News at SoundtrackCollector
Ennio Morricone's Maddalena
10-Dec-2021 -

Quartet Records presents a 50th-anniversary remastered edition of the innovative, cult-classic score Maddalena by Ennio Morricone, a key work which launched one of the composer’s best known themes.It is a relatively obscure entry in the Morricone filmography despite the importance of launching “Chi mai,” one of the composer best-known cues and famous worldwide a decade later when it was re-used in the film LE PROFESSIONEL. While the score itself is more psychedelic with lots of percussion, vocalization and experimentation, the self-contained “Chi mai” turned out to be an overnight success that was eventually turned into a song as well—eventually recorded in multiple languages. This new edition features the original album program produced by Morricone himself for the General Music LP. For more info and ordering, visit Quartet Records.

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