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Professionnel, Le



Professionnel, Le (1981)

Motion Picture Composer(s):
Ennio Morricone

Released in:


Action, Adventure, Thriller, Foreign

Also known as:
  • Professional, The (1981, United States, US version)

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Buy from Music Box Records - France.

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Total number of members who have this title in their:
Collection: 563
Wish list: 69

There are 24 labels for this title.
There are 11 compilation albums for this title.

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Ariola 103 201-100 Image supplied by
Wilson Maffetano

Ariola 103 201-100  

Release Date

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DRG Records 32927 Image supplied by

DRG Records 32927  

United States 
Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Marginal, Le
 Casse, Le

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Collection: 4
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EMI Records 835626-2 Image supplied by

EMI Records 835626-2  

Release Date

Re-issue of 1981.

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 31
Wish list: 9

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  Track listing

1.  Le vent, le cri (Premier thème V.C.) (05:20)
2.  Bach (Première variante) (01:20)
3.  Le vent, le cri (Première variation) (00:26)
4.  Décision finale (01:25)
5.  Le vent, le cri (Seconde variation) (02:14)
6.  Bach (Seconde variante) (01:47)
7.  D'Afrique (02:11)
8.  Le retour (Sur le nom de Bach) (05:29)
9.  Bach (Troisième variante) (01:30)
10.  Le vent, le cri (Troisième variation) (00:40)
11.  Le vent, le cri (Quatrième variation) (01:19)
12.  Fée Morgane (2 interludes pour harpes) (05:00)
a)(interlude pour harpes # 1) 1'00, b) (interlude pour harpes # 2) 4'00
13.  Chi Mai (03:30)

Total Duration: 00:32:11
Track listing contributed by Mister BO

GDM Music 2035 Image supplied by

GDM Music 2035  

Release Date

Limited edition for collectors.

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 51
Wish list: 9

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  Track listing

1.  Il Vento, Il Grido (01:48)
Titoli Di Testa
2.  Bach (01:19)
Variante Prima
3.  Il Vento, Il Grido (00:26)
Variante Prima
4.  Decizione Finale (01:23)
5.  Il Vento, Il Grido (02:12)
Variante Seconda
6.  Il Vento, Il Grido (01:45)
Variante Terza
7.  Dall´Africa (02:11)
Variante Prima
8.  Il Ritorno (05:27)
Sul Nome Di Bach
9.  Bach (01:30)
Variante Seconda
10.  Il Vento, Il Grido (00:38)
Variante Quatra
11.  Il Vento, Il Grido (01:18)
Variante Quinta
12.  Chi Mai (03:28)
13.  Il Vento, Il Grido (02:39)
Variante Sesta
14.  Il Vento, Il Grido (00:53)
Variante Settima
15.  Il Vento, Il Grido (01:47)
Variante Ottava
16.  Bach (01:01)
Variante Terza
17.  Il Vento, Il Grido (02:36)
Variante Prima Nona
18.  Dall´Africa (02:09)
Variante Seconda
19.  Il Vento, Il Grido (02:42)
Variante Decima
20.  Il Vento, Il Grido (01:15)
Variante Undicesima
21.  Bach (00:52)
Variante Quatra
22.  Il Vento, Il Grido (02:25)
Variante Dodicesima
23.  Il Vento, Il Grido (02:26)
Variante Tredicesima
24.  Bach (00:42)
Variante Quinta
25.  Il Vento, Il Grido (05:19)

Total Duration: 00:50:11
Track listing contributed by

General Music 24 9726 7 Image supplied by

General Music 24 9726 7  

Release Date

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Collection: 2
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  Track listing

1.  Chi Mai (03:30)
2.  Le Retour ( Sur le Nom de Bach ) (05:30)

Total Duration: 00:09:00
Track listing contributed by MICHAEL PONCHON

General Music 250434-2 Image supplied by

General Music 250434-2  

Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 43
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Le Vent, Le Cri (premier thème V.C.) (05:24)
Il Vento, Il Grido (Primo tema V.G.)
2.  Back (première variante) (01:22)
Bach (Variante prima)
3.  V.C. (première variation) (00:29)
V.G. (Variazione prima)
4.  Décision Finale (01:28)
Decisione Finale
5.  V.C. (seconde variation) (02:17)
V.G. (Variazione seconda)
6.  Bach (seconde variante) (01:49)
Bach (Variante seconda)
7.  D'Afrique (02:14)
8.  Le Retour (sur le nom de Bach) (05:31)
Il Ritorno (Sul nome di Bach)
9.  Bach (troisième variante) (01:33)
Bach (Variante terza)
10.  V.C. (troisième variation) (00:42)
V.G. (Variazione terza)
11.  V.C. (quatrième variation) (01:21)
V.G. (Variazione quarta)
12.  Fée Morgane (2 Interludes pour Harpes) (04:58)
Fata Morgana (2 interludi per arpe)
13.  Chi Mai (03:29)
Chi Mai

Total Duration: 00:32:37
Track listing contributed by Eric Sanglet

General Music 801008 Image supplied by

General Music 801008  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Tepepa... Viva La Revolución

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 4
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Chi Mai (03:30)
2.  Viva la Revolucion (04:20)
du film TEPEPA

Total Duration: 00:07:50
Track listing contributed by MICHAEL PONCHON

General Music 803 026 Image supplied by

General Music 803 026  

Release Date
Foldout cover.

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Collection: 41
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  Track listing

1.  Le Vent, Le Cri (Premier thème V.C.) (05:20)
2.  Bach (Première variante) (01:18)
3.  V.C. (Première variation) (00:25)
4.  Décision Finale (01:21)
5.  V.C. (Seconde variation) (02:11)
6.  Bach (Seconde variante) (01:44)
7.  D'Afrique (02:10)
8.  Le Retour (Sur le nom de Bach) (05:25)
9.  Bach (Troisième variante) (01:26)
10.  V.C. (Troisième variation) (00:37)
11.  V.C. (Quatrième variation) (01:16)
12.  Fee Morgane (2 interludes pour harpes) (05:00)
13.  Chi Mai (03:30)

Total Duration: 00:31:43
Track listing contributed by Dick van Oosten

General Music 803.026 Image supplied by

General Music 803.026  

Original Release Title
El Profesional 
Release Date

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Collection: 0
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General Music 808036  

Release Date

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Collection: 1
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General Music 9300  

Release Date

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Collection: 3
Wish list: 0

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General Music GM 5301  

Release Date

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General Music LWI 6630 Image supplied by

General Music LWI 6630  

Release Date

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  Track listing

1.  El viento, el grito (Tema principal V.C.) (05:20)
2.  Bach (Variante principal) (01:20)
3.  V.C. (Primera variación) (00:26)
4.  Decisión final (01:25)
5.  V.C. (Segunda variación) (02:14)
6.  Bach (Segunda variante) (01:47)
7.  De Africa (02:11)
8.  El regreso (En el nombre de Bach) (05:29)
9.  Bach (Tercera variante) (01:30)
10.  V.C. (Tercera variación) (00:40)
11.  V.C. (Cuarta variación) (01:19)
12.  Hada morgana a) Primer interludio para arpa (05:00)
b) Segundo interludio para arpa.
13.  Chi Mai (03:30)

Total Duration: 00:32:11
Track listing contributed by cinemaparadiso01

General Music SLIN 3140  

Original Release Title
El Profesional 
Release Date

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Collection: 0
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Lark Records INS 7545 Image supplied by

Lark Records INS 7545  

Release Date

Also contains music from:

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Collection: 6
Wish list: 0

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Lark Records INS7545 Image supplied by

Lark Records INS7545  

Release Date

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Collection: 1
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Music Box Records MBD-48

Music Box Records MBD-48  

Release Date
Available as download.

