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Moses The Lawgiver



Moses The Lawgiver (1975)

Television Show/Movie/Series Composer(s):
Ennio Morricone
Anthony Burgess (score rejected)

Released in:

Italy, Great Britain

Also known as:
  • Mose (1975, Italy)

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Total number of members who have this title in their:
Collection: 446
Wish list: 48

There are 8 labels for this title.
There are 12 compilation albums for this title.

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Legend CD 38 DLX

Legend CD 38 DLX  

Release Date

2 CD-set.

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 50
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Tema di Mosè (04:03)
2.  Esodo primo (03:08)
3.  Israël (04:59)
4.  Nella voce di Dio (04:44)
5.  Monodie sovrapposte (03:35)
6.  Suonatori di flauto (02:51)
7.  Battaglia e Mar Rosso (06:31)
8.  Canto notturno (02:17)
9.  Suoni notturni (03:57)
10.  Lamentazione prima (05:55)
11.  Le diece piaghe (Parte 1: gli insetti) (03:30)
12.  Tema di Mosè (Viaggio) (04:24)
13.  Meditazione prima (03:36)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Tema di Mosè (Titoli di coda) (04:03)
2.  Altri suonatori di flauto (02:14)
3.  Le diece piaghe (Parte 2) (03:15)
4.  Salmodia (05:10)
5.  Canto di donne (05:02)
6.  Esodo secondo (03:06)
7.  Urla notturne (02:47)
8.  Lamentazione seconda (05:11)
9.  Le diece piaghe (Parte 3) (04:02)
10.  Tema di Mosè (Rito della pasqua) (04:29)
11.  Le quaglie (02:29)
12.  Le diece piaghe (Parte 4) (03:58)

Total Duration: 01:39:16
Track listing contributed by JuPe

PYE NSPH 28503 Image supplied by
Victor Valentine

PYE NSPH 28503  

Great Britain 
Release Date
Fold out cover.

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 13
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  Track listing

1.  Moses Theme (Main Title) (04:03)
2.  Exodus (03:08)
3.  Battle and Red Sea (06:36)
4.  Night Cry (02:50)
5.  First Lamentation (05:59)
6.  From the Voice of God (04:44)
7.  Israel (05:02)
8.  Journey (04:26)
9.  Nightmares (04:01)
10.  Second Exodus (03:04)
11.  The Ten Plagues: Insects (03:33)
12.  Moses Theme (Closing Titles) (04:03)
13.  Second Lamentation (05:12)

Total Duration: 00:56:41
Track listing contributed by Londo Mollari

RCA Records NL 31106  

Release Date

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Collection: 7
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  Track listing

1.  Tema di Mosè (Titoli di testa) (04:04)
2.  Esodo primo (03:07)
3.  Battaglia e Mar Rosso (06:31)
4.  Urla notturne (02:48)
5.  Lamentazione prima (05:55)
6.  Nella voce di Dio (04:44)
7.  Israel (05:01)
8.  Tema di Mosè (Viaggio) (04:24)
9.  Suoni notturni (03:57)
10.  Esodo secondo (03:06)
11.  Le dieci piaghe (I parte "Gli insetti") (03:30)
12.  Tema di Mosè (Titoli di coda) (04:03)
13.  Lamentazione seconda (02:58)

Total Duration: 00:54:08

RCA Records OST 113 Image supplied by

RCA Records OST 113  

Release Date

2 CD set.

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Collection: 69
Wish list: 17

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Moses Theme (04:03)
Main Title
2.  Exodus One (03:08)
3.  Israel (04:59)
4.  In God's Voice (04:44)
5.  Superimposed Monodies (03:35)
6.  Flute Players (02:51)
7.  Battle and Red Sea (06:31)
8.  Nocturnal Chant (02:17)
9.  Nocturnal Sounds (03:57)
10.  Lamentation One (05:55)
11.  The Ten Plagues, Pt. 1: The Insects (03:30)
12.  Moses Theme (Journey) (04:24)
13.  Meditation One (03:36)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Moses Theme (04:03)
End Titles
2.  Other Flute Players (02:14)
3.  The Ten Plagues, Pt. 2 (03:15)
4.  Salmody (05:10)
5.  Chant of Women (05:02)
6.  Exodus Two (03:06)
7.  Nocturnal Shouts (02:47)
8.  Lamentation Two (05:11)
9.  The Ten Plagues, Pt. 3 (04:02)
10.  Moses Theme (04:29)
The Easter Rite
11.  The Quails (02:29)
12.  The Ten Plagues, Pt. 4 (03:58)

