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Circus, The



Circus, The (1928)

Motion Picture Composer(s):
Charles Chaplin (composed in 1969 as Charlie Chaplin)

Released in:

United States

Comedy, Drama, Romance, Family

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Collection: 75
Wish list: 27

There are 2 labels for this title.
There are 4 compilation albums for this title.

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Roy Export SAS no label number

Roy Export SAS no label number  

United States 
Release Date
Available as download.

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United Artists UAS 290571 Image supplied by

United Artists UAS 290571  

Release Date

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Collection: 4
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Compilation Albums

Blue Moon BM 99903/4 Image supplied by

Blue Moon BM 99903/4  

Release Date

2 CD's.

Also contains music from:
 Day's Pleasure, A
 Pay Day
 Gold Rush, The
 City Lights
 Modern Times
 Great Dictator, The

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Charlie Chaplin The Original Music From His Movies

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 17
Wish list: 12

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Chant du Monde

Chant du Monde  

Release Date

Box with 12 CD's.

Also contains music from:
 City Lights
 Modern Times
 Gold Rush, The
 Great Dictator, The
 Monsieur Verdoux
 King In New York, A
 Dog's Life, A
 Shoulder Arms
 Pilgrim, The
 Kid, The
 Idle Class, The
 Pay Day
 Day's Pleasure, A
 Woman Of Paris, A

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Charlie Chaplin - The Complete Soundtracks

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 4
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Overture/Unveiling the Monument (04:15)
2.  Afternoon (02:02)
3.  The Flower Girl (La Violetera) (02:50)
Composed by José Padilla
4.  Evening/The Millionaire (05:40)
5.  The Millionaire's Home/We'll Burn up the Town (04:23)
6.  The Nightclub (05:50)
7.  Early Morning, Homeward Bound/Buying Flowers/Charlie Drives Girl Home (06:37)
8.  The Sober Dawn (03:21)
9.  The Party/The Morning After/Girl Falls Ill (06:46)
10.  Street Sweeper/Final Rent Notice/Lunch Break (08:40)
11.  Late/Fight Club/Boxing Match (13:17)
12.  Charlie Encounters Millionaire Again/The Burglars/Charlie Evades Police (06:32)
13.  Money for the Girl/Charlie Looks Through Shop Window at Girl/Girl Holds Charlie's Hand (09:08)
Tracks 1-13: City Lights (1931) - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Opening/Sheep (01:50)
2.  Factory Assembly Line (03:24)
3.  Lunch Time/Feeding Machine (05:37)
4.  Charlie's Breakdown/Workers' Strike (Hallelujah I'm a Bum) (06:50)
5.  The Gamin/The Father (02:27)
6.  Prison (05:31)
7.  Trouble/A Free Man/Police Wagon/Escape (11:22)
8.  Dream House (Smile) (03:09)
9.  Toy Department/Men in Basement/Girl Sleeping (07:26)
10.  The Next Morning/It's Paradise (The Shack)/Factories Reopen (06:50)
11.  The Mechanic/On Strike/Hurdy Gurdy (08:57)
12.  One Week Later (Smile)/Waiting on Tables/Where's My Duck? (07:39)
13.  Singing Waiters/In the Evening by the Moonlight*/Come Along, Sister Mary (01:32)
* Composed by James Bland
14.  Nonsense Song (Titine) (03:25)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin - Music by Leo Daniderff, Lyrics by Charles Chaplin
15.  Charlie and Gamin Exit/Dawn/Love Theme (Smile) & End Title (03:53)
Tracks 1-15: Modern Times (1936) - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  Overture/Chilkoot Pass (01:39)
2.  Lone Prospectors/Blizzard/Shelter (04:05)
3.  Get Out (Flight of the Bumble Bee)/The Bone/The Fight3 (03:03)
4.  Hunger/The Candle/Drawing Cards (04:13)
5.  Valse Mange (Charlie Eats His Shoe) (02:39)
6.  Chicken Sequence/The Little Fellow Looks Appetizing/The Bear (05:48)
7.  Larsen's Escape/Impending Doom/Out of a Dream (02:09)
8.  Georgia/The Dancehall (09:54)
9.  Hank Curtis' Cabin (03:12)
10.  A Surprise Visit (05:33)
11.  Hustling and Shovelling/New Year's Eve (04:16)
12.  Mother's Dance (Bread Roll Dance) - Love Theme (01:07)
13.  Auld Lang Syne/Country Dances/Charlie Looks Through Window/Georgia's Remorse (04:17)
14.  Return to the Cabin (11:32)
15.  Millionaires (05:12)
Tracks 1-15: The Gold Rush (1925), 1942 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 4