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Collection: 2
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Le vent, le cri (Premier thème) (05:20)
2.  Bach (Première variation) (01:21)
3.  Le vent, le cri (Première variation) (00:26)
4.  Le vent, le cri (Générique) (01:48)
5.  Décision finale (01:23)
6.  Le vent, le cri (Deuxième variation) (02:37)
7.  Le vent, le cri (Troisième variation) (02:14)
8.  Le vent, le cri (Quatrième variation) (01:46)
9.  D'Afrique (Première version) (02:12)
10.  Le retour (Sur le nom de Bach) (05:28)
11.  Le vent, le cri (Cinquième variation) (01:48)
12.  Bach (Deuxième variation) (01:30)
13.  Le vent, le cri (Sixième variation) (01:16)
14.  Le retour (Bach – troisième variation) (00:53)
15.  Le vent, le cri (Septième variation) (02:25)
16.  Le vent, le cri (Changement d'octave) (00:52)
17.  D'Afrique (Deuxième variation) (02:09)
18.  Le vent, le cri (Neuvième variation) (02:40)
19.  Le retour (Bach – quatrième variation) (01:01)
20.  Le vent, le cri (Dixième variation) (02:26)
21.  Le retour (Bach – cinquième variation) (00:42)
22.  Le vent, le cri (Onzième variation) (00:39)
23.  Le vent, le cri (Douzième variation) (01:19)
24.  Le vent, le cri (Treizième variation) (02:42)
25.  Chi mai (03:28)

Total Duration: 00:50:25
Track listing contributed by jordan.tokuscope

Music Box Records MBR-048

Music Box Records MBR-048  

Release Date

Limited edition of 500 copies.

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 46
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

1.  Le vent, le cri (premier thème) (05:20)
2.  Bach (première variation) (01:20)
3.  Le vent, le cri (première variation) (00:26)
4.  Le vent, le cri (générique) (01:48)
5.  Décision finale (01:24)
6.  Le vent, le cri (deuxième variation) (02:37)
7.  Le vent, le cri (troisième variation) (02:14)
8.  Le vent, le cri (quatrième variation) (01:46)
9.  D'Afrique (première version) (02:12)
10.  Le retour (sur le nom de Bach) (05:28)
11.  Le vent, le cri (cinquième variation) (01:48)
12.  Bach (deuxième variation) (01:30)
13.  Le vent, le cri (sixième variation) (01:16)
14.  Le retour (Bach - troisième variation) (00:53)
15.  Le vent, le cri (septième variation) (02:25)
16.  Le vent, le cri (changement d'octave) (00:52)
17.  D'Afrique (deuxième variation) (02:09)
18.  Le vent, le cri (neuvième variation) (02:40)
19.  Le retour (Bach - quatrième variation) (01:01)
20.  Le vent, le cri (dixième variation) (02:26)
21.  Le retour (Bach - cinquième variation) (00:42)
22.  Le vent, le cri (onzième variation) (00:39)
23.  Le vent, le cri (douzième variation) (01:19)
24.  Le vent, le cri (treizième variation) (02:42)
25.  Chi mai (03:27)

Total Duration: 00:50:24
Track listing contributed by Ivan Sorokin

Music Box Records MBR-198

Music Box Records MBR-198  

Release Date

2-CD set. Including an 8-page CD booklet with French and English liner notes.
Limited edition of 500 copies.

Also contains music from:
 Marginal, Le

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 11
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Le vent, le cri (premier thème) (05:20)
2.  Bach (première variation) (01:21)
3.  Le vent, le cri (première variation) (00:26)
4.  Décision finale (01:25)
5.  Le vent, le cri (deuxième variation) (02:37)
6.  Bach (deuxième variation) (01:30)
7.  D'Afrique (première version) (02:12)
8.  Le retour (sur le nom de Bach) (05:28)
9.  Bach (troisième variation) (00:53)
10.  Le vent, le cri (troisième variation) (02:14)
11.  Le vent, le cri (quatrième variation) (01:46)
12.  Fée Morgane (2 interludes pour harpes) (04:55)
13.  Chi Mai (03:27)
14.  Le vent, le cri (générique) (01:48)
15.  Le vent, le cri (cinquième variation) (01:48)
16.  Le vent, le cri (sixième variation) (01:16)
17.  Le vent, le cri (septième variation) (02:26)
18.  Le vent, le cri (changement d'octave) (00:52)
19.  D'Afrique (deuxième variation) (02:09)
20.  Le vent, le cri (neuvième variation) (02:40)
21.  Bach (quatrième variation) (01:01)
22.  Le vent, le cri (dixième variation) (02:26)
23.  Bach (cinquième variation) (00:43)
24.  Le vent, le cri (onzième variation) (00:40)
25.  Le vent, le cri (douzième variation) (01:19)
26.  Le vent, le cri (treizième variation) (02:43)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Le marginal (06:19)
2.  Thème classique (04:51)
3.  Dreamer (04:06)
Performed by Blizzard
4.  H.S.M. (02:33)
5.  Le marginal (Pour Carole) (02:57)
6.  Don't Think Twice (04:13)
Performed by Blizzard
7.  Le marginal (La droguée et le garçon) (06:22)
8.  Hypertension (Première partie) (02:44)
9.  Hypertension (Deuxième partie) (01:58)
10.  Le marginal (Conclusion) (06:22)
11.  Générique début (première version) (02:07)
12.  H.S.M. (Thème de Mecacci) (02:41)
13.  Une charmante rencontre (01:05)
14.  Enquête sur la drogue (01:58)
15.  Le squat des Antillais (02:15)
16.  Générique début (deuxième version) (01:51)
17.  Pour Carole (deuxième version) (02:39)
18.  À la gare de l'est (01:12)
19.  Pour Carole (troisième version) (00:54)
20.  Règlement de comptes (01:56)
21.  Extrême tension (00:49)
22.  Pour Carole (quatrième version) (01:03)
23.  Forecast (04:16)
Performed by Blizzard
24.  Générique de fin (02:29)
25.  Le marginal (version alternative) (03:56)

Total Duration: 02:09:01
Track listing contributed by jordan.tokuscope

Show Off 6010 445 Image supplied by

Show Off 6010 445  

Release Date

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  Track listing

1.  Mal De Toi (Chi Maï) (03:20)
2.  Mal De Toi (Chi Maï) (02:36)
Both tracks arranged by Karl Heinz Schäfer and sung by Danielle Licari

