Forum - Looking for a soundtrack |
The Punisher / Guyver : Dark Hero
Isn´t there someone who is interested in more
spezialized scores like Dennis Dreith´ marvelous
work to this Dolph Lundgren vehicle ??
Or Les Claypool´s amazing electronic action
score to GUYVER ??
And what about MANIAC COP 1 - 3 ??
Please help,
goldsmithsonian, October 20, 2001; 5:02 PM
I am definitely interested in those scores, among others. The problem is locating them! Was a soundtrack ever released for those?
Sean Robert Abbey
sabbey123, July 24, 2003; 9:42 PM

do you have The Punisher soundtrack?
dolph.ultimate, July 24, 2003; 9:42 PM

Les Claypool (not of Primus) here. First of all......thanks!
We never did release a soundtrack to Dark Hero. However, if enough people were interested ,
we might consider a limited release for the fans.
Take care!
magnitude8, July 24, 2003; 9:42 PM

Dear Mr. Claypool,
thank you very much for your answer.
It´s quite a rare event that a composer pays attention to the fans !!!
A limited edition of the score would be terrific. Please do it. I am sure that there is a demand for it, but 99 % of the fans are surely not able to reach you. You see, I thought that you are the one of Primus and now I understand why I never got a reply from them.
A good distributer would be buysoundtrax.com . Please take a look at their webpage.
However, it would be great if get in touch with me directly via email : KleinLudwig@aol.com
Thanx and best wishes,
goldsmithsonian, July 24, 2003; 9:42 PM

Dear Mr. Claypool.
I am a Die-Hard Guyver fan. On a once and a while occasion I get a email from Steve Wang, which is cool because just to talk to someone who worked on a Guyver movie(s) is just what the fans need.
I got into the Guyver because of my father, in late 1995 early 1996, and eversince then I've been a fan. I even write fan fiction and draw fan-art most of the time. Whenever I write or draw I put in Guyver Dark Hero and my other Guyver DVDs because I live in the North Country of New York, 30 miles from the montreal-canadian border, anyway enough with my story, but when I pop the movies or the anime, especially G:DH in my DVD player I can't help but zone everything out except the original scored music you composed.
I am sure Guyver fans all around would agree, its the music that grabs the emotion of a scene, and you capture every emotion in G:DH. So as a fan could you please put out a soundtrack to Guyver : Dark Hero. I'm sure all us Guyver fans who love the movies, would appreciate it.
Well I thank you for your time from your busy schedule and I hope you can find the time from your busy schedule to respond back. If you wish you may even email me at Godz274000@aol.com
, November 16, 2004; 4:25 AM

I am a diehard Guyver fan and I would be ecstatic if I could buy a Guyver: Dark Hero sound track. ^____^
, November 16, 2004; 7:42 AM

I am very interested in everything Guyver and would love the chance to add the Guyver: Dark Hero soundtrack to my movie and cd collection.
Please do release this soundtrack! I, as well as any other Guyver fan would kill to get our hands on this.
, November 20, 2004; 10:52 AM

Greetings! Les Claypool here. Thanks for the compliments on the Guyver:Dark
Hero score. I never checked back for responses until today. Sorry. Busy studio
owner and all. Will start looking into the legal hurdles that need to be
addresed in order for a soundtrack to happen. Don't want to just burn some
half-assed looking things, would like to do a nice version for the fans.
Take care and thanks;
magnitude8, January 20, 2005; 3:34 AM

Les Claypool - can you read this please-
Hi all, It's amazing that Les Claypool is on the site answering the questions.
I would be more than happy (and so would many others be) if there was a Guyver: Dark hero OST out there.
It would sell rapidly on Ebay and you could request to the Distributors that a link from Ebay to worldwide stores would be a good strategy for marketing and financial reward.
Could you let me know if there is any progress or future developement for an OST.
Hope you can reply. my email is antoniomt_2000@yahoo.co.uk
, May 31, 2005; 9:10 PM

Being as the composer himself is checking in here, I'd like to add my vote for a release of the Dark Hero score; although with all respect to Mr. Claypool, while limited-edition would be nice, I'd happily settle even for some "half-assed looking things" for the sake of being able to listen to it. ^_^
makishima, April 1, 2006; 5:38 PM

