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Search Results
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A search for 'The Firm' gave the following results:

5 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
61 matches in tracks
  1. How Firm a Foundation (00:00)
    from Emma.
  2. Use a Firm Hand (03:39)
    from Peter Bernstein Collection, The - Vol.1
  3. Use a Firm Hand (03:39)
    from Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
  4. Use a Firm Hand (03:39)
    from Island City
  5. Firm and Formal (02:56)
    from Autism In Love
  6. Firm Resolution (01:48)
    from Futari Daka - Music Selection.2
  7. The Firm – Main Title (03:47)
    from Firm, The
  8. The Firm – Main Title (03:49)
    from Firm, The
  9. The Firm - Main Title (03:47)
    from Firm, The
  10. Star Trekkin' - The Firm (03:36)
    from Der Fuehrer's Face
  11. Star Trekkin' - The Firm (03:36)
    from Dr. Demento: 20th Anniversary Collection
  12. The Strikes Stand Firm (02:42)
    from Some Mother's Son
  13. Shake The Firm (03:28)
    from Out For Justice
    Performed by Cool J.T.
  14. Shake The Firm (03:28)
    from Out For Justice
    Performed by Cool J.T.
  15. Shake The Firm (03:28)
    from Out For Justice
    Performed by Cool J.T.
  16. The Firm - Main Title (03:48)
    from Firm, The
    Dave Grusin
  17. The Firm - How Could You Lose Me ? / End Title (03:39)
    from Saving Private Ryan
    (Dave Grusin)
  18. The Firm - How Could You Lose Me ? / End Title (03:39)
    from Double Indemnity
    (Dave Grusin)
  19. The Firm - How Could You Lose Me ? / End Title (03:39)
    from Lost Weekend, The
    (Dave Grusin)
  20. The Firm - How Could You Lose Me ? / End Title (03:39)
    from Heiress, The
    (Dave Grusin)
Show all 61 matching tracks