Total Duration: 00:05:56
Track listing contributed by mister_gs

WEA 18 946 Image supplied by

WEA 18 946  

Original Release Title
Der Profi 
Release Date

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Collection: 3
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Chi Mai (03:30)
2.  Le vent, le cri (premier theme V.C.) (05:20)

Total Duration: 00:08:50
Track listing contributed by Dorian

WEA Filipacchi Music 24.9726-7 Image supplied by

WEA Filipacchi Music 24.9726-7  

Release Date

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  Track listing

1.  Chi Mai (03:30)
2.  Le Retour ( Sur le Nom de Bach ) (05:30)

Total Duration: 00:09:00
Track listing contributed by MICHAEL PONCHON

WEA Records 58 434 Image supplied by

WEA Records 58 434  

Release Date

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 13
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Le vent, le cri (Premièr thème V.C.) (05:20)
2.  Bach (Première variante) (01:18)
3.  V.C. (Première variation) (00:25)
4.  Decision finale (01:21)
5.  V.C. (Seconde variation) (02:11)
6.  Bach (Seconde variation) (01:44)
7.  D'Afrique (02:10)
side one (1-7)/side two (8-13)
8.  Le retour (Sur le nom de Bach) (05:25)
9.  Bach (Troisième variation) (01:26)
10.  V.C. (Troisième variation) (00:37)
11.  V.C. (Quatrième variation) (01:16)
12.  Fee Morgane (2 interludes pour harpes) (05:00)
13.  Chi mai (03:30)

Total Duration: 00:31:43
Track listing contributed by Giuseppe T. Battistuzzi

WEA Records 801026  

Release Date

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Collection: 3
Wish list: 0

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  Track listing

1.  Chi Mai (03:30)
2.  Le Vent , Le Cri ( Premier Thème V.C. ) (05:20)

Total Duration: 00:08:50
Track listing contributed by MICHAEL PONCHON

Compilation Albums

Ark System Records ASR 011 Image supplied by

Ark System Records ASR 011  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Alpagueur, L'
 Corps De Mon Ennemi, Le
 Héritier, L'
 Incorrigible, L'
 Animal, L'
 As Des As, L'
 Casse, Le
 Peur Sur La Ville
 Flic Ou Voyou
 Cerveau, Le
 Tribulations D'Un Chinois En Chine, Les

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Jean-Paul Belmondo Cinema Collection

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Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 6
Wish list: 1

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  Track listing

1.  L'Alpagueur (02:42)
From "L'Alpagueur"
2.  Le Vent, Le Cri (01:46)
From "Le Professionnel"
3.  La Fille à la Frange (02:24)
From "Le Casse"
4.  Chi Mai (03:28)
From "Le Professionnel"
5.  Le Corps de mon Ennemi (02:27)
From "Le Corps de mon Ennemi"
6.  Thème d'Amour (03:06)
From "Le Casse"
7.  Valse de l'Épervier (02:45)
From "L'Alpagueur"
8.  Pour Hubert (02:16)
From "Flic ou Voyou"
9.  Menace téléphonique (03:04)
From "Peur sur la Ville"
10.  L'Incorrigible (02:02)
From "L'Incorrigible"
11.  L'Animal (02:38)
From "L'Animal"
12.  L'Héritier (03:52)
From "L'Héritier"
13.  Tendre Marie-Charlotte (02:23)
From "L'Incorrigible"
14.  L'As des As (03:17)
From "L'As des As"
15.  Générique (03:18)
From "Le Casse"
16.  Pour Zacharias (02:53)
From "Le Casse"
17.  Rodeo (04:20)
From "Le Casse"
18.  Nocturne (02:15)
From "Peur sur la Ville"
19.  Java contre Java (02:25)
From "Le Cerveau"
20.  Suzy et Cornelius (02:26)
From "Les Tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine"
21.  Défense de stationner (02:22)
From "Peur sur la Ville"

Total Duration: 00:58:09
Track listing contributed by coma

BMG Soundtracks 112312-2 Image supplied by
Mister BO

BMG Soundtracks 112312-2  

Original Release Title
Volume 2 
Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Duello Nel Texas
 Pistole Non Discutono, Le
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Ritorno Di Ringo, Il
 Sette Pistole Per I MacGregor
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Navajo Joe
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Da Uomo A Uomo
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Grande Silenzio, Il
 Giù La Testa
 Vita, A Volte, è Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza?, La
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Pugni In Tasca, I
 Battaglia Di Algeri, La
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Città Violenta
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Dio è Con Noi
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Serpent, Le
 Peur Sur La Ville
 Trio Infernal, Le
 Espion, Lève-Toi
 Marginal, Le
 Mission, The
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Il Etait Une Fois Morricone

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 12
Wish list: 3

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  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  The Result (02:34)
Pour une poignée de dollars (For A Fistful Of Dollars)
2.  The Indians (02:13)
Guns Don't Argue
3.  The Massacre (01:57)
A Gun For Ringo
4.  Vivere Ancora (02:52)
Prima Della Rivoluzione, Performed by Gino Paoli, Lyrics by Gino Paoli, Music by Ennio Morricone
5.  Menage All'Italiana (01:39)
Ménage à l'Italienne
6.  The Vice Of Killing (02:23)
Et pour quelques dollars de plus (For A Few Dollars More)
7.  The Musical Pocket Watch (01:10)
Et pour quelques dollars de plus (For A Few Dollars More)
8.  Peace Comes Back (02:19)
Ringo Rides Again
9.  L'Avventuriero (04:48)
Peyrol le boucanier
10.  Uccellacci e Uccellini (02:26)
Des oiseaux, petits et gros, Performed by Domenico Modungo
11.  Svegliati e Uccidi (02:24)
Luthring (Réveille-toi et tue)
12.  Trio (05:00)
Le bon, la brute et le truand (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly)
13.  Una Per Tre (02:55)
Le harem
14.  Monody For Guitar (02:36)
Death Rides A Horse (Da Uomo A Uomo)
15.  Jill's America (02:45)
Il était une fois dans l'Ouest (Once Upon A Time In The West)
16.  Finale (04:10)
Il était une fois dans l'Ouest (Once Upon A Time In The West)
17.  Abolicao (05:15)
Queimada (Burn)
18.  L'Ucello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo (05:15)
L'oiseau au plumage de cristal
19.  La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso (05:18)
La classe ouvrière va au Paradis
20.  La Ballade de Sacco & Vanzettti (05:20)
Sacco & Vanzetti, Performed by Joan Baez, Lyrics by Joan Baez, Music by Ennio Morricone
21.  Come Un Madrigale (03:53)
Les quatre mouches de velours gris (4 Mosche Di Velluto Grigio)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Marcia Degli Accattoni (04:52)
Il était une fois la Révolution (Duck You Sucker)
2.  Una Spiaggia Lontana (04:04)
3.  La Corta Notte Delle Bambole Di Vetro (02:15)
La nuit des poupées de verre
4.  L'Incontro (03:53)
Le maître et Marguerite (Il Maestro e Margherita)
5.  Ci Risiamo, Vero Providenza ? (02:36)
On continue à m'appeler Providence, Music by Ennio Morricone & Bruno Nicolaï
6.  Rabbia e Tarantella (03:51)
7.  Bambole (02:18)
8.  Accade A Venezia (02:35)
La grande bourgeoise (Fatti Di Gente Per Bene)
9.  Mose (04:03)
10.  La Donna Della Domenica (03:20)
La femme du dimanche
11.  Irene-Domonique (01:57)
L'héritage (L'Eredita Ferramonti)
12.  Cosi Come Sei (03:51)
La fille
13.  A Luci Blu (03:10)
La cage aux folles (Il Vizietto)
14.  I comme Icare (03:52)
I comme Icare
15.  Le train (03:13)
16.  La Storia Vera Della Signora Dalle Camelie (02:30)
La Dame aux Camélias
17.  Saharan Dream (03:05)
Le secret du Sahara, Performed by Ami Stewart, Lyrics by L. Gane, Music by Ennio Morricone
18.  Le clan des Siciliens (04:00)
Le clan des Siciliens
19.  Décidace (03:40)
La banquière
20.  Deborah's Theme (04:22)
Il était une fois en Amérique (Once Upon A Time In America)
21.  Gli Indifferenti (07:14)
Gli Indifferenti