Les Claypool here.
Once again, thanks for the support.
Have yet to get any word on the legal issues for the soundtrack release. But since I own the
rights to all of the music, it is more of a name and artwork issue.
A few notes of trivia for anybody who is interested. A large portion of the sound of the ship's
interior is actually part of the music score. I had to go back into the music, split it out and
give it to the sound fx guys for the final mix. Also, the entire music score was mixed in one
day due to a crazy deadline. The end credit music was created from pieces of the opening
song and other cues and was recorded with the producer sitting on a couch behind me while
people were already filing into the Shrine Auditorium for the premiere of the movie. By the
time we finished the music and got a tape to the auditorium, the fans had been waiting three
hours to see the second half of the movie.
Take care, thanks, and I'll keep trying to clear the legal issues.
Les Claypool
magnitude8, August 29, 2006; 10:39 AM

It's been two years since this thread has seen life, but seeing as it's strung out all over the place anyway, I thought I'd throw my hat in and cross my fingers for another reply from Mr. Claypool.
Huge Guyver fan and a huge fan of the incredible Guyver theme from "Guyver: Dark Hero." I love that movie, but the music practically IS the film. Hope the legal stuff is still underway, if not done already.
gman2887, September 18, 2008; 5:30 AM

I'd like to add my vote. I have just recently purchased Guyver: Dark Hero from play.com. I have always loved the film and original anime series!
If there was a sound track to the movie, I'd buy it for definate! I'd just hope the music from the final fight would be on. That just makes the movie what it is!
Peace and Love
sajworld726, October 26, 2008; 8:37 AM

Greetings! I searching Guyver 2 OST for all my life. Seriously. This
film for me - all. And I, like gman2887, consider, that "this music
practically IS the film". Since that moment in 1998, when i connect
to the Internet at first time, I have found already everything, that
ever wished to find. Except Guyver 2 OST! About one today I at all
did not know, whether it was published in general, or it is
necessary to use function "loop" in a player every time when i
want to listen. The hope to find this soundtrack was already been
almost lost, but I all the same continued to make search spot-
checks in the Internet, and today I have found this branch of this
forum. Represent, as I feel myself now!!? After almost 10 years!=)
To tell, that I am happy - means nothing to tell!=)) CREATOR Les
Claypool III, whose name and the person always were for me a
riddle, has answered the important questions for me and has a
little bit told about creation of that music. Thank you a lot, Mr.
Claypool, for creation the music of all my life, and for the story
how it has been made!!! Though I have already found in the
Internet ìï3 your magnificent creation, all the same much more I
would like to buy a disk (if it will be published, certainly=)),
ESPECIALLY if you speak, that you will publish it specially for us.
My email - ganjed@mail.ru. I will wait and dream about it! And
thanks all participants of a forum that at us a word-in-word
identical emotions about film and music!
(and sorry for non-perfect english, please!=)))
ganjed, November 7, 2008; 8:54 PM

I have been wanting to see the soundtrack for Dark Hero since the movie initially came out. Its a great score. So if there is a release, I would more than be willing to purchase a copy or two (one for backup naturally).
richardolson1, January 12, 2009; 10:26 PM

The guyver 2 ost is incredible. I won't be able to rest until i find that soundtrack. i personally like to collect soundtracks and load them into my xbox 360 and use them as background music. It brings vidoe games to life and increases the replay value. I would do almost anything for guyver 2 scores.
prime_lyric, January 24, 2009; 5:38 AM

Wow!! After the latest round of comments, I am going to have to get serious about releasing a
soundtrack. Thanks!!!! I am currently trying to find and restore all of the original elements. This
music was created on a system that was outdated years ago. It probably hasn't been turned on
in 10 years. I hope it all still works. Am thinking of doing a two disc set. Disc 1 would be every
music cue in the exact order of the movie with no remixing or fixes so that it would sound
EXACTLY as it did in the movie. Disc 2 would be all the major cues, without repeats, that have
been fixed, remixed and remastered to basically sound the way I would have liked them to but
didn't have the time. Thanks again; Les Claypool III
magnitude8, January 31, 2009; 1:33 PM

