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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
26728 Movie Posters
60021 Cover images
42382 Track Listings
11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Eric Idle' gave the following results:

57 matches in composers
  1. Eric Idle
  2. Eric Kaz
  3. Eric W. Brown
  4. Eric Babak
  5. Eric Woolfson
  6. Eric Spitzer
  7. Eric Atlan
  8. Eric Lemoyne
  9. Hans Eric
  10. Eric Spear
  11. Eric M. Hanson
  12. Eric Voegby
  13. Eric Daubresse
  14. Eric D. Johnson
  15. Eric Goldman
  16. Eric Mercury
  17. Eric Rosse
  18. Eric Ansell
  19. Eric Gorfain
  20. Eric Hein
  21. Eric Feremans
  22. Eric V. Hachikian
  23. Eric Slabiak
  24. Eric Foinquinos
  25. Eric Elbogen
  26. Eric Allen
  27. Eric Judy
  28. Eric Charden
  29. Eric Guthrie
  30. Eric Duchamp
  31. Eric Andersen
  32. Eric Stewart
  33. Eric Allaman
  34. Eric Colvin
  35. Eric Rogers
  36. Eric N. Robertson
  37. Eric Jupp
  38. Eric Demarsan
  39. Eric Levi
  40. Eric Clapton
  41. Eric Weissberg
  42. Eric van Tijn
  43. Eric Hester
  44. Eric Wurst
  45. Eric Mouquet
  46. Eric Sampieri
  47. Eric Fenby
  48. Eric Coates
  49. J. Eric Schmidt
  50. Eric Zeisl
  51. Eric Speier
  52. Eric Bouad
  53. Lars Eric
  54. Éric Neveux
  55. Eric Serra
  56. Eric Bobo Correa
  57. Eric Guerrino Nardin