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Search Results
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A search for 'The Shining' gave the following results:

14 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
481 matches in tracks
  1. The Shining Title Music (03:54)
    from TRON
    From "The Shining"
  2. The Shining Title Music (03:54)
    from Shining, The
    From "The Shining"
  3. The Shining Title Music (03:54)
    from Split Second
    From "The Shining"
  4. The Shining Title Music (03:54)
    from Woundings
    From "The Shining"
  5. The Shining Title Music (03:54)
    from Carlos: Rediscovering Lost Scores Vol. 2
    From "The Shining"
  6. The Shining sea (00:00)
    from Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, The
  7. Shining Axe (01:59)
    from Hack!
  8. A Sun Is Shining (01:10)
    from Shadow, The
  9. Shining Day (03:39)
    from Nati Con La Camicia
  10. Shining Day (03:39)
    from Nati Con La Camicia
  11. Shining Day (03:39)
    from Nati Con La Camicia
  12. The Shining (05:58)
    from Doctor Sleep
  13. The Shining Sea (03:14)
    from Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, The
  14. Shining (01:53)
    from Takkyû Onsen
  15. The Shining Sea (00:00)
    from Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, The
  16. shining symbol (03:49)
    from Coffy
  17. The Overlook (03:57)
    from TRON
    From "The Shining"
  18. The Overlook (03:57)
    from Shining, The
    From "The Shining"
  19. The Overlook (03:57)
    from Split Second
    From "The Shining"
  20. The Overlook (03:57)
    from Woundings
    From "The Shining"
Show all 481 matching tracks