Total Duration: 01:39:16
Track listing contributed by

RCA Records TBBO 1082 Image supplied by

RCA Records TBBO 1082  

Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 4
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  Track listing

1.  Tema di Mose' (titoli di testa)
Conducted by Bruno Nicolai
2.  Israel
Conducted by Bruno Nicolai

Track listing contributed by s.tonkens

RCA Records TBL-11106 Image supplied by

RCA Records TBL-11106  

Release Date
Gatefold sleeve.

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Collection: 28
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  Track listing

1.  Moses Theme (04:03)
Main Title
2.  Exodus One (03:03)
3.  Battle and Red Sea (06:27)
4.  Nocturnal Shouts (02:47)
5.  Lamentation One (05:51)
6.  In God's Voice (04:35)
7.  Israel (04:59)
8.  Moses Theme (04:23)
9.  Nocturnal Sounds (03:57)
10.  Exodus Two (03:00)
11.  The Ten Plagues (03:29)
Part 1 "The Insects"
12.  Moses Theme (04:01)
Closing titles
13.  Lamentation Two (02:52)

Total Duration: 00:53:27
Track listing contributed by rjn

RCA Records TBL1-1106 STEREO Image supplied by

RCA Records TBL1-1106 STEREO  

United States 
Release Date

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Collection: 2
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RCA Records TPBO 1113 Image supplied by

RCA Records TPBO 1113  

Release Date

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Collection: 2
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  Track listing

1.  Diglielo al tuo dio (04:53)
(F. Migliacci - E. Morricone) sung by Maria Carta

Total Duration: 00:04:53
Track listing contributed by s.tonkens

Compilation Albums

DFV 0006  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Eredità Ferramonti, L'
 Metti Una Sera A Cena
 Maestro E Margherita, Il
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Per Le Antiche Scale
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Musica Per Film

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 6
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  C'era una volta il West (03:07)
2.  Mission (Gabriel's Theme) (02:13)
3.  C'era una volta in America (Deborah's Theme) (04:08)
4.  L'eredita Ferramonti (01:52)
5.  Metti una sera a cena (secondo tema) (03:39)
6.  Il Maestro e Margherita (04:54)
7.  Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (02:54)
8.  Il prato (03:31)
9.  Lolita (04:22)
10.  Rampage (04:35)
11.  Romanza (03:03)
12.  Mose (05:13)
13.  Per le antiche scale (02:22)
14.  Love Affair (02:24)
15.  Nuovo cinema Paradiso (03:07)

Total Duration: 00:51:24
Track listing contributed by handstand

BMG Ricordi 74321716392(2) Image supplied by

BMG Ricordi 74321716392(2)  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Giordano Bruno
 Ladrone, Il
 El Greco
 Pasolini, Un Delitto Italiano
 Uccellacci E Uccellini
 Magi Randagi, I
 Secret Of The Sahara, The
 Guardiani Del Cielo, I
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Giù La Testa
 Metti Una Sera A Cena
 Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano, La
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Piovra 2, La