Hi, I have been looking for the guyver dark hero soundtrack, which I find fantastic.... I do hope that a release will be made!!! If so please someone inform me!!!
lafranri007, April 5, 2009; 3:17 PM

My brother and I always enjoyed Guyver: Dark Hero's score and it would certainly be one I would add to my collection if ever released. The two disc set like you mentioned Les would be awesome.
razor7138, May 24, 2009; 10:08 AM

You seriously have to release this as Ive the my money saved away for this bad boy since i saw Guyver dark hero i would of been about 10 or 11 but the music stuck with me loved the Guyvers Theme and i Guess what would of been Shawns personal theme. I hope you have no issues with such a release my prayers have been answered
akabigd1ofakind, September 28, 2009; 3:19 PM

If I had a dollar for every hour I have spent scouring the internet hoping to find some mysteriously unkown release, a bootleg, or even a separated music track, I'd be a rich man.
I'd buy that OST without a second thought. It'd be like getting married or having a child. life changing awesome.
sanjurobo, October 25, 2009; 11:27 PM

Mr. Claypool,
Have you had any more success in bringing out this soundtrack? Maybe an iTunes release
for anniversary purposes?
richardolson1, January 9, 2011; 2:09 AM

Zensekai here, thanks for when you do release this Soundtrack. I will listen to it without end and so will many others. This remastered and remixed version sounds really inresting, it will sound so amazing while keeping it's originality. I say go for it! Don't do it for the fans, but do it becuase it is such an amazing music score. This is one Video that was made 'complete' thanks to all the different aspects compiled into it and the Score was one of the major contributions. It made me and others feel the situation and the density of what is happerning. To be able to walk down the street and "WHAM!" the Guyver operning theme starts to play suddenly your mind would warp to that section of the film, this is why I love this Score so much. I hope you do release a Soundtrack, if not then I will have to settle with watching the movie for the music.
Break your limits and shape your reality.
Zensekai, February 24, 2011; 8:33 PM

I love it! You guys are not gonna let me avoid doing this are you? Found
all the original 24 track tapes. Unfortunately, both the tapes and the
tape deck are in sad shape. Took four months to get the tape deck fixed
well enough to play the tapes (Old Fostex 24 track that has not been
made for years). Hopefully I can rescue the tapes. All pretty complicated
since most of this gear has not been used in 15 years.
Take care;
magnitude8, November 3, 2011; 7:54 PM

Hey, I would love to hear the Guyver 2 soundtrack. How are things
going with the restoration?
ninjazilla, August 24, 2012; 10:33 PM

I am still very interested in a Guyver 2 release. What is the news Les?
razor7138, January 11, 2013; 4:41 AM

Potential kick-starter effort?
Hi Les,
I hope all is well, I would love to get my hands on a copy of the
Guyver Dark Hero soundtrack one day.
I'm not sure what kind of issues you face with the soundtrack but
if it's an issue of you need to purchase equipment to fix the tapes
perhaps a small kick-starter campaign would make this finally
If you feel this would help please email me and I'll get right on it.
I'm sure there are plenty of Guyver fanatics out there just like me
that wouldn't mind throwing a few coins towards the cause.
aberrant21, July 26, 2018; 4:57 PM

Dear, Mr Les you know your soundtracks Guyver become a cult for
the fans. Now for 20 years and I have many of your fans dream to
hear the original soundtrack Guyver 2. Many dream when will all still
exit soundtrack on CD, but even release in digital format for the fans
would be great. Please contact us.
Best regards from Russia, Dmitry
my email - master_gorn@mail.ru
master_gorn, December 3, 2014; 8:41 AM

I would like to have Guyver soundtrack as well.
Best regards from Czech Republik, Jan
my email - johnjilek@email.cz
vvvc1, December 28, 2014; 2:09 PM

Les Claypool here.
Was just working on the Blu-Ray remix of Castle of Cagliostro.
Turns out my contact person on that project is a huge Guyver: Dark
Hero fan and professional graphic artist. Likes the Dark Hero music so
much that he wants to donate his time for all of the packaging artwork.
I might be running out of excuses........
magnitude8, March 5, 2015; 3:40 AM