Total Duration: 02:23:53
Track listing contributed by Mister BO

BMG/Rhino R2 71858 Image supplied by

BMG/Rhino R2 71858  

United States 
Release Date

2 CD's.

Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Ritorno Di Ringo, Il
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Navajo Joe
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Uccellacci E Uccellini
 Battaglia Di Algeri, La
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Giardino Delle Delizie, Il
 Resa Dei Conti, La
 Bataille De San Sebastian, La
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Gli Intoccabili
 Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo, L'
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Città Violenta
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Giù La Testa
 Sans Mobile Apparent
 Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso, La
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Moses The Lawgiver
 Exorcist II: The Heretic
 Gatto, Il
 Umanoide, L'
 Dedicato Al Mare Egeo
 Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo, La
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Mission, The
 Untouchables, The
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone Anthology

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 82
Wish list: 11

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Titoli From "A Fistful Of Dollars" (02:58)
Per un pugno di dollari (RCA Victor Album #LSO-1135, 1967)
2.  Theme From "A Fistful Of Dollars" (01:49)
Per un pugno di dollari (RCA Victor single #47-9090, 1965; Also included on RCA Victor Album #LSO-1135, 1967)
3.  Una Pistola Per Ringo (02:19)
Una Pistola Per Ringo (RCA [Italy] single #ARC-AN-4052, 1965)
4.  Il Ritorno Di Ringo (02:17)
Il Ritorno Di Ringo (RCA [Italy] single #ARC-AN-4069, 1965)
5.  Là Resa Dei Conti (aka Sixty Seconds To What?) (03:06)
Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (Peter's Int'l album #PILPS-4060, 1975)
6.  Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (aka For A Few Dollars More) (02:50)
Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (Peter's Int'l album #PILPS-4060, 1975)
7.  Navajo Joe (Original Main Title) (02:50)
Un Dollaro A Testa (Parade [Italy] single #PRC-5015)
8.  The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Main Title) (02:41)
Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967)
9.  The Ecstasy Of Gold (03:24)
Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967)
10.  Uccelacci E Uccelini (02:29)
Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967)
11.  Algiers November 1, 1954 (02:25)
La Battaglia Di Algeri (United Artists album #UAS-5171, 1967)
12.  Ad Ogni Costo (02:54)
Ad Ogni Costo (RCA [Italy] album #SP-8021, 1967)
13.  Il Giardino Delle Delizie (03:05)
Il Giardino Delle Delizie (RCA [Italy] album #SP-10008, 1970)
14.  The Big Gundown (02:22)
La Resa Dei Conti (United Artists album #UAS-5190, 1968)
15.  Love Theme From Guns For San Sebastian (Reprise) (02:53)
I Cannoi Di San Sebastian (MGM album #SE-4565, 1968)
16.  Man With A Harmonica (03:31)
C'Era Una Volta Il West (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972)
17.  Farewell To Cheyenne (02:39)
C'Era Una Volta Il West (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972)
18.  Once Upon A Time In The West (03:45)
C'Era Una Volta Il West (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972)
19.  La Ballata Di Hank McCain (The Ballad Of Hank McCain) (02:11)
Gli Intoccabili (Jolly [Italy] album #LPJ-5094, 1969)
20.  Piume Di Cristallo (05:16)
L'Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo (Cinevox [Italy] album #MDF-33,31, 1969)
21.  Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto (Main Title) (03:29)
Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto (Cerberus album #CEMS-0110, 1981)
22.  Città Violenta (Titoli) (02:25)
Città Violenta (RCA [Italy] album #KOLS-1010, 1970)
23.  The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti - Part 2 (05:25)
Sacco E Vanzetti (RCA Victor album #LSP-4612, 1971)
24.  Here's To You (03:09)
Sacco E Vanzetti (RCA Victor album #LSP-4612, 1971)

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Duck You Sucker (Main Title) (03:38)
Giù La Testa (United Artists album #UAS-5221, 1972)
2.  March Of The Beggars (04:55)
Giù La Testa (United Artists album #UAS-5221, 1972)
3.  Senza Motivo Apparente (04:22)
Sans Mobile Apparent (General Music [Italy] album #ZSLGE-55064, 1971)
4.  Pazzia Da Lavaro (02:24)
La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso (RCA [Italy] album #SP-8038, 1971)
5.  Il Moi Nome È Nessuno (03:11)
Il Moi Nome È Nessuno (General Music [Italy] album #DZSLGE-55497, 1973)
6.  Moses Theme (Main Titles) (04:09)
Moses, The Lawgiver (RCA album #TBL1-1106, 1977)
7.  Magic And Ecstasy (03:03)
Exorcist II: The Heretic (Warner Bros. album #BS-3068, 1977)
8.  Gli Scatenati (03:42)
Il Gatto (Cinevox [Italy] album #MDF-33.117, 1978)
9.  Il Gatto (03:08)
Il Gatto (Cinevox [Italy] album #MDF-33.117, 1978)
10.  Robodog (01:39)
L'Umanoide (RCA [Italy] album #BL-31432, 1979)
11.  Cavallina A Cavallo (04:20)
Dedicato Al Mare Egeo (Columbia [Japan] album #LX-7062, 1979)
12.  La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo (02:15)
La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo (Bubble [Italy] album #BLU-19605, 1981)
13.  Chi Mai (05:06)
Le Professionel (General Music [France] album #803.026, 1981)
14.  Sinfonia D'Una Città, Part II (04:50)
Order Of Death (WEA/General Music [Germany] album #24-0200, 1983)
15.  Cockeye's Song (04:22)
Once Upon A Time In America (Mercury album #81897, 1984)
16.  On Earth As It Is In Heaven (03:51)
The Mission (Virgin album #90567, 1986)
17.  Al Capone (02:55)
The Untouchables (A&M album #3909, 1987)
18.  The Untouchables (End Title) (03:11)
The Untouchables (A&M album #3909, 1987)
19.  From American Sex Appeal To The First Fellini (03:26)
Cinema Paradiso (DRG album #CDSBL-12598, 1989)
20.  Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (02:44)
Atame! (RCA/Novus Vision album #3095, 1990)
21.  Act Of Faith (03:12)
Bugsy (Epic album #48804, 1991)