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Sacred And The Profane, The

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 20
Wish list: 4

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Cantico del Giubileo (inedito) (06:44)
performed by Orchestra e Coro dell´Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, 1999
2.  Gabriel´s Oboe (02:12)
from "The Mission", 1986
3.  Super flumina Babilonis (04:42)
from "Giordano Bruno", 1973
4.  I poveri visti dai ricchi (03:50)
from "Il ladrone", 1980
5.  Exultate Deo (02:20)
from "El Greco", 1986
6.  Vedo il mio corpo crocefisso (02:40)
from "Pasolini, un delitto italianao", 1995
7.  San Francesco parla agli uccelli (01:27)
from "Uccellacci e uccellini", 1996
8.  1. Pezzo sacro (05:38)
9.  2. Pezzo sacro (06:44)
10.  É nato (04:20)
from "I magi randagi", 1996
11.  Tema di Mosé - Viaggio (04:24)
from "Mosé", 1975
12.  The Mountain (10:10)
from "Il segreto del Sahara", 1987
13.  Alleluja, Alleluja (01:47)
from "Giordano Bruno", 1973
14.  Il Cantico del Giubileo: suoni immagni e parole (05:40)
bonus video track (enchanced CD)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  And will you love me? (04:23)
performed by Antonella Ruggiero, from "I guardiani del Cielo" (TV movie), 1999
2.  Song for Elena (04:45)
performed by Amii Stewart, from "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso", 1990
3.  L´éblouissante lumiére (04:36)
performed by Mirelle Mathieu, from "Giú la testa", 1974
4.  Metti una sera a cena (04:09)
performed by Milva, from "Metti una sera a cena", 1972
5.  Saharan Dream (03:07)
performed by Amii Stewart, from "The Secret of the Sahara", 1987
6.  Lost boy calling (03:55)
performed by Fillipa Giordano, from "La leggenda del pianista sull´oceano", 1999
7.  C´era una volta la terra mia (04:20)
performed by Katia Ricciarelli, from "C´era una volta il West", 1985
8.  Here´s to you (03:07)
performed by Joan Baez, from "Sacco e Vanzetti", 1975
9.  Chi Mai (03:28)
performed by Milva, from "Maddalena", 1972
10.  My heart and I (04:56)
performed by Amii Stewart, from "La Piovra", 1990
11.  Se telefonado (02:58)
performed by Mina, 1966

Total Duration: 01:46:22
Track listing contributed by ilja

BMG/Rhino R2 71858 Image supplied by

BMG/Rhino R2 71858  

United States 
Release Date

2 CD's.

Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Ritorno Di Ringo, Il
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Navajo Joe
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Uccellacci E Uccellini
 Battaglia Di Algeri, La
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Giardino Delle Delizie, Il
 Resa Dei Conti, La
 Bataille De San Sebastian, La
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Gli Intoccabili
 Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo, L'
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Città Violenta
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Giù La Testa
 Sans Mobile Apparent
 Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso, La
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Exorcist II: The Heretic
 Gatto, Il
 Umanoide, L'
 Dedicato Al Mare Egeo
 Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo, La
 Professionnel, Le
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Mission, The
 Untouchables, The
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone Anthology

