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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Stuart Little 2' gave the following results:

6 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
16 matches in composers
  1. Marty Stuart
  2. Stuart Roslyn
  3. Stuart Bramwell
  4. Stuart Earl
  5. Stuart Hancock
  6. Stuart Kollmorgen
  7. Stuart Chatwood
  8. Stuart Hart
  9. Stuart Staples
  10. Stuart Balcomb
  11. Stuart Hill
  12. Stuart Matthewman
  13. John Stuart
  14. Stuart Jenkins
  15. Stuart Michael Thomas
  16. Craig Stuart Garfinkle

315 matches in tracks
  1. marty stuart - far away (03:59)
    from All The Pretty Horses
    Marty Stuart - vocal, guitars ; Larry Paxton - bass ; Mike Baird - drums ; Mike Lang - B-3 organ ; John Goux - guitar
  2. Stuart (02:26)
    from Hostel: Part II
  3. I'm Stuart Little (02:48)
    from Stuart Little
  4. Stuart (02:26)
    from Hostel: Part II
  5. Stuart Uses The ā€œVā€ Word (00:00)
    from Stuart Saves His Family
  6. Colonel Stuart (01:28)
    from Die Hard 2
  7. Colonel Stuart (01:29)
    from Die Hard 2
  8. Colonel Stuart (01:28)
    from Die Hard 2
  9. Colonel Stuart (03:05)
    from Die Hard 2
  10. Stuart's New Home (01:53)
    from Stuart Little
  11. Meet Stuart (01:36)
    from Stuart Little
  12. Colonel Stuart (01:29)
    from Die Hard 2
  13. Stuartā€™s Dream (00:00)
    from Stuart Saves His Family
  14. Colonel Stuart's Speech (01:14)
    from Die Hard 2
  15. Breaker Morant (03:07)
    from Music From Great Australian Films
  16. Breaker Morant (03:07)
    from Newsfront
  17. Breaker Morant (03:07)
    from Gallipoli
  18. Breaker Morant (03:07)
    from My Brilliant Career
  19. Breaker Morant (03:07)
    from Tall Timbers
  20. Breaker Morant (03:07)
    from Cathy's Child
Show all 315 matching tracks