Total Duration: 02:26:35
Track listing contributed by Piet van de Merwe

Disky VI 854342 Image supplied by
Piet van de Merwe

Disky VI 854342  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Mission, The
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Venexiana, La
 Marginal, Le
 Dio è Con Noi

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Once Upon A Time In The West

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 12
Wish list: 1

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

1.  Once Upon A Time In The West (05:06)
From "Once Upon A Time In The West"
2.  Chi Mai (05:05)
From "Chi Mai"
3.  The Mission (02:50)
From "The Mission"
4.  Once Upon A Time In America (04:15)
Cockey's Theme From "Once Upon A Time In America"
5.  Gabriel's Oboe (02:14)
From "The Mission"
6.  Sacco And Vanzetti (02:45)
From "Sacco And Vanzetti"
7.  Le Vent, Le Cri (05:19)
From "The Professional"
8.  The Falls (02:14)
From "The Mission"
9.  The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (02:38)
From "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly"
10.  Baci Dopo Il Tramonto (03:42)
From "La Venexiana"
11.  Le Marginal (03:57)
From "Le Marginal"
12.  Estate 1943 (04:00)
From "Free My Love"
13.  Lontano (03:48)
From "God With Us"
14.  The Man With The Harmonica (03:30)
From "Once Upon A Time In The West"

Total Duration: 00:51:23
Track listing contributed by Piet van de Merwe

DRG Records 32927 Image supplied by

DRG Records 32927  

United States 
Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Marginal, Le
 Casse, Le

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Morricone - Belmondo

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 54
Wish list: 4

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  The wind, the scream - First theme (05:20)
from "Le Professionel"
2.  Bach - First variation (01:18)
from "Le Professionel"
3.  The wind, the scream - First variation (00:25)
from "Le Professionel"
4.  Final decision (01:21)
from "Le Professionel"
5.  The wind, the scream - Second variation (02:11)
from "Le Professionel"
6.  Bach - Second variation (01:44)
from "Le Professionel"
7.  From Africa (02:10)
from "Le Professionel"
8.  The Return - On the name of Bach (05:30)
from "Le Professionel"
9.  Bach - Third variation (01:26)
from "Le Professionel"
10.  The wind, the scream - Third variation (00:37)
from "Le Professionel"
11.  The wind, the scream - Fourth variation (01:16)
from "Le Professionel"
12.  Morgan Le Fay - Two interludes for harps (05:00)
from "Le Professionel"
13.  Who me? (Chi Mai) (03:30)
from "Le Professionel"
14.  The wind, the scream - Main titles movie version (01:48)
from "Le Professionel" - previously unreleased
15.  The wind, the scream - Alternative version (02:46)
from "Le Professionel" - previously unreleased
16.  The Outsider (06:23)
from "Le Marginal"
17.  Classical theme (04:50)
from "Le Marginal"
18.  Dreamer (04:05)
from "Le Marginal", vocals by Blizzard
19.  H.S.M. (02:35)
from "Le Marginal"
20.  Don´t think twice (04:16)
from "Le Marginal"
21.  The Outsider - For Carol (02:56)
from "Le Marginal"
22.  Forecast (04:20)
from "Le Marginal", vocals by Blizzard, previously unreleased
23.  The Outsider - The drugs and the boy (06:23)
from "Le Marginal"

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Hypertension - Part 1 (02:43)
from "Le Marginal"
2.  Hypertension - Part 2 (01:51)
from "Le Marginal"
3.  The Outsider - Conclusion (06:23)
from "Le Marginal"
4.  The Outsider - Main titles movie version (02:07)
from "Le Marginal", previously unreleased
5.  The Outsider - Main titles alternative version (02:00)
from "Le Marginal", previously unreleased
6.  The Burglars - Main theme (03:20)
from "Le Casse"
7.  Love theme (03:10)
from "Le Casse"
8.  Marinella (01:38)
from "Le Casse"
9.  Argomenti (03:41)
from "Le Casse", vocal by Astrud Gilberto
10.  For Zacharia (02:56)
from "Le Casse"
11.  The daughter to the edge (02:26)
from "Le Casse"
12.  Dangerous turn (03:21)
from "Le Casse"
13.  But not a lot of sex (03:46)
from "Le Casse"
14.  Rodeo (04:23)
from "Le Casse"
15.  One woman who loves (02:58)
from "Le Casse", vocal by Astrud Gilberto
16.  The Burglars (02:42)
from "Le Casse", previously unreleased

Total Duration: 02:01:35
Track listing contributed by ilja

DRG Records DRG 32908

DRG Records DRG 32908  

United States 
Release Date


Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Ritorno Di Ringo, Il
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Navajo Joe
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Uccellacci E Uccellini
 Battaglia Di Algeri, La
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Giardino Delle Delizie, Il
 Resa Dei Conti, La
 Bataille De San Sebastian, La
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Gli Intoccabili
 Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo, L'
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Città Violenta
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Giù La Testa
 Sans Mobile Apparent
 Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso, La
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Moses The Lawgiver
 Exorcist II: The Heretic
 Gatto, Il
 Umanoide, L'
 Dedicato Al Mare Egeo
 Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo, La
 Once Upon A Time In America
 Mission, The
 Untouchables, The
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Califfa, La
 Dio è Con Noi
 Che C'Entriamo Noi Con La Rivoluzione?
 Mosca Addio
 Cuore Di Mamma
 Espion, Lève-Toi
 Trio Infernal, Le
 Banquière, La
 Alibi, L'
 Gatto A Nove Code, Il
 ¡Vamos A Matar, Compañeros!
 Tepepa... Viva La Revolución
 Tempo Di Uccidere
 Dimenticare Palermo
 Tre Colonne In Cronaca
 Agnese Va A Morire, L'
 Questa Specie D'Amore
 D'Amore Si Muore
 Piazza Di Spagna
 Diavolo Nel Cervello, Il
 Cugina, La
 Crudeli, I
 Donna Invisibile, La
 Venexiana, La
 Ruffian, Le
 Serpent, Le
 Cage Aux Folles 3 - 'Elles' Se Marient, La
 Marginal, Le

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone Anthology
 Ennio Morricone Anthology, An

