News at SoundtrackCollector
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17-Feb-2001 - From Decca: Alan Silvestri - The Mexican (Feb. 26)Terenche Blanchard - The Caveman's Valentine (March 6).
From Varese: Bernard Herrmann - The 3 Worlds of Gulliver (March 6)Georges Delerue - Great Composers (2CD) (March 13)Alex North - Cleopatra (2CD) - Edmund Choi - The Dish - Anne Dudley - Monkeybone (March 20)Various - In Session: A Film Music Celebration (2CD) (March 27)Jerry Goldsmith - Along came the Spider - John Powell - Just Visiting (April 3).
From Chapter III: Terence Blanchard - Original Sin (Feb. 20)Oliver Nelson - Biggest Bundle Of Them All/Zigzag - Miklos Rózsa - El Cid - Laurence Rosenthal - Hotel Paradiso/The Comedians - Ron Goodwin - Where Eagles Dare - Miklos Rózsa - The VIP's (March 20).

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