Forum - General Questions

Get the Gringo music score

The piece of music starting at 28:22.

Can anyone PLEASE tell me the name of this song or even the artist.

Thank you in advance!

bclark2005&, July 11, 2012; 1:07 AM


I was looking for that as well because it's such a cute funky little
song. It's not part of the official movie soundtrack, but if you read all
the end-titles, the tracks are all listed there. The one you want is
called Chambacu, performed by Aurita Castillo Y Su Conjunto. You
can easily find it and listen to it on e.g. Grooveshark. There it is in
many versions, including the one by Aurita Castillo.

bigandnoisy321, July 22, 2012; 5:22 PM

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