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FSM Superman box set (limited edition?)


Why did they release a 2nd edition? I hope some of you did'nt buy yours on ebay for much higher price. I hate it when labels release Limited edition cds and you hurry to buy it so you don't miss out and then they turn around and release another 3000 copies or what ever as soon as they sell out. Your thoughts on this matter?

Best Regards,
David Phoenix, AZ.

deg63iami, March 30, 2008; 9:38 PM


You might find the answer in one of the five Superman threads that are already on the board.

kriegerg69, March 31, 2008; 1:21 AM

Everything is marketed as "limited edition" these days. I've seen potato chips at the grocery store sold as limited edition.

victoravalentine, March 31, 2008; 1:43 AM

It was stated by Lukas long ago that there would probably be a 2nd edition if the 1st edition sold out. If it makes you feel any better, there will be a notation inside the book that it is a 2nd pressing. It won't be available till May however. Read the numerous threads about the "blue box" on the FSM board. I think he said something similar about "Heavy Metal" too.

piano632, March 31, 2008; 1:59 AM

Heavy Metal is not limited.

soundtrack, March 31, 2008; 5:18 AM

I think this confusion largely stems from the fact that there were so many Blue Box threads on the FSM board that no one was probably able anymore to follow the relevant information spread all over these. As far as I recall it, Lukas Kendall never said that the box would be a limited release (and I am really glad it wasn't, as this will probably help a lot to sustain FSM).

I for my part would welcome it if there were no "limited edition" tags on CDs at all. The "limited edition" phenomenom only creates CD purchases for limitation's sake.

Anyway, enjoy the MUSIC :-)


handstand, March 31, 2008; 7:29 AM

Something as famous as Superman should ALWAYS be in print in my opinion. And indeed Mr. Kendall has stated since the very beginning that the first 3000 boxes are just a first batch and that more will follow in case of success (which was, luckily, predictable).

42zaphod, March 31, 2008; 8:37 AM

However, and here's the thing - it took a month for the first 3000 to sell out and that was with all the hype, all the anticipation and with probably most of the FSM/Serious soundtrack collectors buying it - can they really sell another 3000 copies at $120 a pop - i hope they do as they must be investing a lot to get this made - i only hope they are not left with 2500 Superman boxes for the next year or so becuase the demand has waned -Superman is Superman for sure but $120 is also a lot of money to prise out of another 3000 people - there are loads of ltd editions out there that are still not sold out years after they came out.


mt.butcher, March 31, 2008; 10:10 AM

I agree with the logic, but I also think that FSM does not need to sell out the 2nd edition immediately. As you know, FSM only seldom gives discounts and when they do, these discounts are quite modest (compared to e.g. La-La Land CDs). This applies to the titles which have sold out only after years, too. So the total revenue by the time a title has sold out should not vary much between "fast sellers" and "slow sellers".

And as far as I know, the majority of FSM titles are still available and have been so for some years. If FSM needed to sell out their titles all within two or three years each, they would have stopped their business a while ago.

So, I think it should not be a big problem for FSM if the 2nd edition stays on the market for quite a while. Unless they cut the price to say 80$ or less at one point, they won't cash in less. And last but not least, the Superman Box probably appeals to many fans outside our tiny film music fan community, so I would not rule out that in a few years, FSM can start a third edition of it. The Superman Box has the potential to become to FSM what songtracks are to the major labels - the cashcows that fund the more obscure titles. :-)


handstand, March 31, 2008; 11:37 AM

...As you know, FSM only seldom gives discounts and when they do, these discounts are quite modest (compared to e.g. La-La Land CDs).

Just for the record... before FSM gave into Screen Archives (why did they do that?), FSM titles were once available brand new/sealed at almost half price at a few unusual websites throughout cyberspace besides the familiar ones we know of. I don't know why that was and why it is not anymore. These days are most likely and unfortunately yester.

serifiot, March 31, 2008; 12:10 PM

Personally it doesn't appeal to me. "Star Wars", "Indiana Jones" and "Superman" were never on my list of favorite John Williams scores. I've always prefered the scores he composed before he became a household name. "Cinderella Liberty" and "The Rievers" are the ones I go for.