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 82
Wish list: 11

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Titoli From "A Fistful Of Dollars" (02:58)
Per un pugno di dollari (RCA Victor Album #LSO-1135, 1967)
2.  Theme From "A Fistful Of Dollars" (01:49)
Per un pugno di dollari (RCA Victor single #47-9090, 1965; Also included on RCA Victor Album #LSO-1135, 1967)
3.  Una Pistola Per Ringo (02:19)
Una Pistola Per Ringo (RCA [Italy] single #ARC-AN-4052, 1965)
4.  Il Ritorno Di Ringo (02:17)
Il Ritorno Di Ringo (RCA [Italy] single #ARC-AN-4069, 1965)
5.  Là Resa Dei Conti (aka Sixty Seconds To What?) (03:06)
Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (Peter's Int'l album #PILPS-4060, 1975)
6.  Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (aka For A Few Dollars More) (02:50)
Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (Peter's Int'l album #PILPS-4060, 1975)
7.  Navajo Joe (Original Main Title) (02:50)
Un Dollaro A Testa (Parade [Italy] single #PRC-5015)
8.  The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Main Title) (02:41)
Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967)
9.  The Ecstasy Of Gold (03:24)
Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967)
10.  Uccelacci E Uccelini (02:29)
Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967)
11.  Algiers November 1, 1954 (02:25)
La Battaglia Di Algeri (United Artists album #UAS-5171, 1967)
12.  Ad Ogni Costo (02:54)
Ad Ogni Costo (RCA [Italy] album #SP-8021, 1967)
13.  Il Giardino Delle Delizie (03:05)
Il Giardino Delle Delizie (RCA [Italy] album #SP-10008, 1970)
14.  The Big Gundown (02:22)
La Resa Dei Conti (United Artists album #UAS-5190, 1968)
15.  Love Theme From Guns For San Sebastian (Reprise) (02:53)
I Cannoi Di San Sebastian (MGM album #SE-4565, 1968)
16.  Man With A Harmonica (03:31)
C'Era Una Volta Il West (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972)
17.  Farewell To Cheyenne (02:39)
C'Era Una Volta Il West (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972)
18.  Once Upon A Time In The West (03:45)
C'Era Una Volta Il West (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972)
19.  La Ballata Di Hank McCain (The Ballad Of Hank McCain) (02:11)
Gli Intoccabili (Jolly [Italy] album #LPJ-5094, 1969)
20.  Piume Di Cristallo (05:16)
L'Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo (Cinevox [Italy] album #MDF-33,31, 1969)
21.  Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto (Main Title) (03:29)
Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto (Cerberus album #CEMS-0110, 1981)
22.  Città Violenta (Titoli) (02:25)
Città Violenta (RCA [Italy] album #KOLS-1010, 1970)
23.  The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti - Part 2 (05:25)
Sacco E Vanzetti (RCA Victor album #LSP-4612, 1971)
24.  Here's To You (03:09)
Sacco E Vanzetti (RCA Victor album #LSP-4612, 1971)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Duck You Sucker (Main Title) (03:38)
Giù La Testa (United Artists album #UAS-5221, 1972)
2.  March Of The Beggars (04:55)
Giù La Testa (United Artists album #UAS-5221, 1972)
3.  Senza Motivo Apparente (04:22)
Sans Mobile Apparent (General Music [Italy] album #ZSLGE-55064, 1971)
4.  Pazzia Da Lavaro (02:24)
La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso (RCA [Italy] album #SP-8038, 1971)
5.  Il Moi Nome È Nessuno (03:11)
Il Moi Nome È Nessuno (General Music [Italy] album #DZSLGE-55497, 1973)
6.  Moses Theme (Main Titles) (04:09)
Moses, The Lawgiver (RCA album #TBL1-1106, 1977)
7.  Magic And Ecstasy (03:03)
Exorcist II: The Heretic (Warner Bros. album #BS-3068, 1977)
8.  Gli Scatenati (03:42)
Il Gatto (Cinevox [Italy] album #MDF-33.117, 1978)
9.  Il Gatto (03:08)
Il Gatto (Cinevox [Italy] album #MDF-33.117, 1978)
10.  Robodog (01:39)
L'Umanoide (RCA [Italy] album #BL-31432, 1979)
11.  Cavallina A Cavallo (04:20)
Dedicato Al Mare Egeo (Columbia [Japan] album #LX-7062, 1979)
12.  La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo (02:15)
La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo (Bubble [Italy] album #BLU-19605, 1981)
13.  Chi Mai (05:06)
Le Professionel (General Music [France] album #803.026, 1981)
14.  Sinfonia D'Una Città, Part II (04:50)
Order Of Death (WEA/General Music [Germany] album #24-0200, 1983)
15.  Cockeye's Song (04:22)
Once Upon A Time In America (Mercury album #81897, 1984)
16.  On Earth As It Is In Heaven (03:51)
The Mission (Virgin album #90567, 1986)
17.  Al Capone (02:55)
The Untouchables (A&M album #3909, 1987)
18.  The Untouchables (End Title) (03:11)
The Untouchables (A&M album #3909, 1987)
19.  From American Sex Appeal To The First Fellini (03:26)
Cinema Paradiso (DRG album #CDSBL-12598, 1989)
20.  Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (02:44)
Atame! (RCA/Novus Vision album #3095, 1990)
21.  Act Of Faith (03:12)
Bugsy (Epic album #48804, 1991)