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 28
Wish list: 6

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  The Lady Caliph (02:36)
from "La Califfa"
2.  Women and the River (01:06)
from "La Califfa"
3.  Sans Mobile Apparent (04:20)
from "Sans Mobile Apparent"
4.  Night Search (02:10)
from "Sans Mobile Apparent"
5.  A Friend (02:36)
from "Revolver"
6.  The Ballad of Hank McCain (02:08)
from "Gli Intoccabili"
7.  Rosemary (02:04)
from "Gli Intoccabili"
8.  Gott mit Uns (04:24)
from "Dio è con Noi"
9.  What am I Doing ? (04:54)
from "Che c'entriamo noi con la Rivoluzione"
10.  Come Maddalena (04:17)
from "Maddalena"
11.  Moscow Farewell (04:46)
from "Mosca Addio"
12.  Amusing Diversion (02:58)
from "Cuore di Mamma"
13.  I Bambini ci Chiedono Perché
from "Perché?"
14.  A Neighborhood Song (03:35)
from "Quartiere"
15.  Le Vent, Le Cri (05:10)
from "Le Professionnel"
16.  My Name is Nobody (03:10)
from "Il Mio Nome è Nessuno"
17.  Marche en La (03:00)
from "Espion, Lève-Toi"
18.  Le Trio Infernal (04:10)
from "Le Trio Infernal"
19.  Dédicace (03:33)
from "La Banquière"
20.  Belinda May (02:52)
from "L'Alibi"
21.  Lullaby in Blue (02:37)
from "Il Gatto a Nove Code"
22.  Compañeros (02:23)
from "Vamos a Matar, Compañeros"

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Slalom (01:30)
from "Slalom"
2.  Sestriere (02:25)
from "Slalom"
3.  Viva la Revolucion (04:18)
from "Tepepa"
4.  Chi Mai (05:05)
from "Maddalena"
5.  A Far Away Italy (03:07)
from "Tempo di Uccidere"
6.  Dimenticare Palermo (04:18)
from "Dimenticare Palermo"
7.  Three Columns in Front Page (03:15)
from "Tre Colonne in Cronica"
8.  The Lamb is Going to Die? (03:09)
from "L'Agnese Va a Morire"
9.  Song of Nostalgie (03:10)
from "L'Agnese Va a Morire"
10.  This Kind of Love (03:09)
from "Questa Specie d'Amore"
11.  To the People of Parma (02:40)
from "Questa Specie d'Amore"
12.  A Little Bitter Irony
from "D'Amore si Muore"
13.  Place of Spain (02:47)
from "Piazza di Spagna"
14.  Reason, Hart, Love (03:26)
from "Il Diavolo nel Cervello"
15.  Veruschka (02:55)
from "Veruschka"
16.  The Cousin (04:09)
from "La Cugina"
17.  The Hellbenders (02:31)
from "I Crudeli"
18.  To Serenity (01:51)
from " La Donna Invisibile"
19.  La Venexiana (02:15)
from "La Venexiana"
20.  Western? (03:36)
from "Le Ruffian"
21.  Theme for a Woman Alone (02:35)
from "Le Serpent"
22.  Châteaux en Ecosse (03:16)
from "La Cage aux Folles 3"
23.  The Outsider (03:54)
from "Le Marginal"

Total Duration: 02:18:10
Track listing contributed by Frank Marquet

General Music 806.057 Image supplied by

General Music 806.057  

Release Date
3 LP box.

Also contains music from:
 Flic Ou Voyou
 Casse, Le
 As Des As, L'
 Scoumoune, La
 Marginal, Le
 Animal, L'
 Corps De Mon Ennemi, Le
 Guignolo, Le
 Incorrigible, L'
 Magnifique, Le
 Peur Sur La Ville

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Meilleurs Bandes Originales Des Films De Jean-Paul Belmondo

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 20
Wish list: 4

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  CHI MAI (Le Professionnel) (05:05)
Ennio Morricone
2.  LE CASSE (03:17)
Ennio Morricone
3.  LE RETOUR (Le Professionnel) (05:30)
Ennio Morricone
4.  FLIC OU VOYOU (01:30)
Philippe Sarde
5.  BORSALINO (02:26)
Claude Bolling
6.  A BERLIN, TOI ET MOI - (L'AS DES AS) (02:48)
Vladimir Cosma
7.  THEME D'AMOUR- (LE CASSE) (03:07)
Ennio Morricone
Francois de Roubaix
S. Sondheim

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  LE MARGINAL (06:23)
Ennio Morricone
2.  L'ANIMAL THEME - (L'ANIMAL) (02:36)
Vladimir Cosma
Francis Lai
Philippe Sarde
5.  L'AS DES AS (03:20)
Vladimir Cosma
Ennio Morricone
Francis Lai
Georges Delerue
9.  THEME (01:20)
10.  OY ! OY ! OY ! - (L'AS DES AS) (03:32)
Vladimir Cosma

Disc/Cassette 3

Ennio Morricone
Francis Lai
3.  JE L'AIME ELLE M'AIMAIT ? (03:00)
4.  LA SCOUMOUNE- Theme principal - (LA SCOUMOUNE) (02:30)
Francois de Roubaix
Vladimir Cosma
Claude Bolling
7.  KANGOUROU - (L'ANIMAL) (02:26)
Vladimir Cosma
Ennio Morricone
9.  LE MARGINAL (Le fille et le garcon) - (LE MARGINAL) (06:32)
Ennio Morricone

Total Duration: 01:32:14
Track listing contributed by schmit.christian

Play Time FGL 3063652PL2010057 Image supplied by
Frank Marquet

Play Time FGL 3063652PL2010057  

Release Date

Limited edition of 2,000 copies.

Also contains music from:
 Choc, Le
 Ripoux, Les
 Vivement Dimanche!
 Battant, Le
 Train D'Enfer
 Mille Milliards De Dollars
 Crime, La
 Bar Du Téléphone, Le
 Indic, L'
 Indiscrétion, L'
 Conseil De Famille
 Tir Groupé
 Extérieur, Nuit
 Caviar Rouge, Le
 Agent Trouble
 Descente Aux Enfers
 Addition, L'
 On Ne Meurt Que 2 Fois
 Association De Malfaiteurs
 Grand Pardon, Le

