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A search for 'Swallows And Amazons' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
40 matches in tracks
  1. The Amazons (02:55)
    from Völker II, Die
  2. The Amazons (01:47)
    from Meraviglie Di Aladino, Le
  3. Amazons (01:10)
    from Of Orcs And Men
  4. Attack of The Amazons (03:19)
    from Blood Machines
  5. Amazons Of Themyscira (06:47)
    from Wonder Woman
  6. Amazons Of Themyscira (06:47)
    from Wonder Woman
  7. Chased by Amazons (02:17)
    from Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
  8. Jack Swallows The Ring (01:26)
    from Lost And Found
  9. Gravity Swallows Light (03:30)
    from Oppenheimer
  10. Bailey Swallows Coin (02:21)
    from Dog's Purpose, A
  11. Gravity Swallows Light (03:30)
    from Oppenheimer
  12. “The Swallows Arrives” - Händel Aria (01:09)
    from Manderlay
  13. “The Swallows Arrives” - Händel Aria (01:09)
    from Dogville
  14. BORN ON THE WIND (00:00)
    from Wind
    performed by Amazons
  15. Banning Swallows Queen (00:49)
    from Tuxedo, The
    John Debney
  16. Banning Swallows Queen (00:49)
    from Tuxedo, The
    John Debney
  17. When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano (00:00)
    from April Love
    (René) Pat Boone
  18. Himitsu Kessa ~Annex~ feat. AMAZONS (04:45)
    from Desu Nôto
  19. The Swallows Arrives (01:09)
    from Manderlay
    Händel Aria. Arr.: Joachim Holbek
  20. The Swallows Arrives (01:09)
    from Dogville
    Händel Aria. Arr.: Joachim Holbek
Show all 40 matching tracks