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Fly, The



Fly, The (1986)

Motion Picture Composer(s):
Howard Shore

Released in:

United States

Drama, Horror, Science Fiction

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Collection: 752
Wish list: 65

There are 13 labels for this title.
There are 2 compilation albums for this title.

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Colosseum CST 8021 Image supplied by

Colosseum CST 8021  

Original Release Title
Die Fliege 
Release Date

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  Track listing

1.  Titelmusik (01:54)
Original: ''Main Title''
2.  Plasma Pool (01:52)
Original: ''Plasma Pool''
3.  Der letzte Besuch (02:24)
Original: The Last Visit''
4.  Stathis greift ein (02:19)
Original: ''Stathis enters''
5.  Der Anruf (02:06)
Original: ''The Phone Call''
6.  Seth riskiert es (02:02)
Original: ''Seth goes through''
7.  Ronnie kommt zurŸck (00:54)
Original: ''Ronnie comes back''
8.  Der Sprung (01:19)
Original: ''The Jump''
9.  ''Particle'' (01:00)
Original: ''Particle Magazine''
10.  Das ArmdrŸcken (00:52)
Original: 'The Arm Wrestle'' - End of Side One
11.  Ronnies Besuch (00:35)
Original: ''Ronnie's Visit''
12.  Das Treppenhaus (01:26)
Original: ''The Stairs''
13.  Die FingernŠgel (02:33)
Original: ''The Fingernails''
14.  Pavian-Teleportation (00:56)
Original: ''Baboon Teleportation''
15.  Die Kreatur (02:06)
Original: ''The Creature''
16.  Der Steak-Versuch (00:57)
Original: ''Steak Montage''
17.  Die Fliegengrafik (01:36)
Original: ''The Maggot / Fly Graphic''
18.  Erfolgreicher Pavian-Versuch (00:56)
Original: ''Success with Baboon''
19.  Die perfekte Familie (01:57)
Original: ''The Ultimate Family''
20.  Das Ende (02:47)
Original: ''The Finale''

Total Duration: 00:32:31
Track listing contributed by antikoerper

Colosseum VSD (CVS) 6688

Colosseum VSD (CVS) 6688  

Release Date

2-CD set.

Also contains music from:
 Fly II, The

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Collection: 12
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That Image supplied by

That's Entertainment Records TER 1120  

Great Britain 
Release Date

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Collection: 7
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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (01:52)
2.  Plasma Pool (01:51)
3.  The Last Visit (02:22)
4.  Stathis Enters (02:17)
5.  The Phone Call (02:03)
6.  Seth Goes Through (02:02)
7.  Ronnie Comes Back (00:52)
8.  The Jump (01:19)
9.  Particle Magazine (00:58)
10.  The Armwrestle (00:57)
TRACKS 1–10: Side one

11.  Ronnie's Visit (00:33)
12.  The Stairs (01:24)
13.  The Fingernails (02:31)
14.  Baboon Teleportation (00:55)
15.  The Creature (02:05)
16.  Steak Montage (00:55)
17.  The Maggot/Fly Graphic (01:32)
18.  Success With Baboon (00:55)
19.  The Ultimate Family (01:55)
20.  The Finale (02:45)
TRACKS 11–20: Side two

Total Duration: 00:32:03
Track listing contributed by Dave

Varese Sarabande 302 066 688 2

Varese Sarabande 302 066 688 2  

United States 
Release Date

2-CD set.

Also contains music from:
 Fly II, The

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 79
Wish list: 13

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Main Title (01:54)
2.  Plasma Pool (01:54)
3.  The Last Visit (02:25)
4.  Stathis Enters (02:19)
5.  The Phone Call (02:07)
6.  Seth Goes Trough (02:03)
7.  Ronnie Comes Back (00:54)
8.  The Jump (01:20)
9.  Seth And The Fly (02:20)
10.  Particle Magazine (01:01)
11.  The Armwrestle (00:50)
12.  Brundlefly (01:43)
13.  Ronnie's Visit (00:35)
14.  The Street (00:43)
15.  The Stairs (01:25)
16.  The Fingernails (02:35)
17.  Baboon Teleportation (00:57)
18.  The Creature (02:08)
19.  Steak Montage (00:59)
20.  The Maggot / Fly Graphic (01:37)
21.  Success With Baboon (00:58)
22.  The Ultimate Family (01:59)
23.  The Finale (02:48)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  The Fly II (01:52)
2.  Come Fly With Me (02:33)
3.  Fly Variations (06:23)
4.  Musca Domestica Metastasis (07:21)
5.  The Spider And The Fly (01:34)
6.  More Is Coming (03:35)
7.  The Fly March (04:11)
8.  Accelerated Brundle Disease (04:17)
9.  Bay 17 Mysteries (02:39)
10.  Bartok Barbaro (05:17)
11.  What's The Magic Word? (04:59)
12.  Dad (02:57)

Total Duration: 01:25:12
Track listing contributed by Frank Vincent

Varese Sarabande 302 066 688 5

Varese Sarabande 302 066 688 5  

United States 
Release Date
Teleporter Fog Green 3D Vinyl.
Limited edition of 2000 copies.