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Du Rififi Au Ciné, Vol. 3

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 34
Wish list: 9

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

1.  Le Choc
LE CHOC by Philippe Sarde (1982)
2.  Générique
LE PROFESSIONEL by Ennio Morricone (1981) tracks 2-3
3.  Le Retour
4.  Les Ripoux
LES RIPOUX by Francis Lai (1984)
5.  Vivement Dimanche
VIVEMENT DIMANCHE by Georges Delerue (1983)
6.  Le Battant
LE BATTANT by Christian Dorisse (1983)
7.  Train d'enfer
TRAIN D'ENFER by Michel Legrand (1984)
8.  Mille Milliards De Dollars
MILLE MILLIARDS DE DOLLARS by Philippe Sarde (1982)
9.  La Crime
LA CRIME by Reinhardt Wagner (1983)
10.  Le Bar du téléphone
LE BAR DU TÉLÉPHONE by Vladimir Cosma (1980)
11.  Canicule
CANICULE by Francis Lai (1984)
12.  L'indic
L'INDIC by Michel Magne (1983)
13.  L'indiscrétion
L'INDISCRÉTION by Eric Demarsan (1982)
14.  Conseil de famille
CONSEIL DE FAMILLE by Georges Delerue (1986) tracks 14-15
15.  Sur la route des chantieurs
16.  Tir groupé
TIR GROUPÉ by Hubert Rostaing (1982)
17.  Extérieur
EXTÉRIEUR, NUIT by Karl-Heinz Schäfer (1980) tracks 17-18
18.  La Chasse
19.  Le Caviar rouge
LE CAVIAR ROUGE by Jean-Claude Petit (1986)
20.  Agent Trouble
AGENT TROUBLE by Gabriel Yared (1987)
21.  Descente aux enfers
DESCENTE AUX ENFERS by Georges Delerue (1986)
22.  L'Addition
L'ADDITION by Jean-Claude Petit (1984)
23.  On Ne Meurt Que Deux Fois
ON NE MEURT QUE DEUX FOIS by Claude Bolling (1985)
24.  Association De Malfaiteurs
25.  Le Grand Pardon
LE GRAND PARDON by Serge Franklin (1982)

Track listing contributed by Dorian

Playtime PL 0703106 Image supplied by

Playtime PL 0703106  

Release Date

Also contains music from:
 Clan Des Siciliens, Le
 Secret, Le
 Casse, Le
 Trio Infernal, Le
 Sans Mobile Apparent
 René La Canne
 Attentato, L'
 I... Comme Icare
 Cage Aux Folles, La
 Peur Sur La Ville
 Espion, Lève-Toi
 Serpent, Le
 Ruffian, Le
 Banquière, La
 Marginal, Le

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Ennio Morricone - Made In France

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 12
Wish list: 0

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

1.  Le Clan des Siciliens (03:34)
2.  Dialogo 2 (03:20)
Le Clan des Siciliens
3.  Le secret (03:58)
4.  Dal mare (03:32)
Le secret
5.  Le casse (Générique) (03:18)
6.  Le trio infernal (01:53)
7.  Requiem à l'acide sulfurique (05:19)
Le trio infernal
8.  Sans mobile apparent (03:03)
9.  René la Canne (02:58)
10.  L'attentat (04:38)
11.  I comme Icare (03:51)
12.  La vérité et le soleil (02:08)
I comme Icare
13.  La cage aux folles (03:10)
14.  Peur sur la ville (04:09)
15.  Espion lève-toi (03:00)
16.  Canzone lontana (04:21)
Le serpent
17.  Chi mai (03:28)
Le professionnel
18.  Le professionnel (Générique) (02:42)
19.  Viaggio in quatro (03:31)
Le ruffian
20.  Western (01:55)
Le ruffian
21.  Dédicace (03:33)
La banquière
22.  Le marginal (03:53)

Total Duration: 01:15:14
Track listing contributed by Théophile

RCA Records PD 75289 Image supplied by

RCA Records PD 75289  

Release Date

Different covers for the same release.

Also contains music from:
 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari
 Duello Nel Texas
 Pistole Non Discutono, Le
 Pistola Per Ringo, Una
 Ritorno Di Ringo, Il
 Sette Pistole Per I MacGregor
 Per Qualche Dollaro In Più
 Navajo Joe
 Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
 Da Uomo A Uomo
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Grande Silenzio, Il
 Giù La Testa
 Vita, A Volte, è Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza?, La
 Mio Nome è Nessuno, Il
 Pugni In Tasca, I
 Battaglia Di Algeri, La
 Ad Ogni Costo
 Città Violenta
 Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
 Dio è Con Noi
 Sacco E Vanzetti
 Serpent, Le
 Peur Sur La Ville
 Trio Infernal, Le
 Espion, Lève-Toi
 Marginal, Le
 Mission, The
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 Il Etait Une Fois Morricone

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 20
Wish list: 5

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  Ouverture (02:55)
Per un pugno di dollari
2.  Pour une poignée de dollars (01:47)
Per un pugno di dollari
3.  A gringo like me (02:23)
Duello nel Texas
4.  Lonesome Billy (01:47)
Le pistole non discutono
5.  Un pistolet pour Ringo (02:17)
Una pistola per Ringo
6.  The return of Ringo (02:15)
Il ritorno di Ringo
7.  Santa Fe express (01:59)
Sette pistole per i Mac Gregor
8.  La resa dei conti (03:03)
Per qualche dollaro in piu
9.  Pour quelques dollars de plus (02:50)
Per qualche dollaro in piu
10.  Addio colonel (01:45)
Per qualche dollaro in piu
11.  Navajo Joe (02:49)
Navajo Joe
12.  Le bon, la brute et le truand (02:38)
Il buono, il brutto i cattivo
13.  Death rides a horse (03:20)
Da uomo a uomo
14.  L'homme à l'harmonica (03:27)
C'era una volta il West
15.  Il était une fois dans l'Ouest (03:40)
C'era una volta il West
16.  As a judgment (03:05)
C'era una volta il West
17.  Farewell to Cheyenne (02:36)
C'era una volta il West
18.  Le grand silence (02:29)
Il grande silenzio
19.  Il était une fois la révolution (04:14)
Giu la testa
20.  On m'appelle Providence (04:37)
La vita, a volte e molto dura vero providenza ?
21.  Mon nom est Personne (03:10)
Il mio nome e Nessuno
22.  My fault (04:42)
Il mio nome e Nessuno

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  Les poings dans les poches (01:35)
I pugni in tasca
2.  La bataille d'Alger (01:39)
La battaglia di Algeri
3.  Le carnaval des truands (02:35)
Ad ogni costo
4.  La cité de la violence (02:22)
Citta violenta
5.  Enquête sur un citoyen ... (03:25)
Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
6.  Lontano (03:50)
Dio e con noi
7.  Metello (02:36)
"Metello" (ou la naissance de la gloire)
8.  Here's to you (03:10)
Sacco & Vanzetti / chanté par Joan Baez
9.  Canzone lontana (04:20)
Le serpent
10.  Peur sur la ville (03:52)
Peur sur la ville
11.  Le trio infernal (04:11)
Le trio infernal
12.  Romanzo (04:05)
13.  Le vent, le cri (05:10)
Le professionnel
14.  Chi Mai (05:00)
Le professionnel
15.  Marche en la (02:58)
Espion lève-toi
16.  Le marginal (03:50)
Le marginal
17.  Mission (Remix) (02:50)
The mission
18.  Frantic (04:05)
19.  Cinema Paradiso (02:57)
Nuovo cinema Paradiso
20.  Urban night (05:39)

Total Duration: 02:13:57
Track listing contributed by Théophile

Silva Screen SILCD1207

Silva Screen SILCD1207  

Great Britain 
Release Date

Box with 4 CD's.
Digital re-recordings.
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and the Crouch End Festival Chorus, conducted by Derek Wadsworth, Paul Bateman and Nic Raine.
Electronic music realised by Mark Ayres.