1.  Main Title (01:50)
2.  Montage No. 1, The Old Order Changeth (00:55)
3.  Hynkel's Speech/Horses A-Manship (05:38)
4.  Ghetto Sign (00:23)
5.  Entrance of Hannah (00:20)
6.  Hannah at the Doorstep (00:36)
7.  Barber Shop Opening (01:48)
8.  Stagger Dance (00:44)
9.  Charlie's Last Capture (00:43)
10.  Hynkel's Piano Improvisation (00:20)
11.  Hannah's Soliloquy (01:35)
12.  Globe Dance (Vorspiel Lohengrin) (02:35)
Composed by Richard Wagner
13.  Barber Shop Scene (Hungarian Dance No. 5) (01:59)
Composed by Johannes Brahms
14.  Ze Boulevardier (00:53)
15.  Pudding Mysterioso (03:04)
16.  Concentration Camp (00:58)
17.  Osterlich Bridge (01:50)
18.  Valse Triste (01:07)
19.  Invasion of Osterlich (02:10)
20.  Hope Springs Eternal (00:49)
21.  Charlie Chaplin's Final Speech (03:45)
Dialogue by Charles Chaplin
22.  Hannah, Can You Hear Me?/Vorspiel Lohengrin*/End Title (02:23)
Tracks 1-22: The Great Dictator (1940) - Music by Charles Chaplin & Meredith Willson
23.  Main Title: Monsieur Verdoux (01:39)
24.  A Paris Boulevard (01:09)
25.  A Paris Boulevard [Cancan Version] (00:43)
26.  The Crash (00:47)
27.  Montage (00:49)
28.  Tango Bitterness (00:40)
29.  Finale (01:10)
30.  Speech From Monsieur Verdoux (01:28)
Dialogue by Charles Chaplin
31.  Radio Ad: A Modern French Bluebeard (00:59)
Tracks 23-31: Monsieur Verdoux (1947) - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 5

1.  Limelight Opening/Terry's Theme (Eternally)/Hurdy Gurdy Waltz (02:02)
2.  Awakening (00:24)
3.  Animal Trainer (02:07)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin
4.  Spring Song (01:45)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin
5.  Ode to a Worm (03:45)
6.  Calvero's Lesson for Life (01:24)
7.  Six Months Later/Empire Intro & Promenade (01:33)
8.  Terry's Try-Out/Terry's Theme (Eternally), Piano Solo (01:28)
9.  The Harlequinade Ballet/Terry's Theme (Eternally)/Moon Dance (06:07)
10.  Terry's Solo/Terry's Theme (Eternally)/Pas de Deux (02:13)
11.  Terry's Success (Child's Theme) (00:39)
12.  Spring Song with Banjo (00:19)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin
13.  Sardine Song (01:20)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin
14.  Chaplin and Keaton Piano and Violin Duet (02:10)
15.  Calvero's Death/Terry's Theme (Eternally)/Criterion Waltz (02:24)
16.  Charlie Chaplin Composing Spring Song (02:00)
Tracks 1-16: Limelight (1952) - Music and Lyrics by Charles Chaplin
17.  Fanfare (00:34)
18.  Generique (01:52)
19.  Revolution and Generique (01:45)
20.  Jungle Rhythm (00:23)
21.  A Million Dollars (01:05)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin
22.  A Million Dollars [Instrumental Version] (01:03)
23.  Rock and Roll (I Got Shoes) (01:05)
Vocals by Gary Miller
24.  Scope Fanfares (01:15)
25.  Serenade (Piano Solo) (01:37)
26.  Restaurant Jazz (01:19)
27.  Mandolin Serenade (02:51)
28.  I'd Sell My Soul (01:12)
Vocals by Shirley Norman
29.  Comedy Gavotte (02:05)
30.  Salle de Bain (00:17)
31.  Park Avenue Waltz (01:54)
32.  Park Avenue Waltz (Extended) Largo (03:00)
33.  Juke Box (01:47)
Vocals by Shani Wallis
34.  Martini (01:55)
35.  The Spring Song (Spring's the Time for Making Love) (02:32)
Vocals by Bobby Britton
36.  The Spring Song (Spring's the Time for Making Love) [Instrumental Version] (01:10)
37.  Whisky Montage (00:20)
38.  Now That It's Ended (01:41)
Vocals by Joy Nichols
39.  Paperhangers (01:41)
40.  Weeping Willows (Clarinet Solo) (01:29)
41.  Weeping Willows (01:48)
42.  Mysterioso (01:10)
43.  Chess Music (01:23)
44.  End Titles (01:34)
45.  Rupert's Political Tirade (Michael Chaplin) (04:15)
Tracks 17-45: A King in New York (1957) - Music and Lyrics by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 6