I would have much prefered to see a box set of his disaster film scores released. "Earthquake", "Towering Inferno", "Poseidon Adventure" all wrapped up into one earth shattering experience.

victoravalentine, March 31, 2008; 12:19 PM

I'm pretty sure these three will be rereleased some time in the future by some record label(s) but I'll agree that Williams certainly has more to his name than these blockbuster film scores mentioned which strangely enough I am appreciating more so now than ever. I was never a Star Wars fan as a kid. Encounters more so. Jaws I remember. Indiana, over my head.

The one I really like and suggest if you guys have not acquired is ''Images''. It is a matter of taste of course but it is sounds so differentl... NOT your typical? (of course Williams is not typical) Williams score. It's so avant garde and experimental in nature (to my ears) that I would have guessed if I did not know John Williams had composed it, that it might have been something by Small (Klute), even Goldsmith on LSD.

serifiot, March 31, 2008; 1:58 PM

I was never big on the "Star Wars" films myself. I was 16 years old at the time and everybody was screaming about "Star Wars". Everywhere, nothing but "Star Wars"! My favorite film at that time was "Rolling Thunder" starring William Devane.

I've heard of "Images". Placed an ebay bid on the vinyl pressing a few weeks ago and was out bid. "Cinderella Liberty" with Toots Thielsmans is tops.

Speaking of Goldsmith... For years I was hoping for an "Illustrated Man" release. That's great! I have fond memories of watching that film at the drive in at the age of eight. Rod Steiger hauling his dog around in a canvas bag warped my mind for good.

victoravalentine, March 31, 2008; 2:24 PM

Superman box was marketed as a limited edition and now we see that it is not true. And by the way it is still available from several internet shops in Europe.

But the box itself is gorgeous, the best box I have ever seen!

m.jalava, March 31, 2008; 3:15 PM

The best box I've ever seen is on Ann Margaret.

victoravalentine, March 31, 2008; 3:49 PM

I think it was marketted as a Limited Edition, but as an observer above said, it is available worldwide and I too will be surprised if it sold another 3000, but you never know.

Knives, if what you say about Ann Margaret's box is what I think you mean, there's quite a few 'boxes' I wouldn't mind seeing myself, sigh!

TheSaint.786, March 31, 2008; 5:07 PM

Ann Margaret and Raquel Welch. Now there's a box set to die for!

victoravalentine, March 31, 2008; 7:09 PM

By the way Guys, did you pay 35 bucks for the shipping? On the air mail label just 16 dollars was written. Strange isn't it?

turin, italy

tpl70, April 1, 2008; 10:06 AM

I bought my box from Chris Soundtrackcorner in Germany. The shipping was only 15 euros but the box itself was more expensive than at SAE.
But I avoided the possible local taxes and custom fees. I live in Finland.

m.jalava, April 1, 2008; 11:51 AM

As already mentioned there was never a limited edition tag on the boxset, Lukas at FSM mentioned that the boxset would continue to be produced as long as there was a demand for it, the inital run would be 3000 copies and then they would go from for shipping I ordered mine from SAE (i'm in the UK) and the value/postage was marked up considerably lower as to prevent customs charges abroad...

neilandrewdalby, April 2, 2008; 6:05 AM

I knew a thread like this would exist as soon as they pressed anotyher 3,000 copies. I personally do not have $120 to blow on this box set right now, but in a few months I will do, so natrurally I was delighted with this news and will definitley be getting hold of a copy. There will be no worries selling every one of these and I'm sure there will be anmother 3,000 when they do finally set out later on this year. A limited edition run of Superman music is ridiculous anyway. It's way too popular for these silly tags.

killers, April 7, 2008; 1:20 AM

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