Also contains music from:
 Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le
 37°2 Le Matin
 Grand Bleu, Le
 Orfeu Negro
 Camille Claudel
 Casanova Di Federico Fellini, Il
 Choristes, Les
 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
 Cyrano De Bergerac
 Nuit Américaine, La
 Morte A Venezia
 Dolce Vita, La
 Double Vie De Véronique, La
 8 1/2
 Fort Saganne
 Bataille De San Sebastian, La
 Mari De La Coiffeuse, Le
 Luna De Miel
 Jean De Florette
 Jules Et Jim
 Giulietta Degli Spiriti
 Ultimo Tango A Parigi
 Vita è Bella, La
 Homme Et Une Femme, Un
 Mon Oncle
 Pote Tin Kyriaki
 C'era Una Volta Il West
 Opera Sauvage, L'
 Postino, Il
 Reine Margot, La
 Krasnaya Palatka
 Clan Des Siciliens, Le
 État De Siège
 Strada, La
 Blechtrommel, Die
 Parapluies De Cherbourg, Les
 Un Long Dimanche De Fiançailles
 Vitelloni, I
 Demoiselles De Rochefort, Les
 Alexis Zorbas

This label refers to the following compilation album:
 European Film Music Collection, The

Other information
Members who have this label in their:
Collection: 12
Wish list: 5

Things you can do:
 Update this label

  Track listing

Disc/Cassette 1

1.  AMARCORD - Suite (Nino Rota) (05:12)
2.  AMELIE - La Valse D'Amelie (Yann Tiersen) (02:12)
3.  AMELIE - L'Autre Valse D'Amelie (Yann Tiersen) (01:35)
4.  ATLANTIS - Suite (Eric Serra) (05:13)
5.  BETTY BLUE - Suite (Gabriel Yared) (05:36)
6.  THE BIG BLUE - Overture (Eric Serra) (04:49)
7.  BILITIS - Main Theme (Francis Lai) (03:27)
8.  BLACK ORPHEUS - Manha De Carnaval (Luiz Bonfa) (04:20)
9.  CAMILLE CLAUDEL - The Banquet (Gabriel Yared) (03:12)
10.  IL CASANOVA - Main Theme (Nino Rota) (03:26)
11.  LES CHORISTES - Les Choristes (Bruno Coulais) (01:24)
12.  LES CHORISTES - In Memoriam (Bruno Coulais) (03:16)
13.  LES CHORISTES - Vois Sur Ton Chemin (Bruno Coulais) (02:13)
14.  CINEMA PARADISO - Theme (Ennio Morricone) (03:31)
15.  CYRANO DE BERGERAC (Jean-Claude Petit) (05:31)
DISC 1 - Total Time: 54:57

Disc/Cassette 2

1.  DAY FOR NIGHT - Chorale (Georges Delerue) (02:10)
2.  DEATH IN VENICE - Adagietto from Symphony No. 5 (Gustav Mahler) (10:34)
3.  DIVA - Ebben? Ne Andro Lontano, from the opera "La Wally" (Alfredo Catalani) (03:36)
4.  DIVA - Promenade Sentimentale (Vladimir Cosma) (02:34)
5.  LA DOLCE VITA -Suite (Nino Rota) (07:10)
6.  THE DOUBLE LIFE OF VERONIQUE - Concerto In E-Minor (Zbigniew Preisner) (05:04)
7.  8 1/2 - Suite (Nino Rota) (05:13)
8.  EMMANUELLE - Emmanuelle (Pierre Bachelet) (02:49)
9.  FELLINI SATYRICON - Theme (Nino Rota) (03:05)
10.  LA FEMME NIKITA (Eric Serra) (04:14)
11.  FORT SAGANNE - Theme (Philippe Sarde) (05:17)
12.  GUNS FOR SAN SEBASTIAN - Overture (Ennio Morricone) (03:48)
13.  THE HAIRDRESSER'S HUSBAND - Suite (Michael Nyman) (06:56)
14.  HONEYMOON - The Honeymood Song (Mikis Theodorakis) (03:15)
15.  JEAN DE FLORETTE - Main Theme (Jean-Claude Petit) (03:26)
DISC 2 - Total Time: 69:11

Disc/Cassette 3

1.  JULES ET JIM - Main Title / Vacances (Georges Delerue) (04:57)
2.  JULIET OF THE SPIRITS - Suite (Nino Rota) (07:19)
3.  LAST TANGO IN PARIS - The Tango (Gato Barbieri) (03:29)
4.  LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL - Main Theme (Nicola Piovani) (04:38)
5.  A MAN AND A WOMAN - Un Homme Et Une Femme (Francis Lai) (02:40)
6.  A MAN AND A WOMAN - Aujourd'hui C'est Toi (Francis Lai) (02:09)
7.  MON ONCLE / PLAYTIME - Jacques Tati Suite (Francis Lemarque) (05:30)
8.  NEVER ON SUNDAY - Theme (Manos Hadjidakis) (04:12)
9.  NOVECENTO (1900) - Romanzo (Ennio Morricone) (03:31)
10.  ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST - Jill's Theme (Ennio Morricone) (06:05)
11.  OPERA SAUVAGE - L'Enfant (Vangelis) (05:01)
12.  PHAEDRA - Suite (Mikis Theodorakis) (05:15)
13.  IL POSTINO - Theme/ The Bicycle (Luis Bacalov) (04:36)
14.  LE PROFESSIONNEL - Chi Mai (Ennio Morricone) (05:37)
15.  PROVIDENCE - Valse Crepusculaire (Miklos Rozsa) (06:11)
DISC 3 - Total Time: 71:10

Disc/Cassette 4

1.  QUEEN MARGOT - Lullaby (Goran Bregovic) (04:07)
2.  THE RED TENT - Theme (Ennio Morricone) (03:37)
3.  ROMA - Main Theme (Nino Rota) (03:52)
4.  THE SICILIAN CLAN - Theme (Ennio Morricone) (04:07)
5.  STATE OF SIEGE - Theme (Mikis Theodorakis) (02:45)
6.  LA STRADA - Suite (Nino Rota) (06:39)
7.  SUBWAY - Subway / Masquerade (Eric Serra) (04:10)
8.  THE TIN DRUM - Suite (Maurice Jarre) (06:57)
9.  TOPKAPI - Main Theme (Manos Hadjidakis) (03:11)
10.  THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG (Michel Lergrand) (05:06)
11.  A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT - Mathilde's Theme (Angelo Badalamenti) (03:49)
12.  I VITELLONI - Theme (Nino Rota) (03:02)
13.  THE YOUNG GIRLS OF ROCHEFORT - Theme (Michel Legrand) (04:24)
14.  Z - Theme (Mikis Theodorakis) (02:02)
15.  ZORBA THE GREEK - Zorba's Dance (Mikis Theodorakis) (04:24)
DISC 4 - Total Time: 62:12

Total Duration: 04:17:30
Track listing contributed by serifiot

If you know of another release, why don't you tell us about it, so we can add it to our database.