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A search for 'Willow' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Willow (Buena Vista CD 008)
    Original Release Title: Willow, The Story Of
    Includes dialogue.

230 matches in tracks
  1. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Mark Of Zorro, The
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  2. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Mark Of Zorro: Swordsmen Of The Silver Screen
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  3. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Private Lives Of Elizabeth And Essex, The
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  4. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Willow
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  5. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Duellists, The
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  6. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Congiura Dei Dieci, La
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  7. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Robin Hood
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  8. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  9. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Robin And Marian
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  10. Willow's Theme (03:57)
    from Adventures Of Robin Hood, The
    James Horner - WILLOW (1988)
  11. Willow (03:55)
    from Ron Howard - Passions & Achievements
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  12. Willow (03:55)
    from Grand Theft Auto
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  13. Willow (03:55)
    from Night Shift
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  14. Willow (03:55)
    from Splash
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  15. Willow (03:55)
    from Cocoon
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  16. Willow (03:55)
    from Gung Ho
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  17. Willow (03:55)
    from Willow
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  18. Willow (03:55)
    from Parenthood
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  19. Willow (03:55)
    from Backdraft
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
  20. Willow (03:55)
    from Far And Away
    Willow's Theme (James Horner)
Show all 230 matching tracks