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Varese Sarabande 302 066 688 7

Varese Sarabande 302 066 688 7  

United States 
Release Date
Green & Black Haze 3D Vinyl.
Limited edition of 750 copies.

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Varese Sarabande CVS 47272  

United States 
Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 7
Wish list: 1

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Varese Sarabande STV 81289 Image supplied by

Varese Sarabande STV 81289  

United States 
Release Date

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Collection: 35
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (01:52)
2.  Plasma Pool (01:51)
3.  The Last Visit (02:22)
4.  Stathis Enters (02:17)
5.  The Phone Call (02:03)
6.  Seth Goes Through (02:02)
7.  Ronnie Comes Back (00:52)
8.  The Jump (01:19)
9.  Particle Magazine (00:58)
10.  The Armwrestle (00:57)
Side A: Tracks 1-10 - Side B: Tracks 11-20
11.  Ronnie's Visit (00:33)
12.  The Stairs (01:24)
13.  The Fingernails (02:31)
14.  Baboon Teleportation (00:55)
15.  The Creature (02:05)
16.  Steak Montage (00:55)
17.  The Maggot/Fly Graphic (01:32)
18.  Success With Baboon (00:55)
19.  The Ultimate Family (01:55)
20.  The Finale (02:45)
Performed by The London Philharmonic Orchestra

Total Duration: 00:32:03
Track listing contributed by Giuseppe T. Battistuzzi

Varese Sarabande VCD 47272 Image supplied by
Wim van Schaik

Varese Sarabande VCD 47272  

United States 
Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 189
Wish list: 7

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (01:55)
2.  Plasma Pool (01:54)
3.  The Last Visit (02:25)
4.  Statis Enters (02:20)
5.  The Phone Call (02:07)
6.  Seth Goes Through (02:03)
7.  Ronnie Comes Back (00:55)
8.  The Jump (01:21)
9.  Seth And The Fly (02:21)
10.  Particle Magazine (01:02)
11.  The Armwrestle (00:51)
12.  Brundlefly (01:43)
13.  Ronnie's Visit (00:35)
14.  The Street (00:43)
15.  The Stairs (01:25)
16.  The Fingernails (02:35)
17.  Baboon Teleportation (00:58)
18.  The Creature (02:08)
19.  Steak Montage (00:59)
20.  The Maggot / Fly Graphic (01:37)
21.  Success With Baboon (00:58)
22.  The Ultimate Family (01:59)
23.  The Finale (02:51)

Total Duration: 00:37:45
Track listing contributed by Wim van Schaik

Victor VDP 1176  

Release Date

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Victor Musical Industries, Inc. VCD47272  

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Vinilo VS 1027  

Release Date

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Volcano/Varese Sarabande CPC8-5021 Image supplied by
American Nightmare

Volcano/Varese Sarabande CPC8-5021  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Fly II, The

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 17
Wish list: 2

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  Track listing

1.  Main Title (01:54)
Howard Shore composed and conducted tracks 1 - 20.
2.  Plasma Pool (01:53)
3.  Plasma Pool (02:24)
4.  Stathis Enters (02:19)
5.  The Phone Call (02:05)
6.  Seth Goes Through (02:02)
7.  Ronnie Comes Back (00:54)
8.  The Jump (01:19)
9.  Particle Magazine (00:59)
10.  The Armwrestle (00:50)
11.  Ronnie's Visit (00:43)
12.  The Stairs (01:24)
13.  The Fingernails (02:31)
14.  Baboon Teleportation (00:56)
15.  The Creature (02:07)
16.  Steak Montage (00:55)
17.  The Maggot / Fly Graphic (01:36)
18.  Success With Baboon (00:57)
19.  The Ultimate Family (01:55)
20.  The Finale (02:48)
21.  The Fly II (01:51)
Christopher Young composed tracks 21 - 31 and is conducted by Allan Wilson.
22.  Come Fly With Me (02:33)
23.  Fly Variations (06:22)
24.  Musica Domestica Metastasis (07:21)
25.  The Spider And The Fly (01:34)
26.  More Is Coming (03:34)
27.  The Fly March (04:11)
28.  Bay 17 Mysteries (02:39)
29.  Bartok Barbaro (05:16)
30.  What's The Magic Word? (04:58)
31.  Dad (02:56)