1.  Dog's Life Theme (03:23)
2.  Labour Exchange (02:25)
3.  Dog's Life Theme/Dog Chase (03:14)
4.  Green Lantern Rag (00:49)
5.  Coffee and Cakes (02:31)
6.  Green Lantern Snag (00:54)
7.  Flat Feet/The Shimmy (01:33)
8.  Song Triste (01:24)
9.  Coda/3 Rags/Coffee and Cakes/Jazz (03:06)
10.  Kicked Out (Coffee and Cakes) (01:05)
11.  Robbers/Robber Buries Money (01:03)
12.  Jazz/Dog Digging/Charlie Finds Money (02:53)
13.  Rag (00:40)
14.  Romance (01:19)
15.  March (00:18)
16.  D. Minor Theme (00:37)
17.  Robbers/Tête à Tête (03:02)
18.  Bar (Robbers)/Galop (01:50)
19.  When Dreams Come True (Coffee and Cakes/Dog's Life Theme) (02:30)
Tracks 1-12: A Dog's Life (1918), 1959 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin
20.  Main Titles (02:51)
21.  Main Titles (02:13)
22.  Sauerkraut March/Shell Happy/Changing Guard/Peace (02:22)
23.  The Post (02:32)
24.  Limburger (Sauerkraut March) (00:42)
25.  Bed Time (Bugle Call/Flat Feet) (01:56)
26.  Morning (Bugle Call/Shell Happy) (00:50)
27.  Over the Top (01:57)
28.  The Captured Trench (Sauerkraut March) (01:37)
29.  Two of a Kind (Flat Feet) (01:59)
30.  Inner March (00:39)
31.  Tree Cam (00:40)
32.  Suspense Cam (00:58)
33.  Agitato/Mysterioso March/The Enemy (03:02)
34.  D. Minor Waltz (01:15)
35.  Inner March/The Enemy (03:23)
36.  Mysterioso March/The Kaiser Visits the Front (Inner March) (02:43)
37.  Rescuing the Girl and His Pal (Inner March) (02:03)
38.  Trombone Sweetener/Eerie/Inner March (01:40)
39.  Bringing Home the Bacon/Trumpet Call/End Title (02:34)
40.  Chaplin Vous Parle (00:27)
Tracks 20-40: Shoulder Arms (1918), 1959 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 7

1.  Opening Music (Bound for Texas) (01:00)
Vocals by Matt Munro
2.  Jitters (01:55)
3.  Hope and Faith (00:30)
4.  Texas (Bound for Texas) (03:20)
Vocals by Matt Munro
5.  The Reverend Mr. Pim (Texas Border) (01:45)
6.  Old Ladies Ranch (01:14)
7.  The Service/The Deacon Presents/Opening Hymn (02:00)
8.  The Deacon Presents/The Collection Hymn (02:04)
9.  David and Goliath/Bringing Back the Bacon (02:07)
10.  Kitchen and Curate (00:36)
11.  The Collection Box (00:39)
12.  Texas (Bound for Texas) [Instrumental Version] (01:00)
13.  Family Album (00:53)
14.  Tea Party (03:09)
15.  Helping in the Kitchen (Family Album/Kitchen and Curate) (02:37)
16.  The Deacon Arrives for Tea (The Deacon Presents) (01:49)
17.  Cake (01:32)
18.  In the Evening (Texas Border) (01:13)
19.  Prison Companions/Conjuring Thieves/Conjuror No. 2 (02:52)
20.  Waltz Despair/Door Opening/Peace (02:55)
21.  A Hold-Up (Texas/Prison Companions/Jitters) (02:24)
22.  But You Don't Care (00:47)
23.  Texas Border (03:07)
24.  End Credits (Bound for Texas) (00:59)
Vocals by Matt Munro
25.  Early Version of Texas Border on Piano (02:02)
Tracks 1-25: The Pilgrim (1923), 1959 Re-score - Music and Lyrics by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 8