Total Duration: 02:26:35
Track listing contributed by Piet van de Merwe

DRG Records DRG 32908

DRG Records DRG 32908  

United States 
Release Date


Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Ritorno Di Ringo, Il
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Navajo Joe
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Uccellacci E Uccellini
 Battaglia Di Algeri, La
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Giardino Delle Delizie, Il
 Resa Dei Conti, La
 Bataille De San Sebastian, La
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Gli Intoccabili
 Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo, L'
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Città Violenta
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Giù La Testa
 Sans Mobile Apparent
 Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso, La
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Exorcist II: The Heretic
 Gatto, Il
 Umanoide, L'
 Dedicato Al Mare Egeo
 Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo, La
 Professionnel, Le
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Mission, The
 Untouchables, The
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Califfa, La
 Dio è Con Noi
 Che C'Entriamo Noi Con La Rivoluzione?
 Mosca Addio
 Cuore Di Mamma
 Espion, Lève-Toi
 Trio Infernal, Le
 Banquière, La
 Alibi, L'
 Gatto A Nove Code, Il
 ¡Vamos A Matar, Compañeros!
 Tepepa... Viva La Revolución
 Tempo Di Uccidere
 Dimenticare Palermo
 Tre Colonne In Cronaca
 Agnese Va A Morire, L'
 Questa Specie D'Amore
 D'Amore Si Muore
 Piazza Di Spagna
 Diavolo Nel Cervello, Il
 Cugina, La
 Crudeli, I
 Donna Invisibile, La
 Venexiana, La
 Ruffian, Le
 Serpent, Le
 Cage Aux Folles 3 - 'Elles' Se Marient, La
 Marginal, Le

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone Anthology
 Ennio Morricone Anthology, An

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 28
Wish list: 6

Things you can do:
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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  The Lady Caliph (02:36)
from "La Califfa"
2.  Women and the River (01:06)
from "La Califfa"
3.  Sans Mobile Apparent (04:20)
from "Sans Mobile Apparent"
4.  Night Search (02:10)
from "Sans Mobile Apparent"
5.  A Friend (02:36)
from "Revolver"
6.  The Ballad of Hank McCain (02:08)
from "Gli Intoccabili"
7.  Rosemary (02:04)
from "Gli Intoccabili"
8.  Gott mit Uns (04:24)
from "Dio è con Noi"
9.  What am I Doing ? (04:54)
from "Che c'entriamo noi con la Rivoluzione"
10.  Come Maddalena (04:17)
from "Maddalena"
11.  Moscow Farewell (04:46)
from "Mosca Addio"
12.  Amusing Diversion (02:58)
from "Cuore di Mamma"
13.  I Bambini ci Chiedono Perché
from "Perché?"
14.  A Neighborhood Song (03:35)
from "Quartiere"
15.  Le Vent, Le Cri (05:10)
from "Le Professionnel"
16.  My Name is Nobody (03:10)
from "Il Mio Nome è Nessuno"
17.  Marche en La (03:00)
from "Espion, Lève-Toi"
18.  Le Trio Infernal (04:10)
from "Le Trio Infernal"
19.  Dédicace (03:33)
from "La Banquière"
20.  Belinda May (02:52)
from "L'Alibi"
21.  Lullaby in Blue (02:37)
from "Il Gatto a Nove Code"
22.  Compañeros (02:23)
from "Vamos a Matar, Compañeros"

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Slalom (01:30)
from "Slalom"
2.  Sestriere (02:25)
from "Slalom"
3.  Viva la Revolucion (04:18)
from "Tepepa"
4.  Chi Mai (05:05)
from "Maddalena"
5.  A Far Away Italy (03:07)
from "Tempo di Uccidere"
6.  Dimenticare Palermo (04:18)
from "Dimenticare Palermo"
7.  Three Columns in Front Page (03:15)
from "Tre Colonne in Cronica"
8.  The Lamb is Going to Die? (03:09)
from "L'Agnese Va a Morire"
9.  Song of Nostalgie (03:10)
from "L'Agnese Va a Morire"
10.  This Kind of Love (03:09)
from "Questa Specie d'Amore"
11.  To the People of Parma (02:40)
from "Questa Specie d'Amore"
12.  A Little Bitter Irony
from "D'Amore si Muore"
13.  Place of Spain (02:47)
from "Piazza di Spagna"
14.  Reason, Hart, Love (03:26)
from "Il Diavolo nel Cervello"
15.  Veruschka (02:55)
from "Veruschka"
16.  The Cousin (04:09)
from "La Cugina"
17.  The Hellbenders (02:31)
from "I Crudeli"
18.  To Serenity (01:51)
from " La Donna Invisibile"
19.  La Venexiana (02:15)
from "La Venexiana"
20.  Western? (03:36)
from "Le Ruffian"
21.  Theme for a Woman Alone (02:35)
from "Le Serpent"
22.  Châteaux en Ecosse (03:16)
from "La Cage aux Folles 3"
23.  The Outsider (03:54)
from "Le Marginal"