Total Duration: 01:15:46
Track listing contributed by Capri1981

Compilation Albums

Varese Sarabande 302 066 460 2

Varese Sarabande 302 066 460 2  

United States 
Release Date

4 CD Box.

Also contains music from:
 Man From Snowy River, The
 Winds Of War, The
 Blue Velvet
 Raising Arizona
 Pee-wee's Big Adventure
 Nightmare On Elm Street, A
 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
 Right Stuff, The
 Final Conflict, The
 Abyss, The
 Peggy Sue Got Married
 My Left Foot
 Dead, The
 Stanley & Iris
 Milagro Beanfield War, The
 Driving Miss Daisy
 Steel Magnolias
 Raggedy Man
 Grifters, The
 Green Card
 City Slickers
 Father Of The Bride
 While You Were Sleeping
 Great Mouse Detective, The
 Adventures Of Robin Hood, The
 Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The
 Secret Garden, The
 Little Princess, A
 Iron Will
 Memphis Belle
 Eye Of The Needle
 Total Recall
 Back To The Future Part III
 Player, The
 Black Robe
 Medicine Man
 2001: A Space Odyssey
 Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire
 Crow, The
 Omen, The
 Sixth Sense, The
 Xena: Warrior Princess
 Air Force One
 Starship Troopers
 Matrix, The
 Iron Giant, The
 You've Got Mail
 Little Romance, A
 Sunset Blvd.
 L.A. Confidential
 Score, The
 Replacements, The
 Gone In Sixty Seconds
 Bourne Identity, The
 Rush Hour 2
 Die Hard
 Last Of The Mohicans, The
 Moby Dick
 Mists Of Avalon, The
 Life As A House
 In The Bedroom
 Cast Away
 One True Thing
 Far From Heaven
 Ice Age

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Varese Sarabande - A 25th Anniversary Celebration

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 362
Wish list: 36

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  The Man from Snowy River (03:54)
Bruce Rowland
2.  The Winds of War (02:22)
Bob Cobert
3.  Blue Velvet (02:09)
Angelo Badalamenti
4.  Witness (04:57)
Maurice Jarre
5.  Raising Arizona (01:54)
Carter Burwell
6.  Pee Wee’s Big Adventure (02:36)
Danny Elfman
7.  Halloween (02:54)
John Carpenter
8.  A Nightmare On Elm Street (03:33)
Charles Bernstein
9.  The Fly (02:49)
Howard Shore
10.  RoboCop (03:42)
Basil Poledouris
11.  The Empire Strikes Back (03:20)
John Williams
12.  The Right Stuff (05:11)
Bill Conti
13.  The Final Conflict (03:26)
Jerry Goldsmith
14.  The Abyss (03:13)
Alan Silvestri
15.  Brainstorm (06:48)
James Horner
16.  Peggy Sue Got Married (03:25)
John Barry
17.  My Left Foot (03:37)
Elmer Bernstein
18.  The Dead (02:58)
Alex North
19.  Stanley & Iris (03:25)
John Williams
20.  The Milagro Beanfield War (03:57)
Dave Grusin
21.  Driving Miss Daisy (04:51)
Hans Zimmer

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Steel Magnolias (08:06)
Georges Delerue
2.  Unforgiven (05:41)
Lennie Niehaus and Clint Eastwood
3.  Raggedy Man (03:34)
Jerry Goldsmith
4.  The Grifters (03:34)
Elmer Bernstein
5.  Green Card (04:03)
Hans Zimmer
6.  City Slickers (02:40)
Marc Shaiman
7.  Father Of The Bride (02:27)
Alan Silvestri
8.  While You Were Sleeping (02:20)
Randy Edelman
9.  Babe (01:47)
Nigel Westlake
10.  The Adventures Of The Great Mouse Detective (01:38)
Henry Mancini
11.  The Adventures of Robin Hood (04:42)
Erich Wolfgang Korngold
12.  The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (05:56)
Laurence Rosenthal
13.  The Secret Garden (02:00)
Zbigniew Preisner
14.  A Little Princess (04:19)
Patrick Doyle
15.  Rudy (03:34)
Jerry Goldsmith
16.  Iron Will (02:57)
Joel McNeely
17.  Memphis Belle (03:53)
George Fenton
18.  Eye Of The Needle (03:19)
Miklós Rózsa
19.  Total Recall (03:33)
Jerry Goldsmith
20.  Back To The Future Part III (04:02)
Alan Silvestri

