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A search for 'Shinobi' gave the following results:

6 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Revenge Of Shinobi, The (Alfa Records/G.M.O. Records 25A2-53)
    Original Release Title: The Super Shinobi & Works
    Contains music from the Sega Genesis video game "The Revenge of Shinobi," also known in the USA as "Super Shinobi."

14 matches in tracks
  1. Shinobi (01:43)
    from Shinobi
  2. Shinobi Reverse (01:58)
    from Streets Of Rage 3
  3. Shinobi Boss (04:22)
    from Shinobi
  4. Descendant of Shinobi (03:20)
    from Final Fantasy VII
  5. Shinobi Ashi (03:25)
    from Rupan Sansei: Kariosutoro No Shiro
  6. Descendant Of Shinobi (02:46)
    from Final Fantasy VII
  7. Descendant of Shinobi (02:45)
    from Final Fantasy VII
  8. Descendant Of Shinobi (00:00)
    from Final Fantasy VII
  9. Descendant Of Shinobi (02:45)
    from Final Fantasy VII
  10. Shinobi Yoru Invader (04:41)
    from Captain Future
  11. Shinobi Yoru Jikan (00:59)
    from Rinne
  12. Shinobi ~Ephemeral Tale~ (03:52)
    from Shinobi
  13. SHINOBI : Koin (Concert Version) (05:35)
    from Tact Taro Best Works 2000 - 2005
  14. Adolescent Genetically Altered Shinobi Terrapins (04:31)
    from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles