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Planet Of The Apes



Planet Of The Apes (1968)

Motion Picture Composer(s):
Jerry Goldsmith

Released in:

United States

Science Fiction

Also known as:
  • Monkey Planet (1968)

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Total number of members who have this title in their:
Collection: 1116
Wish list: 82

There are 15 labels for this title.
There are 2 compilation albums for this title.

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Colosseum VSD (CVS) 5848

Colosseum VSD (CVS) 5848  

Release Date

Released with new cover artwork due to the release of the "Special Edition"-DVD of the film.

Also contains music from:
 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 91
Wish list: 4

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  Track listing

1.  Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare (00:13)
2.  Main Title (02:13)
3.  Crash Landing (06:40)
4.  The Searchers (02:25)
5.  The Search Continues (04:55)
6.  The Clothes Snatchers (03:09)
7.  The Hunt (05:10)
8.  A New Mate (01:04)
9.  The Revelation (03:20)
10.  No Escape (05:39)
11.  The Trial (01:45)
12.  New Identity (02:24)
13.  A Bid for Freedom (02:36)
14.  The Forbidden Zone (03:23)
15.  The Intruders (01:09)
16.  The Cave (01:20)
17.  The Revelation, Part 2 (03:15)
18.  Suite from "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" (16:27)

Total Duration: 01:07:07

Geneon GNCE-4020 Image supplied by
Bent Erik

Geneon GNCE-4020  

Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 3
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare (00:13)
2.  Main Title (02:13)
3.  Crash Landing (06:40)
4.  The Searchers (02:25)
5.  The Search Continues (04:55)
6.  The Clothes Snatchers (03:09)
7.  The Hunt (05:10)
8.  A New Mate (01:04)
9.  The Revelation (03:20)
10.  No Escape (05:39)
11.  The Trial (01:45)
12.  New Identity (02:24)
13.  A Bid for Freedom (02:36)
14.  The Forbidden Zone (03:23)
15.  The Intruders (01:09)
16.  The Cave (01:20)
17.  The Revelation, Part 2 (03:15)
18.  Suite from "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" (16:27)

Total Duration: 01:07:07
Track listing contributed by Althazan

Intrada FMT 8006D

Intrada FMT 8006D  

United States 
Release Date

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 136
Wish list: 6

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (02:13)
2.  The Revelation (01:34)
3.  The Clothes Snatchers (02:38)
4.  The Hunt (05:10)
5.  New Identity (02:04)
6.  The Forbidden Zone (03:06)
7.  The Search (04:56)
8.  The Cave (01:19)
9.  A Bid for Freedom (01:21)
10.  A New Mate (01:05)
11.  No Escape (05:17)

Total Duration: 00:30:43
Track listing contributed by Wilson Maffetano

La-La Land Records LLLCD 1500

La-La Land Records LLLCD 1500  

United States 
Release Date

5 CD box set. Limited edition of 5000 copies.

Also contains music from:
 Beneath The Planet Of The Apes
 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes
 Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes
 Battle For The Planet Of The Apes

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 45
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Main Title (Film Version) (02:18)
2.  Crash Landing (06:53)
3.  The Searchers (02:30)
4.  The Search (04:59)
5.  The Clothes Snatchers (Film Version) (03:13)
6.  The Hunt (05:13)
7.  A New Mate (01:08)
8.  The Revelation (Film Version) (03:22)
9.  No Escape (Film Version) (05:42)
10.  The Trial (01:49)
11.  New Identity (Film Version) (02:28)
12.  A Bid For Freedom (Film Version) (02:40)
13.  The Forbidden Zone (Film Version) (03:27)
14.  The Intruders (01:12)
15.  The Cave (Film Version) (01:23)
16.  The Revelation – Finale (03:22)
17.  Main Title (02:14)
18.  The Revelation (01:38)
19.  The Clothes Snatchers (02:40)
20.  New Identity (02:06)
21.  The Forbidden Zone (02:54)
22.  The Search (04:58)
23.  The Cave (01:21)
24.  A Bid For Freedom (01:23)
25.  A New Mate (01:08)
26.  No Escape (05:18)
Disc 1: PLANET OF THE APES - Music Composed and Conducted by JERRY GOLDSMITH

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Beneath The Planet Of The Apes – Main Title (03:41)
2.  The Grave (02:22)
3.  Retrospect (00:30)
4.  Nova And Taylor (02:49)
5.  Exploring (01:21)
6.  Narrow Escape (01:16)
7.  No Place To Turn (00:32)
8.  Captured (02:20)
9.  Target Practice (01:36)
10.  Second Escape (03:13)
11.  Off To War (02:52)
12.  Underground City (04:07)
13.  Mind Boggler (02:16)
14.  The Priest (00:53)
15.  Ape Soldiers Advancing (03:50)
16.  Ape Soldiers Continue (00:52)
17.  Psalm Of Mendez/Hail The Bomb/The Unmasking (03:46)
18.  A Mutant Dies (01:02)
19.  The Ape Army Approaches/Rape Of The Ape Man (01:35)
20.  Nova Dies/The Ugly Bomb (01:43)
21.  Mind-Control Sound Effects (04:11)
ORIGINAL 1970 SOUNDTRACK ALBUM (* Dialogue / ** Dialogue and music):
22.  Opening Statement: Cornelius* (00:28)
23.  Main Title (02:07)
24.  General Ursus’ Address* (00:34)
25.  Ape Fury/Students: Peace & Freedom**/Underground City (04:19)
26.  Turkish Bath (Ursus And Zaius) (01:18)
27.  March Of The Apes (02:57)
28.  The Chase (03:35)
29.  Brent’s Interrogation* (01:41)
30.  Captured (02:33)
31.  Mass Of The Holy Bomb** (05:42)
32.  Doomsday* (01:08)
Disc 2: BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES - Music Composed and Conducted by LEONARD ROSENMAN

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  Main Title (02:35)
2.  The Zoo (01:08)
3.  The Gorilla Attack (00:57)
4.  I Like You (01:10)
5.  Shopping Spree (02:20)
6.  A Little History (01:24)
7.  Interrogation (03:20)
8.  Labor Pains (01:07)
9.  Breakout (00:40)
10.  The Labor Continues (03:56)
11.  The Hitchhiker (01:07)
12.  Mother And Child (03:59)
13.  The Hunt (04:11)
14.  Final Chapter And End Credits (01:50)
Disc 3: ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES - Music Composed and Conducted by JERRY GOLDSMITH

Disc/Cassette 4

1.  Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes – Main Title (02:29)
2.  Caesar’s Past (01:43)
3.  Armando Explains (02:39)
4.  Lisa (00:48)
5.  Lunch Time (01:18)
6.  Caesar Sneaks Off/Sad Departure (01:26)
7.  Caesar Joins The Apes (01:19)
8.  Subjugation Soul (02:51)
9.  Simian Servant School (03:23)
10.  Ape Auction/Breck Buys Caesar (01:49)
11.  Caesar Chooses His Name/Armando Dies (01:56)
12.  Ape Revolt Begins (04:45)
13.  Caesar Speaks (02:09)
14.  Caesar’s Capture (01:45)
15.  The Execution (01:38)
16.  Battle At Ape Management (05:10)
17.  Apes Attack (07:16)
Stereo Tracks:
18.  Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes – Main Title (02:27)
19.  Caesar’s Past (01:42)
20.  Armando Explains (02:39)
21.  Caesar Sneaks Off/Sad Departure (01:25)
22.  Simian Servant School (03:22)
23.  Ape Auction/Breck Buys Caesar (01:48)
24.  Caesar Chooses His Name/Armando Dies (01:56)
25.  Ape Revolt Begins (04:44)
26.  The Execution (01:39)
27.  Battle At Ape Management (05:10)
28.  Apes Attack (07:15)
Disc 4: CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - Music Composed and Conducted by TOM SCOTT

Disc/Cassette 5

1.  Battle For The Planet Of The Apes – Main Title (03:48)
2.  Teacher-Teacher (01:43)
3.  Caesar Departs (00:59)
4.  March To The Dead City (04:13)
5.  Discovery (01:16)
6.  Mutants Move Out (03:54)
7.  Through The Binoculars (01:29)
8.  Ricky’s Theme (02:20)
9.  Ape Harms Ape (01:45)
10.  Mutants March (00:46)
11.  Vigil – To Mutants (03:08)
12.  To The Corrals/Not A Tree Standing/Death Of Cornelius (02:23)
13.  The Battle (02:38)
14.  Fight Like Apes (01:02)
15.  Kolp Gets It (00:49)
16.  Ape Has Killed Ape (02:01)
17.  Only The Dead – End Credits (01:07)
Disc 5: BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES - Music Composed and Conducted by LEONARD ROSENMAN

Total Duration: 04:54:04
Track listing contributed by jordan.tokuscope

La-La Land Records LLLCD1500

La-La Land Records LLLCD1500  

United States 
Release Date

5 CD box set. Limited edition of 5000 copies.

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Collection: 0
Wish list: 0

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Masters Film Music 1249 Image supplied by
Wilson Maffetano

Masters Film Music 1249  

United States 
Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 45
Wish list: 2

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (02:13)
2.  The Search (04:57)
3.  The Clothes Snatchers (03:09)
4.  The Hunt (05:10)
5.  A New Mate (01:05)
6.  The Revelation (03:22)
7.  No Escape (05:39)
8.  New Identity (02:26)
9.  A Bid for Freedom (02:38)
10.  The Forbidden Zone (03:24)
11.  The Cave (01:20)

Total Duration: 00:35:23
Track listing contributed by Travis Brashear

Mondo MOND-038

Mondo MOND-038  

United States 
Release Date
2 LP's. Limited to 1000 copies pressed on 180 gram yellow & black half-and-half vinyl.

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 7
Wish list: 0

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Project 3 Records PR 5023 SD

Project 3 Records PR 5023 SD  

United States 
Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 82
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (02:09)
2.  The Revelation (01:33)
3.  The Clothes Snatchers (02:36)
4.  New Identity (02:04)
5.  The Forbidden Zone (02:50)
6.  The Search (04:51)
7.  The Cave (01:17)
8.  A Bid for Freedom (01:16)
9.  A New Mate (01:04)
10.  No Escape (05:14)

Total Duration: 00:24:54
Track listing contributed by Thomas Kiefner

Project 3 Records PRC-5023 Image supplied by
Wilson Maffetano

Project 3 Records PRC-5023  

United States 
Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 2
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (02:09)
2.  The Revelation (01:33)
3.  The Clothes Snatchers (02:36)
4.  New Identity (02:04)
5.  The Forbidden Zone (02:50)
6.  The Search (04:51)
7.  The Cave (01:17)
8.  A Bid for Freedom (01:16)
9.  A New Mate (01:04)
10.  No Escape (05:14)

Total Duration: 00:24:54
Track listing contributed by Wilson Maffetano

Project 3 Records PRD 5023 Image supplied by
Wim van Schaik

Project 3 Records PRD 5023  

United States 
Release Date

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 59
Wish list: 2

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (02:13)
2.  The Revelation (01:38)
3.  The Clothes Snatchers (02:41)
4.  New Identity (02:07)
5.  The Forbidden Zone (02:57)
6.  The Search (04:59)
7.  The Cave (01:21)
8.  A Bid For Freedom (01:23)
9.  A New Mate (01:08)
10.  No Escape (05:17)

Total Duration: 00:25:44
Track listing contributed by Wim van Schaik

Soundtrack Listeners Communications SLCS-7019 Image supplied by

Soundtrack Listeners Communications SLCS-7019  

Release Date

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 19
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (02:09)
2.  The Revelation (01:33)
3.  The Clothes Snatchers (02:36)
4.  New Identity (02:04)
5.  The Forbidden Zone (02:50)
6.  The Search (04:51)
7.  The Cave (01:17)
8.  A Bid For Freedom (01:16)
9.  A New Mate (01:04)
10.  No Escape (05:14)

Total Duration: 00:24:54
Track listing contributed by moviesound

Trattoria menu. 50/FC-001 PSCR-5339 Image supplied by

Trattoria menu. 50/FC-001 PSCR-5339  

Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 9
Wish list: 0

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Varese Sarabande VSD-5848

Varese Sarabande VSD-5848  

United States 
Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 332
Wish list: 20

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  Track listing

1.  Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare (00:13)
2.  Main Title (02:13)
3.  Crash Landing (06:40)
4.  The Searchers (02:25)
5.  The Search Continues (04:55)
6.  The Clothes Snatchers (03:09)
7.  The Hunt (05:10)
8.  A New Mate (01:04)
9.  The Revelation (03:20)
10.  No Escape (05:39)
11.  The Trial (01:45)
12.  New Identity (02:24)
13.  A Bid for Freedom (02:36)
14.  The Forbidden Zone (03:23)
15.  The Intruders (01:09)
16.  The Cave (01:20)
17.  The Revelation, Part 2 (03:15)
18.  Suite from "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" (16:27)

Total Duration: 01:07:07
Track listing contributed by Wilson Maffetano

Volcano CPJ8-1006

Volcano CPJ8-1006  

Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 5
Wish list: 0

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Volcano Records CPC8-1006 Image supplied by
Wilson Maffetano

Volcano Records CPC8-1006  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 11
Wish list: 3

Things you can do:
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  Track listing

1.  Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare (00:13)
2.  Main Title (02:13)
3.  Crash Landing (06:40)
4.  The Searchers (02:25)
5.  The Search Continues (04:55)
6.  The Clothes Snatchers (03:09)
7.  The Hunt (05:10)
8.  A New Mate (01:04)
9.  The Revelation (03:20)
10.  No Escape (05:39)
11.  The Trial (01:45)
12.  New Identity (02:24)
13.  A Bid for Freedom (02:36)
14.  The Forbidden Zone (03:23)
15.  The Intruders (01:09)
16.  The Cave (01:20)
17.  The Revelation, Part 2 (03:15)
18.  Suite from "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" (16:27)

Total Duration: 01:07:07
Track listing contributed by Wilson Maffetano

Compilation Albums

Varese Sarabande 302 067 059 2

Varese Sarabande 302 067 059 2  

United States 
Release Date

3 CD box set.

Also contains music from:
 All About Eve
 How Green Was My Valley
 Song Of Bernadette, The
 Ghost And Mrs. Muir, The
 Captain From Castile
 Twelve O'Clock High
 Day The Earth Stood Still, The
 Viva Zapata!
 My Cousin Rachel
 Robe, The
 Prince Valiant
 Rains Of Ranchipur, The
 How To Marry A Millionaire
 Seven Year Itch, The
 Three Coins In The Fountain
 Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
 Long, Hot Summer, The
 From The Terrace
 Sand Pebbles, The
 Tora! Tora! Tora!
 French Connection, The
 Poseidon Adventure, The
 Paper Chase, The
 Omen, The
 Fury, The
 Norma Rae
 Author! Author!
 Max Dugan Returns
 Romancing The Stone
 Fly, The
 Raising Arizona
 Wall Street
 Broadcast News
 Die Hard
 Abyss, The
 Mrs. Doubtfire
 Cast Away
 Ice Age
 I, Robot
 Fantastic Four
 Night At The Museum
 Horton Hears A Who!
 Independence Day

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 20th Century Fox: 75 Years Of Great Film Music

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 35
Wish list: 3

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  20th Century Fox Fanfare with CinemaScope Extention (00:20)
Alfred Newman
2.  All About Eve (1950): Main Title / The Award (02:20)
Alfred Newman
3.  How Green was my Valley (1941): The Family and Bronwen / Finale / End Title (08:12)
Alfred Newman
4.  The Song of Bernadette (1943): The Vision (04:18)
Alfred Newman
5.  Laura (1944): Main Title (02:19)
David Raksin
6.  The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947): Prelude / Local Train / The Sea (03:56)
Bernard Herrmann
7.  Captain of Castile (1947): Conquest (04:10)
Alfred Newman
8.  Twelve O'Clock High (1948): Main Title (01:55)
Alfred Newman
9.  The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951): Prelude / Outer Space / Radar (03:48)
Bernard Herrmann
10.  Viva Zapata! (1952): Gathering Forces (03:27)
Alex North
11.  My Cousin Rachel (1952): Main Title (02:25)
Franz Waxman
12.  The Robe (1953): Main Title / Caligula's Arrival / Finale (04:25)
Alfred Newman
13.  Prince Valiant (1954) Main Title / King Aguar's Escape (04:56)
Franz Waxman
14.  Untamed (1955): Main Title (02:37)
Franz Waxman
15.  The Rains of Ranchipur (1955): Main Title (02:21)
Hugo Friedhofer
16.  How to Marry a Millionaire (1953): Street Scene (05:39)
Alfred Newman
17.  The Seven Year Itch (1955): Main Title (03:16)
Alfred Newman
18.  Three Coins in a Fountain (1954): Prelude / Rome (04:29)
Victor Young (incorporates 'Three Coins in a Fountain' by Jule Styne and Sammy Cain
19.  Love is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955): Main Title / God Has Been Good / Finale (07:07)
Alfred Newman (incorporates 'Love is a Many-Splendored Thing' by Sammy Fain and Paul Francis Webster)
20.  The Long Hot Summer (1958): The Long Hot Summer / Two Butterflies (05:03)
Alex North (The Long Hot Summer: lyrics by Sammy Cahn, performed by Jimmie Rodgers)
21.  From the Terrace (1960): Love Theme (01:30)
Elmer Bernstein

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Cleopatra (1963): Main Title / Cleopatra Enters Rome (09:39)
Alex North
2.  The Sand Pebbles (1966): Overture / Main Title (05:10)
Jerry Goldsmith
3.  Planet of the Apes (1968): Main Title / The Hunt (07:20)
Jerry Goldsmith
4.  Patton (1970): Main Title / German Advance (05:39)
Jerry Goldsmith
5.  Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970): Main Title (03:04)
Jerry Goldsmith
6.  The French Connection (1971): Main Title / This is It (04:18)
Don Ellis
7.  The Poseidon Adventure (1972): Main Title (02:14)
John Williams
8.  The Paper Chase (1973): End Title (02:34)
John Williams
9.  Conrack (1974): Main Title (06:03)
John Williams
10.  The Omen (1976): Ave Satani (02:34)
Jerry Goldsmith
11.  Magic (1978): Main Title (02:04)
Jerry Goldsmith
12.  The Fury (1978): For Gilliam / End Title (04:30)
John Williams
13.  Alien (1979): Main Title (04:12)
Jerry Goldsmith
14.  Norma Rae (1979): It Goes Like It Goes (03:03)
David Shire (lyrics by Norman Gimbel, performed by Jennifer Warnes)
15.  Author! Author! (1982): Main Title (02:00)
Dave Grusin
16.  Max Dugan Returns (1983): End Title (02:25)
David Shire
17.  Romancing the Stone (1984): End Title (05:30)
Alan Silvestri
18.  Commando (1985): Prologue / Main Title (03:57)
James Horner

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  Predator (1986): Main Title (03:53)
alan Silvestri
2.  The Fly (1986): Main Title (01:56)
Howard Shore
3.  Lucas (1986): Main Title (02:46)
Dave Grusin
4.  Raising Arizona (1987): Way Out There (01:57)
Carter Burwell
5.  Wall Street (1987): Bud's Scam (02:50)
Stewart Copeland
6.  Big (1988): Opening (02:52)
Howard Shore
7.  Broadcast News (1987): Young Jane / Main Title (02:46)
Bill Conti
8.  Die Hard (1988): Nakatomi Plaza / Gruber's Arrival (05:31)
Michael Kamen
9.  The Abyss (1989): Bud on the Ledge (03:16)
Alan Silvestri
10.  Hoffa (1992): End Credits (08:02)
David Newman
11.  Mrs. Doubtfire (1993): Main Title (03:02)
Howard Shore
12.  Speed (1994): The Rescue (04:05)
Mark Mancina
13.  Cast Away (2005): End Credits (03:47)
Alan Silvestri
14.  Unfaithful (2002): Unfaithful (02:39)
Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
15.  Ice Age (2002): Opening Travel Music (01:20)
David Newman
16.  I, Robot (2004): End Credits (03:17)
Marco Beltrami
17.  Fantastic Four (2005): Main Titles (02:35)
John Ottman
18.  Night At The Museum (2006): Night At The Museum (02:38)
Alan Silvestri
19.  Horton Hears a Who! (2005): Horton Suite (07:42)
John Powell
20.  Independence Day (1996): End Credits (09:07)
David Arnold

Total Duration: 03:50:50
Track listing contributed by Wim van Schaik

Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028

Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028  

United States 
Release Date

Limited collector’s edition of 1500 copies.
6 CD box, featuring a 64 page, full-color collector’s edition book documenting four decades of Jerry Goldsmith’s illustrious career at 20th Century Fox.

Also contains music from:
 Ace Eli And Rodger Of The Skies
 Agony And The Ecstasy, The
 Anna And The King
 Bad Girls
 Blue Max, The
 Chain Reaction
 Chairman, The
 Damien: Omen II
 Damnation Alley
 Detective, The
 Edge, The
 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes
 Fate Is The Hunter
 Final Conflict, The
 Flim-Flam Man, The
 Girl Named Sooner, A
 In Like Flint
 Mephisto Waltz, The
 Omen, The
 100 Rifles
 Other, The
 Our Man Flint
 Rio Conchos
 Sand Pebbles, The
 Shock Treatment
 Stripper, The
 Take A Hard Ride
 Tora! Tora! Tora!
 Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
 Vanishing, The
 Von Ryan's Express