Total Duration: 02:18:10
Track listing contributed by Frank Marquet

RCA Records NL 70091 Image supplied by

RCA Records NL 70091  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Sacco E Vanzetti

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone Film Hits

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 9
Wish list: 0

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RCA Records PD70324 Image supplied by

RCA Records PD70324  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Giù La Testa
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Dio è Con Noi
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Da Uomo A Uomo

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Best Of Ennio Morricone, The

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 28
Wish list: 2

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  Track listing

1.  For a few dollars more (02:51)
2.  A fistful of dynamite (04:36)
3.  My name is nobody (03:10)
4.  A fistful of dollars (02:57)
5.  Sacco and Vanzetti (08:33)
a - Here's to you / b - The ballade of Sacco and Vanzetti
6.  Moses the lawgiver (04:05)
7.  Metello (02:41)
8.  God with us (04:26)
9.  Once upon a time in the west (07:00)
a - L'uoma dell'armonica / b - Titoli
10.  1900 : Romanzo (04:06)
11.  Death rides a horse (03:20)
12.  Life is tough, isn't it ? (04:37)
13.  Ciribiribin (03:46)
14.  Scetate (05:00)

Total Duration: 01:01:08
Track listing contributed by Théophile

RCA Records PL 31279 Image supplied by

RCA Records PL 31279  

Release Date
3 LP's in box.

Also contains music from:
 Serpent, Le
 Giù La Testa
 Città Violenta
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Pugni In Tasca, I
 Menage All'Italiana
 Dio è Con Noi
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Svegliati E Uccidi
 Maestro E Margherita, Il
 Giardino Delle Delizie, Il
 Harem, L'

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone Coffret Or

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 2
Wish list: 0

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Sony Classical SICC 208-9 Image supplied by

Sony Classical SICC 208-9  

Release Date

CD with DVD. Including 2 extra tracks.

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano, La
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Once Upon A Time In America
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Casualties Of War
 Untouchables, The
 Marco Polo
 Califfa, La

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 8
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Gabriel's oboe (03:11)
The Mission
2.  The falls (02:27)
The Mission
3.  The legend of 1900: Playing Love (01:49)
4.  Cinema Paradiso: Nostalgia (01:58)
5.  Cinema Paradiso: Looking for you (01:43)
6.  Malena: Main theme (04:21)
7.  A pure formality: Main theme (03:48)
8.  Once upon a time in America: Deborah's theme (03:32)
9.  Once upon a time in America: Cockeye's song (02:12)
10.  Once upon a time in America: main theme (01:48)
11.  Once upon a time in the west: main theme (03:21)
12.  The ggod, the bad and the ugly: Ecstacy of gold (03:57)
13.  Casualties of war: Main theme (03:53)
14.  The untouchables: Death theme (03:10)
15.  Moses: journey (02:34)
16.  Moses: main theme (02:06)
17.  Marco Polo: main theme (03:21)
18.  La Califfa: Dinner (03:50)
19.  La califfa: Nocturne (02:33)
20.  Playing love from The Legend of 1900 (01:50)
(cello and piano version) Bonus track
21.  Gabriel's oboe from The Mission (04:26)
(Cello and piano version) Bonus track

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Yo-Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone (10:00)
2.  Unversity of Southern California Student films (08:00)
3.  Current cds (02:00)

Total Duration: 01:21:50
Track listing contributed by s.tonkens

Sony Classical SK 90453  

United States 
Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano, La
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Casualties Of War
 Marco Polo
 Califfa, La