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  To Die For (04:10)
Danny Elfman
2.  The Player (03:06)
Thomas Newman
3.  Black Robe (04:49)
Georges Delerue
4.  Medicine Man (06:01)
Jerry Goldsmith
5.  2001 (02:21)
Alex North
6.  Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (04:37)
Joel McNeely
7.  The Crow (06:17)
Graeme Revell
8.  Blade (04:50)
Mark Isham
9.  The Omen (02:31)
Jerry Goldsmith
10.  Vertigo (04:39)
Bernard Herrmann
11.  Scream (01:37)
Marco Beltrami
12.  The Sixth Sense (02:21)
James Newton Howard
13.  Xena: Warrior Princess (01:15)
Joseph LoDuca
14.  Air Force One (05:21)
Jerry Goldsmith
15.  Starship Troopers (04:29)
Basil Poledouris
16.  The Matrix (03:53)
Don Davis
17.  The Iron Giant (02:27)
Michael Kamen
18.  You’ve Got Mail (02:49)
George Fenton
19.  A Little Romance (03:12)
Georges Delerue
20.  Pleasantville (04:31)
Randy Newman

Disc/Cassette 4

1.  Sunset Boulevard (03:50)
Franz Waxman
2.  L.A. Confidential (02:51)
Jerry Goldsmith
3.  Rounders (03:46)
Christopher Young
4.  The Score (03:49)
Howard Shore
5.  The Replacements (05:48)
John Debney
6.  Gone In 60 Seconds (04:47)
Trevor Rabin
7.  The Bourne Identity (02:14)
John Powell
8.  Rush Hour 2 (02:21)
Lalo Schifrin
9.  XXX (01:52)
Randy Edelman
10.  Die Hard (03:47)
Michael Kamen
11.  The Last of the Mohicans (01:51)
Trevor Jones
12.  Moby Dick (02:05)
Christopher Gordon
13.  The Mists Of Avalon (06:25)
Lee Holdridge
14.  Cleopatra (02:51)
Alex North
15.  Life as a House (03:37)
Mark Isham
16.  Emma (02:55)
Rachel Portman
17.  In The Bedroom (04:21)
Thomas Newman
18.  Cast Away (03:44)
Alan Silvestri
19.  One True Thing (02:18)
Cliff Eidelman
20.  Unfaithful (02:35)
Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
21.  Far From Heaven (03:08)
Elmer Bernstein
22.  Ice Age (01:15)
David Newman
23.  Shrek (03:26)
Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell

Total Duration: 04:59:58

Varese Sarabande 302 067 059 2

Varese Sarabande 302 067 059 2  

United States 
Release Date

3 CD box set.

Also contains music from:
 All About Eve
 How Green Was My Valley
 Song Of Bernadette, The
 Ghost And Mrs. Muir, The
 Captain From Castile
 Twelve O'Clock High
 Day The Earth Stood Still, The
 Viva Zapata!
 My Cousin Rachel
 Robe, The
 Prince Valiant
 Rains Of Ranchipur, The
 How To Marry A Millionaire
 Seven Year Itch, The
 Three Coins In The Fountain
 Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
 Long, Hot Summer, The
 From The Terrace
 Sand Pebbles, The
 Planet Of The Apes
 Tora! Tora! Tora!
 French Connection, The
 Poseidon Adventure, The
 Paper Chase, The
 Omen, The
 Fury, The
 Norma Rae
 Author! Author!
 Max Dugan Returns
 Romancing The Stone
 Raising Arizona
 Wall Street
 Broadcast News
 Die Hard
 Abyss, The
 Mrs. Doubtfire
 Cast Away
 Ice Age
 I, Robot
 Fantastic Four
 Night At The Museum
 Horton Hears A Who!
 Independence Day

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 20th Century Fox: 75 Years Of Great Film Music