1.  Swing High Little Girl (01:27)
Vocals by Charles Chaplin
2.  A Struggling Circus (02:13)
3.  Around the Side Shows/Hot Dog (01:37)
4.  Pickpocket/Chase/Mirror Music/Mechanical Figures/Crashing the Big Top (05:57)
5.  Wrecking the Magician's Act/Where's the Funny Man? (02:34)
6.  Meal Time/Job Offer (01:41)
7.  Befriending Merna (03:44)
8.  The William Tell Act (03:15)
9.  The Barber Shop Act (04:15)
10.  Mule/Tramp Washes Shaving Cream from Face/The New Property Man (06:15)
11.  The Circus Prospers/Keep Him Busy (02:56)
12.  Charlie Swallows Horse Pill/Lion's Cage/The Hit of the Show (06:11)
13.  The Fortune Teller (05:42)
14.  Rex/The Tramp's New Ambition (03:45)
15.  Preparing to Replace Rex (05:11)
16.  Tight Rope Waltz/Attacked by Monkeys/Kicked Out of the Circus (06:05)
17.  Merna Runs Away/Charlie Gives Rex Ring (An Irish Echo) (02:35)
18.  Final Wedding (02:11)
19.  The Circus Moves On/Charlie Stays Behind (Sadness) (01:21)
20.  Charlie Chaplin Composing Music for The Circus (01:11)
Tracks 1-20: The Circus (1928), 1968 Re-score - Music and Lyrics by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 9

1.  A Smile- And Perhaps, A Tear (04:54)
2.  His Morning Promenade (04:20)
3.  At Home with the Infant (02:46)
4.  Five Years Later (02:10)
5.  Working the Streets (04:57)
6.  A Star of Great Prominence/Breakfast (05:52)
7.  The Fight (04:58)
8.  The Country Doctor (03:38)
9.  The Orphan Asylum/Rooftop Chase (05:10)
10.  Night/$1000 Reward/Dawn (06:04)
11.  Dreamland/The End (05:58)
12.  Charlie Chaplin Composing Music for The Kid (00:40)
Tracks 1-12: The Kid (1921), 1971 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 10

1.  Opening Music/Box Theme/Charlie's Theme (02:22)
2.  Suspense/Charlie's Theme/Unison Theme (05:46)
3.  The Lonely Tramp (Golf Links Waltz) (04:48)
4.  Charlie's Daydream (Optimism) (01:30)
5.  Golf Links Waltz (02:10)
6.  That Evening (Carefree) (03:36)
7.  Madam Awaits You (Optimism) (01:14)
8.  South American (03:41)
9.  Fox-trot (02:01)
10.  Apology (Carefree) (02:05)
Tracks 1-10: The Idle Class (1921), 1971 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin
11.  Opening Music/The Foreman's Daughter (Debussy Music)/Brick Music (04:23)
12.  Lunch Waltz/Brick Music (03:26)
13.  His Wife - And First National Bank (02:13)
14.  Solving the Peace Problem/Singing Outside the Club Music (01:51)
15.  Sweet Adeline Waltz (02:05)
16.  "Last Bus" Music (03:09)
17.  Five A.M. (Misterioso)/Finale Music (04:16)
18.  Charlie Chaplin and Eric James at Work (00:31)
Tracks 11-18: Pay Day (1922), 1972 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 11

1.  Opening Music (00:52)
2.  Car Music (02:24)
3.  Boat Ride (02:07)
4.  Jazz (01:28)
5.  Sea Music (01:28)
6.  Deck Chair Waltz (02:25)
7.  Sea Song (02:26)
8.  Oh! We Won't Get Home 'Till the Morning (00:26)
9.  Crossroads (02:25)
10.  Tar (02:27)
Tracks 1-10: A Day's Pleasure (1919), 1973 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin
11.  Opening Music (00:54)
12.  Sunnyside Waltz (02:55)
13.  Evergreen Waltz (03:24)
14.  Morning Service (00:31)
15.  The Unwilling Sinner (Emotional) (02:00)
16.  The Wood Nymphs (Ballet Music, Vamp Number) (02:37)
17.  Romance Waltz (03:00)
18.  A Flat Note (Bandolero) (01:19)
19.  Late Again (Country Vamp) (03:45)
20.  Lounge Lizards (02:18)
21.  Forgotten (01:52)
22.  Cruel Fate (When Other Lips from "The Bohemian Girl") (01:32)
23.  His Last Hope (When Other Lips from "The Bohemian Girl") (04:12)
24.  Chaplin Improvising a Tune (00:38)
Tracks 11-24: Sunnyside (1919), 1974 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin

Disc/Cassette 12

1.  A Woman of Paris/Melody in F (01:34)
2.  Nocturne/Suspense (03:37)
3.  Minor Melody (02:49)
4.  Shock (02:24)
5.  At the Station (03:22)
6.  Jean's Reaction (Shock) (02:40)
7.  One Year Later in Paris (Restaurant Waltz) (00:55)
8.  Revel's Music/Restaurant Waltz (03:05)
9.  Champagne Truffles (Restaurant Waltz) (02:26)
10.  Marie's Apartment (01:40)
11.  Revel's Business Office (02:05)
12.  Paulette Arrives (Marie's Apartment) (01:57)
13.  Champagne (01:10)
14.  Bad News (01:39)
15.  That Evening (Latin Quarter) (00:50)
16.  Latin Quarter (02:31)
17.  Homespun (01:21)
18.  Nocturne/Latin Quarter (02:57)
19.  Cassette Waltz (01:52)
20.  Bad News/Revel's Business Office (03:00)
21.  Painting Music (Fox Trot) (03:18)
22.  The Necklace Waltz (04:58)
23.  We Must Part (Bad News) (01:42)
24.  The Argument/Agitato/Shock (03:10)
25.  Revel's Music/Champagne (01:40)
26.  Marie's Apartment/Restaurant Waltz/Bad News (03:29)
27.  Massage Scene Theme (02:26)
28.  Remorse and Despair (Shock) (01:09)
29.  Revel Waltz/Dramatique (01:14)
30.  Restaurant Waltz (02:45)
31.  Shock and Agitato/Shock Theme (02:13)
32.  At the Station/Minor Waltz Melody/Shock Theme (02:59)
33.  The Argument/Nocturne/Restaurant Waltz (03:10)
34.  A Woman of Paris (01:39)
Tracks 1-34: A Woman of Paris (1923), 1976 Re-score - Music by Charles Chaplin

Total Duration: 12:50:42
Track listing contributed by jordan.tokuscope

RCA Records 09026 68271 2 Image supplied by

RCA Records 09026 68271 2  

Release Date

Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester conducted by Carl Davis.

Also contains music from:
 Gold Rush, The
 Kid, The
 Modern Times
 City Lights

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Charles Chaplin - The Film Music

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 18
Wish list: 11

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Silva Screen SILCD1198

Silva Screen SILCD1198  

Great Britain 
Release Date

Disc one: Chaplin by Chaplin.
Disc two: Chaplin by Davis.
Played by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, featuring the Wihan Quartet. Conducted by Carl Davis.
2 CD's in cardboard sleeve.

Also contains music from:
 Kid, The
 Pay Day
 Gold Rush, The
 City Lights
 Modern Times
 Great Dictator, The
 Monsieur Verdoux
 King In New York, A
 Countess From Hong Kong, A
 Woman Of Paris, A
 Gentleman Tramp, The
 Floorwalker, The
 Fireman, The
 Vagabond, The
 One A.M.
 Count, The
 Pawnshop, The
 Behind The Screen
 Rink, The
 Easy Street
 Cure, The
 Immigrant, The
 Adventurer, The

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Charlie Chaplin - The Essential Film Music Collection
 Chaplin Revue, The

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 31
Wish list: 3

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  The Reel Chaplin - A Symphonic Adventure (Part 1) (12:45)
2.  The Kid (08:45)
3.  Pay Day (04:21)
4.  The Gold Rush (04:22)
5.  The Circus (06:15)
6.  City Lights (05:15)
7.  Modern Times (03:51)
8.  The Great Dictator (05:39)
9.  Monsieur Verdoux - Paris Boulevard (02:15)
10.  Monsieur Verdoux - Bitter Tango (02:51)
11.  A King in New York - Mandolin Serenade (03:47)
12.  A King in New York - Weeping Willow (01:48)
13.  A Countess from Hong Kong (06:40)
14.  The Reel Chaplin - A Symphonic Adventure (Part 2) (06:07)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  The Floorwalker (03:31)
2.  The Fireman (04:53)
3.  The Vagabond (05:42)
4.  One A.M. (06:27)
5.  The Count (03:37)
6.  The Pawnshop (08:27)
7.  Behind the Screen (06:29)
8.  The Rink (07:47)
9.  Easy Street (06:52)
10.  The Cure (07:29)
11.  The Immigrant (08:56)
12.  The Adventurer (06:34)

Total Duration: 02:31:25
Track listing contributed by micjo197

If you know of another release, why don't you tell us about it, so we can add it to our database.