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A search for 'The Pacific' gave the following results:

36 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 36 matching titles
4 matches in labels:
  1. Stage Heroes: Colm Wilkinson (RCA Victor 74321-25856-2)
    Musical Highlights from:"Man Of La Mancha","Chess","West Side Story","Phantom Of The Opera","Les Misérables","South Pacific","Camelot","Porgy & Bess".
  2. Film Music By Toru Takemitsu 8 - Films By Kon Ichikawa, Noboru Nakamura (Victor KVX-1069)
    contains; Kyo, Alone in the Pacific, Twin Sisters of Kyoto, Our Happiness Alone, The Kii River
  3. Airwolf (Rainbow Communications BOW 551)
    Original Release Title: Airwolf - Duel Over The Pacific
  4. Battlefield V (EA Music )
    Original Release Title: War In The Pacific
    Available as download.

278 matches in tracks
  1. The Pacific Boils Over (05:39)
    from Victory At Sea
    Side 1 The Pacific VCS-7064-1 (XRRS-6114)
  2. TO THE PACIFIC (02:12)
    from Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West
  3. The Pacific Hub (03:07)
    from Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
  4. Pacific Rim (04:55)
    from Pacific Rim
  5. Alone on the Pacific (03:20)
    from Tribute To Toru Takemitsu
  6. Pacific War (M4) (01:49)
    from Nihon No Ichiban Nagai Hi
  7. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Waldemar Kazanecki: Film Music
  8. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Noce I Dnie
  9. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Dom
  10. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Wielka Podróz
  11. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Prom Do Szwecji
  12. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Milosc Ci Wszystko Wybaczy
  13. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Szalenstwa Panny Ewy
  14. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Brunet Wieczorowa Pora
  15. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Cyganska Jesien
  16. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Trzy Porty
  17. Pacific 68 (02:35)
    from Pacific 68
  18. Pacific Rim (04:55)
    from Pacific Rim
  19. Pacific Playland, Pt. 1 (02:52)
    from Zombieland
  20. Pacific Rim Uprising (04:47)
    from Pacific Rim: Uprising
Show all 278 matching tracks