline, The
Show all 453 matching tracks