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 4
Wish list: 0

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Sony Classical SK 93456

Sony Classical SK 93456  

United States 
Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano, La
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Once Upon A Time In America
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Casualties Of War
 Untouchables, The
 Marco Polo
 Califfa, La

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 62
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

1.  The Mission: Gabriel's Oboe (03:11)
2.  The Mission: The Falls (02:27)
3.  Guisseppe Tornatore Suite: The Legend of 1900: Playing Love (01:49)
4.  Guisseppe Tornatore Suite: Cinema Paradiso: Nostalgia (01:58)
5.  Guisseppe Tornatore Suite: Cinema Paradiso: Looking for You (01:43)
6.  Guisseppe Tornatore Suite: Malena: Main Theme (04:22)
7.  Guisseppe Tornatore Suite: A Pure Formality: Main Theme (03:49)
8.  Sergio Leone Suite: Once Upon a Time in America: Deobrah's Theme (03:32)
9.  Sergio Leone Suite: Once Upon a Time in America: Cockeye's Song (02:13)
10.  Sergio Leone Suite: Once Upon a Time in America: Main Theme (01:49)
11.  Sergio Leone Suite: Once Upon a Time in the West: Main Theme (03:21)
12.  Sergio Leone Suite: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Ecstasy of Gold (03:57)
13.  Brian De Palma Suite: Casualties of War: Main Theme (03:54)
14.  Brian De Palma Suite: The Untouchables: Death Theme (03:10)
15.  Moses and Marco Polo Suite: Moses: Journey (02:34)
16.  Moses and Marco Polo Suite: Moses: Main Theme (02:07)
17.  Moses and Marco Polo Suite: Marco Polo: Main Theme (03:21)
18.  The Lady Caliph: Dinner (03:51)
19.  The Lady Caliph: Nocturne (02:33)

Total Duration: 00:55:41
Track listing contributed by JuPe

Sony Classical SK 93456 Image supplied by
Mitch Castle

Sony Classical SK 93456  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano, La
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Once Upon A Time In America
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Casualties Of War
 Untouchables, The
 Marco Polo
 Califfa, La

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 6
Wish list: 1

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Sony Classical SN 93472 Image supplied by

Sony Classical SN 93472  

United States 
Release Date
Dual disc: 1 side CD, other side DVD.

Also contains music from:
 Mission, The
 Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano, La
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Once Upon A Time In America
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Casualties Of War
 Untouchables, The
 Marco Polo
 Califfa, La

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 15
Wish list: 1

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

1.  Gabiel's Oboe (03:11)
2.  The Falls (02:27)
3.  The Legend Of 1900: Playing Love (01:49)
4.  Cinema Paradiso: Nostalgia (01:58)
5.  Cinema Paradiso: Looking for you (01:43)
6.  Malena: Main theme (04:22)
7.  A pure Formality: Main Theme (03:49)
8.  One Upon a Time In America: Deborah's Theme (03:32)
SERGIO LEONE SUITE (tracks 8-12)
9.  Once Upon a Time In America: Cockeye's Song (02:13)
10.  Once Upon A time in America: Main Theme (01:49)
11.  Once Uopn a time in the West: Main Theme (03:21)
12.  The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Ecstacy of Gold (03:57)
13.  Casualties of War : Main Theme (03:54)
BRIAN DE PALMA SUITE (tracks 13,14)
14.  The Untouchables: Death theme (03:10)
15.  Moses: Journey (02:34)
16.  Moses: Main Theme (02:07)
17.  Marco Polo: Main Theme (03:10)
18.  Dinner (03:51)
19.  Nocturne (02:33)
20.  Entire album in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
DVD SIDE ***BEWARE*** NTSC FORMAT -European buyers need a region free DVD player
21.  Exclusive Video Footage"Yo-Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone"
22.  Exclusive: University of Southern California Student Films shot to music featured in this recording
23.  Discography

Total Duration: 00:55:30
Track listing contributed by s.tonkens

If you know of another release, why don't you tell us about it, so we can add it to our database.