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 35
Wish list: 3

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  20th Century Fox Fanfare with CinemaScope Extention (00:20)
Alfred Newman
2.  All About Eve (1950): Main Title / The Award (02:20)
Alfred Newman
3.  How Green was my Valley (1941): The Family and Bronwen / Finale / End Title (08:12)
Alfred Newman
4.  The Song of Bernadette (1943): The Vision (04:18)
Alfred Newman
5.  Laura (1944): Main Title (02:19)
David Raksin
6.  The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947): Prelude / Local Train / The Sea (03:56)
Bernard Herrmann
7.  Captain of Castile (1947): Conquest (04:10)
Alfred Newman
8.  Twelve O'Clock High (1948): Main Title (01:55)
Alfred Newman
9.  The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951): Prelude / Outer Space / Radar (03:48)
Bernard Herrmann
10.  Viva Zapata! (1952): Gathering Forces (03:27)
Alex North
11.  My Cousin Rachel (1952): Main Title (02:25)
Franz Waxman
12.  The Robe (1953): Main Title / Caligula's Arrival / Finale (04:25)
Alfred Newman
13.  Prince Valiant (1954) Main Title / King Aguar's Escape (04:56)
Franz Waxman
14.  Untamed (1955): Main Title (02:37)
Franz Waxman
15.  The Rains of Ranchipur (1955): Main Title (02:21)
Hugo Friedhofer
16.  How to Marry a Millionaire (1953): Street Scene (05:39)
Alfred Newman
17.  The Seven Year Itch (1955): Main Title (03:16)
Alfred Newman
18.  Three Coins in a Fountain (1954): Prelude / Rome (04:29)
Victor Young (incorporates 'Three Coins in a Fountain' by Jule Styne and Sammy Cain
19.  Love is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955): Main Title / God Has Been Good / Finale (07:07)
Alfred Newman (incorporates 'Love is a Many-Splendored Thing' by Sammy Fain and Paul Francis Webster)
20.  The Long Hot Summer (1958): The Long Hot Summer / Two Butterflies (05:03)
Alex North (The Long Hot Summer: lyrics by Sammy Cahn, performed by Jimmie Rodgers)
21.  From the Terrace (1960): Love Theme (01:30)
Elmer Bernstein

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Cleopatra (1963): Main Title / Cleopatra Enters Rome (09:39)
Alex North
2.  The Sand Pebbles (1966): Overture / Main Title (05:10)
Jerry Goldsmith
3.  Planet of the Apes (1968): Main Title / The Hunt (07:20)
Jerry Goldsmith
4.  Patton (1970): Main Title / German Advance (05:39)
Jerry Goldsmith
5.  Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970): Main Title (03:04)
Jerry Goldsmith
6.  The French Connection (1971): Main Title / This is It (04:18)
Don Ellis
7.  The Poseidon Adventure (1972): Main Title (02:14)
John Williams
8.  The Paper Chase (1973): End Title (02:34)
John Williams
9.  Conrack (1974): Main Title (06:03)
John Williams
10.  The Omen (1976): Ave Satani (02:34)
Jerry Goldsmith
11.  Magic (1978): Main Title (02:04)
Jerry Goldsmith
12.  The Fury (1978): For Gilliam / End Title (04:30)
John Williams
13.  Alien (1979): Main Title (04:12)
Jerry Goldsmith
14.  Norma Rae (1979): It Goes Like It Goes (03:03)
David Shire (lyrics by Norman Gimbel, performed by Jennifer Warnes)
15.  Author! Author! (1982): Main Title (02:00)
Dave Grusin
16.  Max Dugan Returns (1983): End Title (02:25)
David Shire
17.  Romancing the Stone (1984): End Title (05:30)
Alan Silvestri
18.  Commando (1985): Prologue / Main Title (03:57)
James Horner

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  Predator (1986): Main Title (03:53)
alan Silvestri
2.  The Fly (1986): Main Title (01:56)
Howard Shore
3.  Lucas (1986): Main Title (02:46)
Dave Grusin
4.  Raising Arizona (1987): Way Out There (01:57)
Carter Burwell
5.  Wall Street (1987): Bud's Scam (02:50)
Stewart Copeland
6.  Big (1988): Opening (02:52)
Howard Shore
7.  Broadcast News (1987): Young Jane / Main Title (02:46)
Bill Conti
8.  Die Hard (1988): Nakatomi Plaza / Gruber's Arrival (05:31)
Michael Kamen
9.  The Abyss (1989): Bud on the Ledge (03:16)
Alan Silvestri
10.  Hoffa (1992): End Credits (08:02)
David Newman
11.  Mrs. Doubtfire (1993): Main Title (03:02)
Howard Shore
12.  Speed (1994): The Rescue (04:05)
Mark Mancina
13.  Cast Away (2005): End Credits (03:47)
Alan Silvestri
14.  Unfaithful (2002): Unfaithful (02:39)
Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
15.  Ice Age (2002): Opening Travel Music (01:20)
David Newman
16.  I, Robot (2004): End Credits (03:17)
Marco Beltrami
17.  Fantastic Four (2005): Main Titles (02:35)
John Ottman
18.  Night At The Museum (2006): Night At The Museum (02:38)
Alan Silvestri
19.  Horton Hears a Who! (2005): Horton Suite (07:42)
John Powell
20.  Independence Day (1996): End Credits (09:07)
David Arnold

Total Duration: 03:50:50
Track listing contributed by Wim van Schaik

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