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Jerry Goldsmith At 20th Century Fox

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Main Title (03:09)
2.  First Battle (02:50)
3.  Attack (03:15)
4.  German Advance (02:32)
5.  Pensive Patton / End Titles (02:21)
TRACKS 1-5: Patton (1970) total time 14'07''
6.  Main Title (03:04)
7.  Chancellery (01:05)
8.  Pre-Flight Countdown (02:08)
9.  On The Way (01:40)
10.  The Final Message (04:54)
TRACKS 6-10: Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) total time 12'51''
11.  Overture (02:18)
12.  Main Title (02:58)
13.  Getting Acquainted (03:55)
14.  Death Of A Thousand Cuts (04:50)
TRACKS 11-14: The Sand Pebbles (1966) total time 14'01''
15.  Main Title / Tokyo Assignment (02:11)
TRACK 15: Morituri (1965)
16.  Main Title (02:18)
17.  First Blood (02:25)
18.  The Attack (06:33)
TRACKS 16-18: The Blue Max (1966) total time 11'16''
19.  Main Title (02:11)
20.  The Clothes Snatchers (03:10)
21.  The Hunt (05:12)
TRACKS 19-21: Planet Of The Apes (1968) total time 10'33''
22.  Main Title (02:29)
TRACK 22: Escape From The Planet Of The Apes (1971)
23.  Our Man Flint (01:54)
24.  You're A Foolish Man, Mr. Flint (02:08)
TRACKS 23-24: Our Man Flint (1966) total time 4'02''
25.  Where The Bad Guys Are Gals (02:43)
26.  Mince And Cook Until Tender (02:39)
TRACKS 25-26: In Like Flint (1967) total time 5'22''

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  The Hanging (03:19)
2.  My Land (06:53)
TRACKS 1-2: Bad Girls (1994) total time 10'12''
3.  Main Title (02:18)
4.  The Snake (02:12)
5.  The Wagon (05:55)
TRACKS 3-5: Take A Hard Ride (1975) total time 10'25''
6.  Main Title (02:35)
7.  Bandits Ho! (06:04)
TRACKS 6-7: Rio Conchos (1964) total time 8'39''
8.  Main Title (01:25)
9.  Escape And Pursuit (03:52)
10.  I'll Go Back (01:35)
TRACKS 8-10: 100 Rifles (1969) total time 6'52''
11.  Main Title (02:35)
12.  A New Passenger (01:44)
13.  Family History (04:35)
TRACKS 11-13: Stagecoach (1966) total time 8'51''
14.  Main Title (01:38)
15.  No Rest For The Wicked (03:48)
TRACKS 14-15: The Flim Flam Man (1967) total time 5'26''
16.  Main Title (03:08)
17.  Making A Difference (02:16)
TRACKS 16-17: A Girl Named Sooner (1975) total time 5'24''
18.  Main Title (02:13)
19.  Off To Monument (02:25)
20.  Final Flight (04:47)
TRACKS 18-30: Ace Eli And Roger Of The Skies (1973) total time 9'25''
21.  Justine (02:36)
22.  The School (03:40)
TRACKS 21-22: Justine (1969) total time 6'16''
23.  Main Title (02:26)
24.  Sunday Dinner (02:09)
25.  End Title (01:29)
TRACKS 23-25: The Stripper (1963) total time 6'04''

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  Lost In The Wild (03:00)
2.  Deadfall (06:13)
3.  The Edge (02:54)
TRACKS 1-3: The Edge (1997) total time 12'07''
4.  Meet Eddie (04:53)
5.  Ice Chase (05:52)
TRACKS 4-5: Chain Reaction (1996) total time 10'45''
6.  Main Title (02:03)
7.  Corky's Retreat (02:55)
8.  Appassionata (02:09)
TRACKS 6-8: Magic (1978) total time 7'07''
9.  Main Title (01:34)
10.  The Brothers (03:28)
11.  The Flight (02:19)
TRACKS 9-11: The Other (1972) total time 7'18''
12.  Main Title (02:30)
13.  A Night In Mexico (02:18)
14.  End Title (03:48)
TRACKS 12-14: The Mephisto Waltz (1971) total time 8'36''
15.  Ave Satani (02:33)
16.  The New Ambassador (02:34)
17.  The Killer Storm (02:53)
TRACKS 15-17: The Omen (1976) total time 8'00''
18.  Main Title (05:04)
19.  Runaway Train (02:40)
TRACKS 18-19: Omen II: Damien (1978) total time 7'44''
20.  The Hunt (04:03)
21.  The Final Conflict (03:44)
TRACKS 20-21: Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981) total time 7'47''