Mr. Claypool,
In 2008 I commented on this thread under the screen name "gman2887" above. I recently stumbled back on this thread after going on another Guyver: Dark Hero tirade. My love and passion for both the film and it's excellent soundtrack are just as great now as it was seven years ago.
I implore you. Please, please, please don't let me and others wait another seven years. We'll kickstart the project, pay up, help out, buy the album and all the above. The movie is now over 20 years old. We'll clearly never get a third film, but I'd love to own an official version of your score for Dark Hero. It would certainly alleviate some of the sting that there is no third movie and be a wonderful, wonderful treat to the passionate fans of the one you scored.
Here's to hoping we see the official release of the Guyver: Dark Hero soundtrack very soon!
suitesoftheweek, May 13, 2015; 7:40 AM

Hi all.
Was periodically checking this thread for the last 10 years or so.
I was a kid when I saw Dark Hero on VHS, 11 or so years old.
Really liked the music, alongside with Brad Fiedel's T2 score.
A great sadness that Mr. Claypool was unable to find enough time to release soundttack in
the last 12 years, the time this thread exists.
I'd really like, like others here, to get my hands on the score for one of the favorite movies
of my youth.
I can also contribute to kickstarter fund if needed.
lp-san, November 7, 2015; 7:53 PM

Hi all.
yes Mr. Les Claypool please please find time on dark hero ost
@magnitude8 we wait & hope!
you can use famous site http://bandcamp.com/
best regards
master_gorn, December 13, 2015; 3:39 PM

Mr. Les Claypool you are real or fake? Where Guyver: Dark hero
double CD soundtrack?! Or digital release with a digital booklet
ultra_cool, January 10, 2016; 3:12 AM

God i hope this is real. I would so buy the soundtrack to Guyver Dark Hero.
Been waiting for a soundtrack to this movie for like 20years 0_0
I would so contribute to a kickstarter or something to help get a soundtrack out
thedragon3000, March 28, 2016; 9:36 PM

Dear Mr. Claypool. I write to you on behalf of the Russian community of fans
Guyver - Guyver World (https://vk.com/guyver_world http://guyver-world.ru) I
would like to say to you on behalf of all the fans thank you for the beautiful
music,which has become a part of our childhood and ask that release plans
score Dark Hero? Please, if you're reading this, do not be silent, let us at least
some information, we would like to know at least something.
Good luck in your work.
cthurq95, March 5, 2017; 10:27 PM

Les! We still really want this sound track to happen.
What can we do as fans to make it happen?
aberrant21, December 18, 2017; 7:40 AM

Hello Mr. Les Claypool.
I was looking for a soundtrack (namely, from the moment of the final battle
between Guyver and Guyver Zoanoyd) back in 2007. Of course I did not find
anything, and stopped looking. Now again took up the search. Finds only the
music from the credits, but I want exactly the version that was in the final
I read your messages to fans, as I understand you are trying to recreate the
tracks again. I, as a fan of Gaiver from Russia, I ask you, if you can (and I think
you can), send this sound track to me by mail (248659@mail.ru). I will be very
grateful to you and even pay as much as you need (but of course at a
reasonable price for one soundtrack)
I hope you will see this message and reply.
P.s. I typed this message through Google translator. I apologize if something
was not clear.
248659, June 28, 2019; 5:36 PM

Guyver Dark Hero was my introduction to the world of The Guyver.
The previous film I discovered later was released in Australia under
the title Mutronics. Today as I write this is July 2020 in a few years
we will reach the 30th anniversary of Guyver Dark Hero. It would be
amazing if the soundtrack could be released at that time.
Considering the condition of the original recordings and the
technology used to make them we might have to accept the only
way to enjoy the soundtrack is by watching the movie.
"That unit is damaged, you have no idea what it will do to you."
"But it will do you just fine."
chamenandrew, July 12, 2020; 2:10 PM

I would still be interested in Guyver 2: Dark Hero's soundtrack. I saved the
individual sound channels with DVD Audio Extractor but they are not separated
enough to make ripping the soundtrack only easy.
razor7138, February 10, 2022; 12:57 AM

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