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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in composers
  1. Cristina Abaroa
  2. Cristina Valenzuela

251 matches in tracks
  1. Boulevards Of Barcelona (01:30)
    from Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The
    Frm The Episode "Barcelona 1917", Music Composed and Produced By "Laurence Rosenthal"
  2. Boulevards Of Barcelona (01:30)
    from Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The
    Frm The Episode "Barcelona 1917", Music Composed and Produced By "Laurence Rosenthal"
  3. Romanza a Cristina (02:55)
    from Anticristo, L'
  4. Romanza a Cristina (02:55)
    from Sepolta Viva
  5. La Melodia di Cristina (01:18)
    from Sole Anche Di Notte, Il
  6. Cristina e Giovanni (01:50)
    from In Nome Del Popolo Sovrano
  7. Romanza a Cristina (02:58)
    from Anticristo, L'
  8. Romanza a Cristina (02:58)
    from Sepolta Viva
  9. Morte di Cristina (03:45)
    from Lives Of The Saints
  10. Romanza a Cristina (02:58)
    from Sepolta Viva
  11. Romanza a Cristina (02:52)
    from Sepolta Viva
  12. Me Llamo Cristina (01:52)
    from Héroes
  13. Romanza a Cristina (02:57)
    from Sepolta Viva
  14. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Film Works 1990-2000
  15. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Todo Sobre Mi Madre
  16. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Amantes Del Círculo Polar, Los
  17. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Femme De Chambre Du Titanic, La
  18. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Carne Tremula
  19. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Tierra
  20. Cristina, el bosque y el jabali (03:02)
    from Pasajes
Show all 251 matching tracks