Disc/Cassette 4

1.  Prologue - The Artist Who Did Not Want To Paint / Rome / Florence / The Crucifix / The Stone Giants / The Agony Of Creation (12:26)
TRACK 1: The Agony And The Ecstasy (1965)
2.  Main Title (02:31)
3.  Home Work (00:57)
4.  Broken Glass (00:40)
5.  Night Scene (03:45)
6.  Nelson's Seduction (02:02)
7.  Shot In The Neck (02:34)
8.  Nelson's Escape (03:00)
9.  Hot Money #2 (03:45)
10.  End Title (00:51)
TRACKS 2-10: Shock Treatment (1964) total time 20'05''
11.  Main Title (01:18)
12.  The Room (02:09)
13.  Fate Is The Hunter (01:06)
vocal: Jerry Write
14.  Finale and End Titles (02:19)
TRACKS 11-14: Fate Is The Hunter (1964) total time 6'52''
15.  The Compound (03:32)
16.  Fire Sale (03:53)
17.  The Trek Begins (00:53)
18.  The Ambush (02:55)
19.  The Train (02:16)
20.  Dead End (02:30)
21.  End Titles (00:53)
22.  Fire Sale (Alternate) (03:49)
TRACKS 15-22: Von Ryan’s Express (1965) total time 20'41''

Disc/Cassette 5

1.  Main Title (03:03)
2.  Anybody Got A Key? (02:50)
3.  The Mannequin (01:45)
4.  New Friends (01:40)
5.  Who's Paying? (01:04)
6.  Dog-Gone Par's (01:58)
7.  Tools Of The Trade (01:21)
8.  The Buy (02:53)
9.  End Title (02:24)
TRACKS 1-9: S*P*Y*S (1974) total time 18'58''
10.  Suite (13:28)
TRACK 10: The Chairman (1969)
11.  Main Title (01:36)
12.  Joe (01:47)
13.  The School Dance (00:46)
14.  A New Love (01:09)
15.  A Family Affair (01:57)
16.  Beach Scene (00:40)
17.  The Ball Game (00:34)
18.  Karen's Story (01:10)
19.  Night Talk (02:00)
20.  The Safe Cracker (02:00)
21.  McIver's Story (02:16)
22.  Joe's Decision (02:21)
TRACKS 11-22: The Detective (1968) total time 18'16''
23.  Main Title (Film Version) (04:09)
24.  Suite (10:13)
TRACKS 23-24: Alien (1979) total time 14'22''

Disc/Cassette 6

1.  Main Title / The Missile Site (02:05)
2.  After The Holocaust (02:23)
3.  Into The Valley (01:44)
4.  The Land Master (01:49)
5.  Cockroach Attack (04:32)
6.  Finding Billy (01:24)
7.  The Realignment (01:25)
8.  Blue Sky (02:18)
9.  Finale (01:38)
TRACKS 1-9: Damnation Alley (1977) total time 19'18''
10.  Main Title (00:50)
11.  Anna Arrives (01:46)
12.  March Of The Royal Children (00:48)
13.  My Secret (02:18)
14.  The Throne Room (01:13)
15.  Anna Decides (01:23)
16.  Better Ways (01:16)
17.  A Royal Child (01:26)
18.  No Marriage (01:17)
19.  You Lose (02:56)
20.  A Practical Woman (00:38)
21.  End Titles (00:34)
TRACKS 10-21: Anna And The King (1972) total time 16'25''
22.  Main Title (01:37)
23.  A Warm Day (01:08)
24.  No Tree (01:50)
25.  When My Ship Comes In (01:34)
26.  The Cake (01:11)
27.  Don't Touch Me (01:15)
28.  Father's Girl (02:42)
29.  A New Tree (03:03)
TRACKS 22-29: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (1974) total time 14'20''
30.  The Couple (02:14)
31.  A Beginning (03:44)
32.  Diane (02:41)
33.  Burial Ground, Resolution & Coda (12:07)
TRACKS 30-33: The Vanishing (1993) total time 20'46''

Total Duration: 06:59:53
Track listing contributed by Eddy

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